Tuesday, March 3, 2020

March 3 UPDATE - HRC quizzed RE: Email Destruction of Evidence

Hillary Rodthemall Clinton accepted  more cash from convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein than any other politician despite brushing off his donations by claiming he gave money to “every” Democrat.

Weinstein has been married for more than seventeen years of his life to two women, the last one he divorced in 2017. He has FIVE children total by these two women. So it is more than ludicrous and ridiculous that some woman he "bothered" allegedly said Weinstein was very unusual down there, had a pimply back and smelled terrible. She inferred that Weinstein had the wrong equipment as well and that would make it virtually impossible to allegedly father five alleged children by two seperate women. Articles make no mention of serrogate husband-ism, serrogate wife-ism or any sort of adoption and definitely not any adoptions from Morocco which is a popular site for these and the apparently and allegedly "fergitaboutit" and make no records whatsoever for a paper or money sort of "trail"!
Weinstein is allegedly NOT on record for any adoptions and the children allegedly resemble him as well. This makes for a very imaginative sort of witness who allegedly gave cover for many, many alleged alliances over the years. Did an attorney get the idea from a witness who allegedly said something was the size of a roll of U.S. quarters? Did the alleged attorney decide that this alleged testimony could not hurt and allegedly might even help secure a lighter sentence by allegedly introducing doubt in one or more alleged juriors?
One example comes to mind of an alleged "sweet pastry defense" that had a purpetrator allegedly "crazed" and not responsible for his alleged actions because of a "sugar high" or some other mind-influencing physical condition allegedly brought on by too much sugar an the bloodstream? Is it a certainly that a relatively stranger sort of defense "mechanism" has happened in the law records that has gone allegedly unnoticed? It is a fact that court and arrest records are expunged or erased especially in the case of minor children who do not allegedly need to shoulder a lifetime criminal or some sort of allegedly "obtuse" school or courthouse record. Kids get involved in dangerous play activity that can and often does - have severe reprocussions and consequences. After all they are young, inexperienced with life and curious. Other people are a long way from childhood and just want to safeguard their thesis, school records, and other records - from scrutany forever if possible but they would settle for 2099 as an "opening of records date", for instance. Not that Hervey Weinstein or others that have been accused of crimes - would or could even THINK of such a thing!

Federal Election Commission filings reveal that the disgraced movie mogul bundled $1.4 million for Clinton during her presidential bid in 2016 and gave Hillary Clinton another $73,390 back when she ran for  the 1999 New York U.S. Senate seat that had been convienently vacated for her to occupy. Her former POTUS husband allegedly "called in some favors" to secure votes and allegedly did some deeds to entice New York residents to be more likely to vote for Hilliary Clinton. She served at least part of one term as a U.S. Senator before she was appointed Secretary of State by President Barack Hussein Obama.

The first former first lady defended her long relationship with the convicted Harvey Weinstein by swiftlyly shielding herself from examination and intense scrutiny from reporters by noting that Weinstein also raised funds for Barack Hussein Obama, John F.E. Kerry and Al (Climate Change Benafactor)Gore during their erstwhile and some allege - undeserved - presidential bids.

At a public relations-related screening of her new movie, Hillary Clinton stated,“He contributed to every Democrat’s campaign.” Her much bandied about film is called “Hillary” and was being seen by unfortunate viewers at the Berlin Film Festival in recent history, a mere day after Weinstein, 67, was found guilty on rape charges.

Hillary reinterated, “He contributed to Barack Obama’s campaign, and John Kerry’s campaign and Al Gore’s campaign and everybody’s campaign.”

Harvey Weinstein, the Miramax founder, raised $72,100 for Obama but only bundled $679,000 for Obama's 2012 re-election bid. This was "only" half of the funding Weinstein raised for Hillary Clinton, as shown by the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

Allegedly and according to the Center for Responsive Politics (C.R.P.) website, bundlers are “people with friends in high places who, after bumping against personal contribution limits, turn to those friends, associates, and, well, anyone who’s willing to give, and deliver the checks to the candidate.”

Weinstein was a generous donor who also contributed five-figure payments to Democratic lawmakers such as Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand, who replaced Hillary Clinton as the junior senator for New York, and Chuck (the Tumor) Schumer, Cory (Momacita) Booker of New Jersey, Richard the Blumenthal of Connecticut and Patrick (Leaky) Leahy of Vermont, the Green Mountain State. TheseVermont voters have also voted for Bernie Sanders for no apparent reason other than perhaps being allegedly "out of it" like Sanders and other Democrats who are definitely considered allegedly "out of it".
Most Vermont Democrats and Sanders the "Independent" were allegedly confused as to how to pour raw wet deer corn from new boots they had allegedly purchased and had sought to stretch bigger with swollen raw deer corn! Since they had allegedly purchased raw deer corn, perhaps said voters - were hunters who wondered which end of the "tube" the "round" came out of!
(Famously, there is an online picture taken of Al Gore "peeping down the bore of his rifle" while standing in Viet Nam many years ago! One definitely does not "peep down rifle bores" since said rifle MIGHT BE LOADED and "blow off" the head of the "peeper"!

Representative Cory "Mightaswell" Booker enjoyed $17,800, Sen. Chuck (the Tumor) Schumer $14,200, allegedly "Irrassable"Gillibrand $11,000, "Allegedly Incontinent and Leaky" Leahy $5,600 and "allegedly Blooming" Blumenthal $5,400.

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) also pocketed $305,149 from Harvey Weinstein dating back all the way to 1994. Totally, the disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein contributed over $2.3 million to Democratic "war chests".

As Harvey Wwinstein is currently facing huge criticism and "selected Catholic nun hand-spanking-with-a-ruler" and other penalties after sexual assault allegations emerged against him in 2017, Democrats vowed with "allegedly crossed-fingers-behind-their-backs" to repay the $2.3 contributions to women’s charities. Some Republicans held their breaths waiting for Hillary Clinton's brother to repay monies he had recieved and said he would re-pay. Said G.O.P. "breath-holders" were allegedly seen "passing out COLD with purple and blue faces" soon thereafter. Jes Keeding here. Allegedly, HRC's brother Rodthemall was "a little short of funds" for the payback - but all was allegedly forgiven and the media had **NOTHING** to say about the "shortfall" and most likely the DNC will also have a "shortfall" on paying Weinstein's "gonzo dinero" to women's charities when the alleged "lapdog media" will "fergitaboutit" entirely in a week or so. The Cambridge Dictionary (Online) says "forget (about) it definition: infmlused (SP?) to say that something that happened was not important or not something to worry about."

Spokespersons (guys and gals who speak) for Sen. Chuck (the Tumor) Schumer and Rep. Cory (Wood-eye) Booker? recently in early 2020 confirmed that they had allegedly repaid their Harvey (the "Larvey") Weinstein contributions to women’s charities, but Rep. Cory (Wood-eye)Booker? allegedly chose to donate his to the New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Violence.

In 2017, "Kennybunkport" Gillibrand announced she was giving the $11,500 she accepted from Harvey (the Larvey) Weinstein to RAINN, which is allegedly America’s largest anti-sexual violence group. FYI, RAINN is the acronym for "The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network". RAINN is an American nonprofit anti-sexual assault organization, named online as the largest in the U.S. of A. RAINN has furnished America with the National Sexual Assault Hotline, AND the Department of Defense Safe Helpline, and RAINN has numerous successful programs to prevent sexual assault, help out survivors, and guarantee that perpetrators are brought to justice through victim services, public education, public policy, and consulting services. RAINN   received its one millionth caller during the summer of 2006 and it has helped over 2.5 million visitors since 1994. Beginning in 2008, RAINN has provided anonymous, on-line crisis support through its National Sexual Assault Online Hotline via instant messaging. They are as near as a cellular telephone to victims in dire need of help with their particular situation.

Senators "Bloomy" Blumenthal and "Leaky" Leahy also repaid the donated their money to women’s charities, according to their spokespeople. The DNC committed to donating $30,000 to political action groups including pro-choice Emily’s List and will, no doubt, pay up since they support abortion, open borders and all the abuse that allegedly brings on from sex and child traffickking, drugs, disease, and criminality that finds its way across open borders.

In an interview with Cresent News Network (CNN) in 2017, Hillary Rodthemall Clinton stated that it wasn’t possible to pay back all of the money that Harvey Weinstein donated, but $13,000 would be contributed to a women’s organization of her choosing. Hillary Clinton is allegedly "short of funds" after "going through" her book advancement checks by allegedly purchasing the Russia Dossier" from the erstwhile Christopher Steele via a "go-between-firm". She allegedly managed a large gratuous tip for her order at the fast food outlet in 2016, however, so it's not at all true that Hillary Rodthemall Clinton is allegedly a cheapskate-poor-or-no-tip-lawyer. The cashiers and waitpersons in New York and Washington,D.C. will - no doubt - stand tall and proud - for HRC and her allegedly enormous tips.

As for for John (Love Everybody) F.E. Kerry and Barack Hussein Obama - they could not be reached with communications for comment after the Weinstein guilty verdict. Obama was allegedly hard-at-work on his book to finish it quickly and earn that alleged $60 million he had allegedly been advanced by his publisher.

Harvey Weinstein’s links to Michael (Mike) Bloomberg the billionaire presidential wannabe have also been spotlighted with "the light of truth": The convicted rapist recorded a robocall in which Weinstein endorsed Mike Bloomberg during his 2005 New York City mayoral bid.

A Bloomberg spokesman downplayed the endorsement of Bloomberg by Weinstein stating the "Harvey" was known for raising “tens of millions of dollars for 9/11 responders” several years before “the truth” about his predatory behavior became well-known.

KETWORDS: CHUCK SCHUMER ,  CORY BOOKER ,  democRATS ,  republ-I-CANS, DONATIONS ,  HARVEY WEINSTEIN ,  HILLARY CLINTON ,  MICHAEL BLOOMBERG, Larvey, Wood-Eye, Leaky, HRC,Kennybunkport, and other "euphamisms".

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