Thursday, July 16, 2020

The crime of the year  is "yellow journalism" which paints a flu epidemic as WORSE than the Spanish flu of 1918 which left monuments in many U.S. localities emblazoned with thousands of names of flu victims. It lasted from February 1918 to April of 1920  a little over 100 years ago.

In Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, the first case of the deadly, fast-spreading Spanish Flu strain of influenza on September 17, 1918 caused a quick acting mayor and city counsel's attempt to halt the virus’ spread with a campaign against coughing, spitting, and sneezing in public. Nevertheless some ten days later — Philadelphia held a scheduled-in-advance and thus mostly not-to-be-cancelled — parade attended by 200,000 people.

As Philadelphia had a wait-and-see or committee-must-debate attitude toward the deadly Spanish Flu — it required them a full EIGHT DAYS to enact city-wide ban of gatherings and school-closings - the city took the "biggest hit" of the four major cities (748) that included New York City (452), St. Louis (348), San Francisco (673) and metropolitan Philadelphia itself #1 (748).

Contrast common sense 1918 with New York Governor Cuomo's "brilliant" disbursement of some 62,000 COVID-19 hospitalized patients to nursing homes AFTER the nationwide news had announced days before that over two dozen patients had DIED in a nursing home in Washington State. This sort of cleverness would have doomed many thousands of 1918 New Yorkers to an early grave, making New York a "HOTSPOT" instead of Philadelphia by THOUSANDS of Spanish Flu victims! 

But you see, this "reporting" of everything, every death, every sickness being COVID related from these influential media types has caused a lot of grief, suffering, growing of the U.S. national debt and this effects all Americans in one way or another. Although the swine killed thousands just as COVID-19 has - there was no "sky is falling" mantra repeated 2.1 billion times as reported by Dr. Ron Paul who has researched the "pandemic".

Nowadays, as the entire world slows to a screeching halt in response to COVID-19, scientists and historians are studying the 1918 outbreak for its clues to the absolutely most effective way to stop a global pandemic. The efforts brought about in 1918 to stem the flu’s spread in cities across America—and the great outcomes—may indeed offer lessons for person-kind to fight today’s alpha-numeric "c" word crisis. Many computer-oriented persons prefer this terminology over the BURNED OUT USAGE of "crown-looking virus" so hourly dispatched by the rabid media in a minute-by-minute attempt to put America into utter panic. GFY media-types...very much...and put some peanut butter in the orifice involved.

BTW, ONE flu victim from outside Liberty University is not enough to raise an alarm for the thousands of students attending said university with many thousands more taking online courses from home using "social distancing". Nevertheless, some modern social platforms are even against the re-opening of schools, businesses and this "new normal" is even saying Americans will be masking up like desperadoes waiting for a train - for years! This did not happen during the "Spanish Flu" or even Swine Flu and other annual flu varieties and nobody blamed dust from Mexico on the Sahara Desert in North Africa to cover up for Mexico! It is noted that probably after a few dozen calls from irate but intelligent Americans that the "Sahara Dust" just "went away" as a news story, never to be mentioned again. At the time, the "powers that be crazy" thought that the "Dust That Went Out of It Way 1000s of Miles" was VITAL to the ongoing mythology that mask wearing prevents Sahara Dust fro "getting you". But the national news has of lately - been deficient in reporting the facts. For instance, widespread FIRES in Mexico were ignored when the winds brought them to New Mexico, Arizona, Texas and other states because, even then, there was bias in the news. Why? Because news organizations were infiltrated long ago according to insiders like that reporter who called them the "W" word. BTW, the sound of this word slang-wise infers "that the media are collectively not the sharpest tool in the shed" - so to speak.

CRIMES are on the Uptick!

Some as early as February and March had cities such as New York City, Chicago, Portland, Minneapolis, and Houston seeing an upsurge in violence, murders, and domestic abuse cases.

New York City, New York

According to the July 13, 2020 New York Post, the N.Y.C. experienced another round of “astronomical” violence after more than 17 people were shot with firearms in several boroughs.

A Brooklyn police officer told the New York Post,“Those numbers would be high for a Friday or Saturday, but for a Monday they are astronomical.”

Police drove up at residences because of calls of shootings, some fatal, in Canarsie, Manhattan, Brooklyn neighborhoods over the weekend and into Monday night. A 17-year-old gunshot victim who was head shot, is still “clinging to life” in critical condition.

At the same time, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio recently pledged to cut the New York City Police Department’s budget for his own Democrat reasons such as favor with Black Lives Matter followers who loathe the police.
Some have been known to sing "The Police as Bacon" song because of media siding against the police. The police themselves have recruitment problems and several are seeking early retirement citing many unmanageable problems. The "Bluebloods" TV show, although fictionalized, is drawn from real life situations.

NYC Mayor de Blasio stated,“The details will be worked out in the budget process in the weeks ahead, but I want people to understand that we are committed to shifting resources to ensure that the focus is on our young people.” (Apparently giving a break to those who vote a certain way and like chaos and disturbance and vitriolic comments toward police officers?)

Chicago, Illinois

Discharges of firearms took the lives of some 11 people and more than 64 were injured as the summer heat escalated violence levels in Chicago. According to ABC 7 News, at least six of those shot were teens. A 15-year-old was also shot to death over the weekend.

Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown said the Chicago Police Department is addressing the recent violence with the addition of over 65 officers to the “summer mobile patrol unit” to increase police presence and build bonding and more favorable relationships with the community at large.

Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown stated to ABC 7 News, “We will be deploying our resources around historical data, where violence has occurred the last few weekends and historically over the last couple years, but we will be partnering with the community.”

Portland, Oregon

Portland, Oregon's Fox 12 News reported that violence has increased as the Portland Police Bureau (PPB) took up investigations of 4 homicides - AKA murders - in three days over the second week of July.

During July's first week, the PPB reported a 240 percent increase in shootings in Portland since July of 2019.

Portland's Chief of Police Chuck Lovell stated,“Gun violence negatively impacts everyone in our community and the increase we are seeing is alarming,  “[Portland Police Bureau or PPB] continues to investigate these crimes and we ask for the public’s help with tips and leads.”

Portland was one of several Democratic "Machine" cities that pledged to cut its funding of police departments in light of George Floyd’s death and “De-fund the Police” campaigns currently taking place. Alarming as it is, Democrat Machine cities assure Democrat Presidential candidates, about 100 MILLION votes making the USA's Founding Fathers' Electoral College super critical in assuring that "non-worthy" Democrat puppet politicians are NOT elected since they have contributed mightily to the national debt and the "Slouching of the USA Toward Gomorrah" as noted by conservatives who follow and support the US Constitution and its safeguards for liberty and freedom in These United States. Those who favor law and order over chaos and crime were chagrined and bothered by the fact that Oregon Public Broadcasting reported that the Portland city council approved a $15 million cut to the PPB’s budget and may consider more due to "liberal anti-police" public pressure.

Minneapolis, Minnesota

As 8 people or more were injured and one were reported as lifeless after several shootings on the night of Friday, July 10 in Minneapolis. According to WCCO 4 CBS, this comes just a few days after another deadly night in Minneapolis with two dead and at least five injured.

Police officer Garrett Parten as a spokesman for Minneapolis' Police said, “Embrace the sanctity of life, certainly, we as officers and the police department will do everything we can in investigating and doing what we can to prevent (crimes).”

Minneapolis was one of the first mal-fluenced cities to unanimously pass a resolution calling for a removal and replacement of the Minneapolis Police Department. The Minneapolis City Council passed the resolution with “the intent to create a trans-formative new model for cultivating safety in our city.” Although they did not mention Volunteer Vigilante Policing - the absence of civil authority leaves self-defense as a viable option for those in danger from criminals. The citizen can and often does make a "citizen's arrest" by locking criminals up in rooms until the police arrive, if police are still an option for maintaining the peace.

Houston, Texas

KPRC 2 reported that at least several fatal domestic violence incidents occurred over the three day weekend in Houston. Besides the shootings related to domestic violence, the Houston Police Department also reported a 37 percent increase in homicides (murders) in the Houston area since 2019.

Houston Chief of Police Art Acevedo stated, “We know there’s been a lot of uptick in violence in terms of the drug trafficking and murders related to drug trafficking and the drug market."

While searching diligently for a mention of the "new" breed of reporter/cavort-er who has digressed his/her dementia (LATEST UPDATE: 3.2 million Americans and hundreds of THOUSANDS of Brits in England will be dying of alpha-numeric "C" word ANY MOMENT NOW!!! So get those coffins manufactured and those cremation ovens "FIRED UP" for the mass of humanity "croaking off" and dying by the MILLIONS that are hanging on by the "skin of their teeth precariously on the edge of DEATH".. beyond Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) into "We're all gonna die-ism". The web search yielded a mention of Bureau of Land Management's copyrighted initials that have been Marx-ized into a "beneficially" destructive and lucrative terrorist business by three former ladies currently fleecing corporations into higher prices for consumers "for that murdered non-Caucasian minority" so graffiti accurately depicted with huge angelic wings.

But to make a long story even longer - Adley Stump is a former "The Voice" contestant living in England and daring to spoof the almost universally deadly, kinda, sorta, alpha-numeric "C" word!

Asley Stump's parody video shared and went viral on social media Parlour

'First, you must not leave the house for any reason, unless, of course, you have a reason and then you may leave the house,' she explains in the video. 'All stores are closed, except those that are open. (Or newly re-product, re-made, and re-purposed into essential ones that may or may not sell food, liquor and lottery, which everyone knows are essential for survival of person-kind!!) And all stores must close, unless, of course, they need to stay open.' )As the aforementioned essential ones AND the newly re-purposed ones so brilliantly reformed to "make" money and actually compete raking in necessarily higher prices with older stores that have been around for eons selling at reasonable prices.)

Adley added that a lock-down is essentially a suspicious thing when one reads between the lines since government taxes that get wasted on "butter" and some say "extracurricular war". She makes fun of some of the confusing misinformation about the virus, which is still a mystery to doctors and scientists around the world who do not want patients getting the cheap malarial drug cure because it's too safe and big pharma has no modified expensive malarial drug to compete with it and wants to wait for MORE updated flu shots from China.

Adley Stump states, 'This virus is deadly, but don't be afraid of it, It can only kill people who are vulnerable...and also those who are not vulnerable. (Especially in London, and the South Side of Chicago and New York City and Los Angeles and New Orleans where "hot lead" is such a "pollutant of the environment".)

'We should stay locked down until the virus stops infecting people, and it will only stop infecting people if enough of us get infected that we build immunity. So it is very important that we get infected and also do not get infected.'

In the spoof uploaded broadcast, Adley Stump references previous beliefs about alpha-numeric "C" word that have been proven not to be true and may even mention the anti-malarial immunity aspect that has been both promoted by persons of repute and nixed or put down by media persons of ill repute and lesser reputations. These media folk are much like a "caps-lock" - a thoroughly annoying and aggravating necessity unless annually or sarcastically used during vacations for "shouting rants".

'This virus has no effect on children except for those children in which it affects, the virus remains active on different surfaces for two hours or four hours — or six hours. (And the sunlight disinfects the air and masks on the dash of one's car or in sunlight "on the line" - or a fresh one must be purchased daily and used masks discarded.)

Crime of the Week
It’s easy for most of us to just hop on Twitter, type a few words, get it censored into oblivion (bit bucket in the sky) by Twitter and signal to others on where we stand on an issue. Some What's happening remarks are actually on Twitter for 30-40 seconds unless one is a BONIFIDE CELEBRITY and may loathe caps-lock intensely thinking it should be a three key operation selling lots of new keyboards that are mot necessarily even QWERTY ones. However, for people like Grayson, who have to live with the consequences of the riots, the problems their community will face following the aftermath of the violence will be long-lasting.

Keon Antonio Grayson’s Background
Before we address the economic damages caused by the violence, we need to remember that the devastation we see on our screens represents the lives of individual people who have to live in the community that’s being destroyed.

As for Australia...

Unknown to most people an Anonymous Australian lotto winner distributed Guns and Ammunition to outback in 2019 which Australia had de-gunned years before resulting in Mad Max Mental Anguish (MMMA). People began to worry that police just hours away would not be a deterrent to crime and so wanting to stay sound of mind and body - they wanted to protect themselves "Mad Max" style. Talk about Americans upset that police take 30 minutes to respond to a call of a crime. Aussies could radio for police but it might require three hours for the authorities to arrive during which assailants have had their way with the maid, the women and girl-folk and taken everything of value leaving the man of the house tied up in his own underwear naked as the day he was born! Worst case scenario sure - but IF something like that happened even partially - the media would be mum -silent. The media would not want to upset the populace with anecdotal truth but would calm the readership with human interest stories to keep them in the dark (with the proverbial mushrooms). Who knows what EVIL lurks in the hearts of men! (Old Shadow radio show quote but sounds like women's liberation movement (WLM). Most media do,in fact, ignore "small local stories such as (unnamed) worker who fell 40 feet into empty water purification tank survives fall" and "Statue of Winston Churchill vandalized - hands painted red - no suspects apprehended" and "businessman robbed while making a deposit was hospitalized with head injury". These stories get the rubbish bin because the "editor doesn't think them newsworthy since might disturb the peaceful thoughts of the readership."

In America stories like, "White House: Over 100 Anarchists Arrested; More Than 200 Domestic Terrorism Probes Opened - Did mask-less, non-social distancing Floyd protesters/looters/vandals cause COVID-19 spike"? US Editors-in-chief simply shelf narratives that do not match the typical COVID-19 story agenda as editors and their oligarchy power play owners want the "chosen ones" they voted for back in power and upstart anti socialism ageist reformists sent away from Washington,DC for good of powers-that-be regaining social stature and power - making billions again from generous government programs. It became readily apparent that ONE TESTING POSITIVE in a workforce would get ENTIRE CREW OF 57 QUARANTINED for two weeks. But what is the nervous Nelly or Neal" was a false positive? The business suffered ZERO SALES and PRODUCTION while the ENTIRE WORKFORCE was detained OVER NOTHING! Many MILLIONS have realized that this LATEST RUSE is RE-CRIPPLING the US Economy with willful intent to cripple the US Economy which has been bouncing back rapidly until this latest GAMBIT SETBACK occurred to liberals who mre or less - "RUN THE EVENING NEWS".

Bunched COVID-ians Sorta Kinda like 41-ders, Never-Trumpers and even that tabloid that regurgitates
older stories as "news". It's OK to "background" a story like "Families of 57 Massacred Receive (Something akin to closure) When Evil-Deed-Doers Sentenced in 2019. But "journalism" crosses the line to highlight and bring back alleged police atrocities and compare them to unfortunate accidents - is manipulation of the public by the press AKA "Yellow Journalism". But the media has an agenda to compare apples to oranges IF that it what it takes. They will manipulate in any way they can. So what is a video was edited to show when the police had to resort to a foursome against one man who just happened to be energized and crazed by DRUGS to have the "strength of ten" so to speak and be attacking the officers. Mitigated and reasonable circumstances get edited out when police brutality is to be made the issue. It is especially wrong to front page headline a police shooting incident that was judged self-defense and never went to trial. Who knows how many orange-tipped toy guns have been modified for realism and end up getting someone shot?
People who know of such "toys" should lock them up like "real" guns since the toys look real even up close!

But back to the Bunched (like bananas)COVID-ians...there is nothing like running a scare-mongering campaign ESPECIALLY when deaths were worse under a president often called "The One." This was the kind of guy who received undeserved media admiration when he accidentally does something right much like a broken/dead battery clock being right twice daily! Not naming any names but this has been repeatedly done to nostalgically enhance people like him for decades. A guy like US Grant was even eulogized nostalgically by some newspapers of his day after his term of office had produced numerous scandals because he had listened to the wrong advisers. Grant was given "the benefit of the doubt" as his military career had "white-washed" his political career. Sure Grant was a human being and subject to error like all of us who will admit to occasional error or failure to have brought about the "proper scenario". But as a US President - Grant was probably more of a puppet thrust by circumstance - into a puppet play and "stringed" into choosing this person and that person - who just happened to be crooks. If a president is sufficiently ADMIRED - he sort of "gets a pass" when his choices are bad or just not quite right especially if he does not get rich from crony-ism BUT when a president deliberately chooses a man who is well-known and even admitted to being a low-life scheming communist - THAT means that POTUS is that sort himself or chooses dangerous people in order to accomplish the downfall of the USA. The credit rating decline was evidential of this man's intentions. And loss of thousands of jobs while the national debt rose exponentially due to too many domestic "freebies" and socialism of medicine. Then this POTUS appeared to allow the enemy to avenge themselves against an entire helicopter full of Navy SEALS as if to avenge someone that was a shill and had died in 2001 with a phony replacement "for enemy propaganda". That's all the guy was so that Navy SEALS knew immediately that they had been "played" to make the POTUS look warlike and strong when the previous POTUS knew very well that this "big time enemy" was just a "POSER" puppet for propaganda. The pictures of the post-2001 "bin Laden" look nothing like the pre-2001 pictured AND the short thighs while the bearded man is sitting reveal that he is typically SHORT and NOT over 6 foot 6 as was the REAL bin Laden. One version of the impostor getting himself SHOT has the young wife yelling "It's NOT HIM!!!" in Farsi before the sudden move for the machine gun got the impostor HEAD SHOT. After getting a 6 foot plus SEAL to lie next to the corpse - it was all to apparent that "SHORTY" was NOT bin Laden although he had posed in several videos as "bin Laden".

There are presidents who never get media credit for anything they do because the mainstream AKA "lame stream" media has a pre-plotted narrative to maintain. It is amazing how the "RIGHT" can acknowledge "right-doing" while the "left" only sees "past-wrong-doing" in leu of
"grievous errors" in the present day and age!  What young guy has not said something in the past that he'd rather have forgotten by the world? This same guy or gal might even be occasionally reminded of these utterances whenever there is a "fight" AKA "disagreement" in order that he/she might look favorably on something disagreed upon in the present though the saying might have been decades ago. This is the stuff of arguments. The dredging up of past mistakes and mis-speaks is "par for the course" and one half of a couple MIGHT be more prone to dredging than the other. All opposition is this way. That is why in a court of law it is not permissible to refer to old cases when addressing the punishment for a new case. That is why police records of past offenses are NOT court evidence per se. They can be used for "character analysis" as with witness character analysis to ascertain the validity of testimony in certain instances adjudged as "permissible". Conviction for past crimes or "goofs" was then was punishment or lack of punishment - then. Usually, and rightly so since people change...old convicted crimes are not deemed evidence and the "new crime" must be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Some things are indeed "circumstantial" like deaths among carrot eaters being not really related to carrot eating but entirely circumstantial. Many millions eat this vegetable of all ages usually cooked but this is about as "circumstantial" as it gets to be. There is nothing inherently lethal about carrots properly prepared and not "aged" so that they are "unsafe" for consumption. Likewise, a politician should be judged by "how properly prepared" and his/her deeds. Is this person a "reliable witness" or flawed in character as evidenced by something ridiculous that he or she has been "caught" in fib after fib of a grandiose and obvious nature. Such a fib might be one like does this person recommend a long-defunct drinking establishment? Does this person represent himself/herself as a moralistic person while saying 500,000 US citizens became unemployed this month during a booming economy? Does this person insist that they are of a religion seemingly to spite those who say that he/she has PUBLISHED that they are of this religion on the internet? And is this still visible on the internet or has it been "scrubbed". Have details of this person's school and college records been "locked" by various methods or "scrubbed". Does this person have a political record of being a career politician but have several "controversial" if not amoral accomplishments in promoting legislation of a devious or Zero Population Growth (ZPG or replacement)nature? Muslims already outnumber everyone else in Europe where they have "no-go zone" that observe Sharia Law in defiance of the "host" country's laws.
This creates a kind of "sanctuary site" where someone breaking the host country's laws can be judged by Sharia Law, perhaps pay a fine, and not have to worry about being caught and tried in a "host country's" court because he/she has been penalized to the satisfaction of the group judging using Sharia Law OVER the law(s) that were broken in the "infidel" areas. This quasi-legal system works as long as the host country cannot punish the person(s) because the Muslim communities are protecting them and in most cases have already dealt with the "transgression" according to Sharia Law which many non-Muslim countries do not observe since they are more or less "sovereign nations" at least until the ZPG keeps their non-Muslim population diminished so that the ever-growing Muslim population can "vote" them out and the country "goes Muslim". Many countries already have Muslim representatives as a "fourth column" of sorts that votes against the "old country" in favor of the Caliphate with "stooges" among the non-Muslims who "go along to get along." The lackeys, go-along" and "trade partners politically" do not realize that like under communism, they will be re-educated, enslaved, and/or treated exactly like non-believers and probably shot unless their money can buy them life under Sharia Law as apostates "paying the price" and allowed to "convert" or just be tolerated for their "bribes" and "fees"! According to some historians, the Moors were in this category as they were tolerated "converts" to Islam and allowed to even practice their own religion as they were "paying tribute". They over-ran Spain and other countries for a time until Charlemagne and the Franks and their Muslim allies drove them out of Europe. Then "Frankland" sent the allied Muslims "home" with the other Moors and people they had helped oust from Europe according to some scholars who even note "colourized" paintings from Charlemagne's time that re-wrote history as victors usually do. People do not realize that Charlemagne was the THIRD in his line to fight and was just finishing off what two generations of Franks had been doing by "Kicking" the Moors out of Europe. There is Spanish history with "shoreline" kingdoms fighting as well but most "world history" does not mention these. Some people even think that an upper Spanish coastline kingdom was in the new world and that's why a part of Mexico spoke the language well enough to amaze the "Spanish Conquistadors" of many years later! Their Spanish were wondering HOW did these New World natives speak this language of Spain but not Castilian or "regular Spanish". Was it because of Portuguese explorers or the lesser language province explorers arriving prior to the Spanish Conquistadors? Like wise huge stone heads with African native characteristics could signify that tese people were also in South and Central America before Columbus. Many historians credit Eric the Red and other Vikings as discovering America prior to Columbus BUT their settlements were eliminated by "going home" and other ways unknown to historians. Nevertheless, a coin and some misplaced "timeline artifacts"like ruins suggest that the Vikings were FIRST unless those who mined copper in Northern America were "FIRST" but this was also pre-Columbus and largely unsubstantiated since there are few clues as to WHO the copper miners were much less from wince they ventured in exploration but not settlement or temporary non-lasting settlement. (Rumour has it that a Smithsonian explorer of the Grand Canyon found enough Egyptian articafts that he achieved the naming of several landmarks with Egyptian names. Nevertheless, having affected landscape names - the Smithsonian explorer was discredited and to this day - that area is off-limits to tourists for safety of and peace-of-mind of everyone who appreciates and studies U.S. history.

What does this have to do with present-day voting? Little except to say that some historians and archaeologists even think the present civilization on Earth - is the FOURTH of such advanced civilizations by humankind. Fellows like Zacharia Stitchens even have a different narrative for how humankind was on Earth altogether! Interesting theories! But theories nonetheless.

What kind of history book could speculate on all of this "anecdotal internet evidence"?
It would certainly be unusual!

But politics-in-USA-wise, this is all pre-historic maybe-so and 99% unrelated to the present day except for humankind's inexplicably rapid advancements in the present civilization. Some of these theories of humankind civilization MIGHT serve to answer some questions but would surely "open a can of worms" in other areas!

One has to remember that person-kind has developed the present civilization with myriads of differences in cultures and countries. Thus politics and country-rule varies greatly society to society.

Any of these questions are very relevant as to vote-getting. One should not blindly vote "from tradition" or "as usual". One should not vote "as bribed" to vote but investigate the candidate with an open mind. Knowledge of persons being bribed to vote a certain way (like dead people needing to be "barred" from "rising to vote") - should be a strike against this type of voting. Indeed the possibility of votes being "sorted wrongly" - should disqualify this method of voting. That "hanging chad" is famously of this nature. Was this "chad" glued to indicate a certain vote? Were these "trunk-of-car-found votes" really "timely" or were they hastily fabricated somehow? Does this Senate seat REALLY "get inherited" by the widow/widower? Is this a fair determination of a "new politician"? Or is this "monkey business" or "monkey shines" - acceptable?

What sort of "oppositional party" would "stand still" for this? Might they have "scared" or "intimidated" leadership? Or just "going along to get among"? One candidate has been struggling to defeat this leadership for several years. This has become increasingly obvious since "party leaders" condone all sorts of behaviors "to get along" with members of the other party. Not to say that they "have the fear" but acquiesce to seemingly controversial happenings a bit too much. This coupled with "double-funding" a certain candidate and "fast-tracking" two more - has "tipped their hand" so to speak and "given away their playbook". Small wonder that a certain country is said to be an oligarchy of sorts. An oligarchy is defined as "rule by a few". It is also noted that the wealthy of the country that goes unmentioned - do pay over 90% of the taxes while the lower half money-wise pay about 10%. This includes people who inexplicably receive "unearned income" as payback from a certain political party AND the "sunshine patriots/go-a-longs" of the other major party. Any similarity to a country unmentioned is purely coincidental and could even refer to one in South America for all we know. Political Science informs students that of the more than 210 countries that comprise out "Blue Marble" -- several dozen have emulated and followed the US Constitution so disparaged by someone whose middle name COULD be "WORSE".

BTW, is it entertaining to call a long-dead celebrity - a racist because he spoke his mind as a movie character? Did he have absolute control" of each and every script he had to memorize for his various roles? Was he the product of his environment and "raising" as were all persons born in the USA in the last 200 years? Or did the writer of the screenplay chose the dialogue specifically to "tailor" the character's contribution to the selling of the movie to the movie-going public i.e. "making controversy to sell tickets". Does being a "heavy" mean that the actor is a rogue and a villain in real life or is he/she just "playing the part". Are US Hollywood studios well known to "tell actors" what to say to publicize movies for MAXIMUM TICKET SALES? Did he/she make public statements to make herself/himself appear even more villainous to sell tickets, records, or souvenirs? Did he/she have "fights" that promoted his/her career or even "paid and promoted "boxing bouts"?

It is easy to look back on a bygone era in US history - be it recent or two hundred years in the past - and decide that someone was "racist" or a "bad" person. What sort of person would "FREE" a group of people knowing that many might become hungry beggars? Or die from the stress of being "FREE and jobless" with few prospects? Many present-day "jobless with few prospects" are resorting to begging in the streets of cities despite an assumed very generous welfare/work-fair system? In Washington's day, the "drug of choice" was WHISKEY which Washington himself distilled according to historical records. How many FREED house and field persons no longer employed would have become drunken beggars? It is assumed in modern-day America that at least a few beggars and "wayfaring strangers"- are addicted to SOMETHING or are mental patients - or BOTH. How many of these unfortunates would be SHOT or left to FREEZE to death - in a communistic society?

It is a known fact that the winner in wars gets to re-write history at least in his/her respective country.
Thus the "loser country" feels obligated to re-write history at least somewhat. This is entirely understandable even if "wrong" from a different point of view. There is nationalism and citizens are obliged to love their own country and USUALLY they do. Who has not heard that immigrants from a foreign land have DIFFERENT EDUCATIONAL VIEWPOINTS when it comes to THEIR COUNTRY and their ADOPTED COUNTRY. They MAY NOT REALIZE that the USA has HONOURED the HEROS of many countries ON US STAMPS!!!Sometimes the education thay received in the "old country" differs greatly from what Americans have been taught in US history classes. For instance, MANY Americans are UNAWARE that US PILOTS risked their lives airdropping leaflets WARNING about the BOMBING of MAJOR Japanese CITIES before Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed! AND these were printed in JAPANESE so that inhabitants COULD take RURAL VACATIONS AWAY FROM BIG CITIES or simply RUN AWAY TO THE COUNTRYSIDE away from Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Tokyo and  OTHER major cities that had been FIRE-BOMBED as STRATEGIC TARGETS feeding the WAR EFFORT.

Sometimes people are molded by education away from "vile patriotism" with platitudes like look what this "alleged hero did" and wasn't that awful of him/her? It is equally easy to trash the memory of a long-dead historical figure known by the history-knowledgeable as an abolitionist especially when an education system might not even use the word "abolitionist" anymore so that those more recently graduated do not know this word and may perceive it as someone "despicable"? An abolitionist was against slavery. He/she could have led a rebellion that got people killed as did John Brown BUT he/she was an abolitionist and against extending slavery to new territories about to join the "Union".

John Brown - who was born May 9, 1800 – and died December 2, 1859 - was an American abolitionist who advocated armed insurrection to overthrow the institution of slavery in the United States. John Brown first gained national attention when he led volunteers in small armies during the 1856 Bleeding Kansas disturbances. Dissatisfied with the pacifism of the organized abolitionist movement, Brown stated "These men are all talk. What we need is action—action!" So in May 1856, Brown and his supporters killed five slavery supporters (AKA "slavers" in the Pottawatomie massacre. This was a revenge of sorts a response to the pro-slavery force looting and other criminality of Lawrence, Kansas. Still later, Brown commanded anti-slavery forces at the June 2, 1856 Battle of Black Jack and the August 30, 1856 Battle of Osawatomie. Most history books that even mention John Brown,  Harper's Ferry (also spelled Harper's Ferry was an attempt by abolitionist John Brown, from October 16 to 18, 1859, to foment or initiate a slave revolt in Southern states by taking over a United States arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia. It has been called the "dress rehearsal" for the Civil War.
John Brown who lived from 1800 to 1859 - was a determined pioneer to overthrow slavery as a legal institution in the United States. Brown gained national attention when he led small guerrilla warfare volunteer groups during the 1856 Bleeding Kansas insurrections. Brown, thoroughly dissatisfied with the pacifism of the organized abolitionist movement stated, "These men are all talk. What we need is action—action!" In May of 1856, Brown and his volunteers massacred five "most likely to be guilty" slavery advocates in what came to be known as the Pottawatomie massacre. It was revenge for Lawrence, Kansas.

As an "unofficial instigator" of a "powder keg" that became the US Civil War from the firing on of Fort Sumter, South Carolina in 1861 - to the surrender of the Confederacy in 1865, John Brown was "written into" as a provocateur in the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" - a War Between the States Union soldier camp song as a primary grievance . "Dixie" was one of the best known Confederate States of America soldier camp song and advocate seven states that seceded from the Union before Abraham Lincoln's election in November of 1860 - South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia,  Louisiana, and Texas.
There were 23 Union states allied against three more border states of Missouri, Kentucky and Maryland did not actually secede but many of the populace had Confederate sympathies.
In consideration of land area and resources - the Civil War appeared to be a one-sided conflict, with the 23 states of the Union having an enormous advantage in manufacturing and arms production, railroad linkages, and population - the Confederates had a strong military tradition, some of the best soldiers and commanders in the United States. They were begrudged by Northern price controls and political dominance. They also believed in their cause: preserving their long-held Southern traditions and institutions, very prominent among these was the "peculiar institution of slavery".

The struggle was to become the costliest and deadliest war ever fought on American soil, with from 620,000 to over 700,000 of 2.4 million soldiers killed, millions injured and a large portion of the South in ruin.

But, here in the 21st century, is blaming the person more important than their actual abolitionist stance? Abolitionist, unfortunately, is an unknown word to millions who have no clue what it means. To some, abolitionist means slavery - not opposition to it.  Did abolitionists, other than John Brown, actually shoot anybody or was it the anti-slavery (sometimes impatient "followers" who got their leader "defamed" and misconceived as pro-slavery advocates? Or was it oppositional and sometimes well-paid - Democrats who promoted the defamation of several historical figures long-dead and thus incapable of defending their collective character and historical standing? Are they to be discredited for inheriting slaves with slavery being an ongoing institution subject to heated discussion with untold human misery and consequences in its desolution of an entirely unprepared workforce into an agrarian society little prepared for such chaos? Decades later, the Civil War created much havoc, chaos, human misery, hunger, devastation and disease - the consequences beginning when the fighting officially ended and the U.S. was thrust into a new phase called Reconstruction, itself frought with inherent problems and consequences.

January 2019 Recent History

Mali War in Brief:

The Mali War, Northern Mali Conflict or Mali Civil War is a long series of armed conflicts that began in earnest in January 2012 between the northern and southern parts of Mali in Africa. On 16 January 2012, several insurgent Islamic groups began fighting a campaign against the Malian government for independence or greater autonomy for northern Mali, which they renamed Azawad. The National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA), an Islamic organization struggling to award this area of Mali an independent Muslim homeland for the Tuareg people, had violently taken the region by April 2012.

On 22 March 2012, President Amadou Toumani Touré was ousted in a coup d'état allegedly because his handling of the crisis, a month before a presidential election was to have taken place. Mutinous soldiers, calling themselves the National Committee for the Restoration of Democracy and State (CNRDR), seized control in a mutiny and suspended the constitution of Mali. Due the instability fomented after the coup, Mali's three largest northern cities—Kidal, Gao and Timbuktu—were overrun by the Muslim rebels on three consecutive days. On April 5, 2012, after Douentza was captured, the MNLA said that it had accomplished its goals and ceased its offensive. The following day, the MNLA proclaimed the independence of northern Mali from the rest of Mali, renaming it Azawad.

 ⴰⵣⴰⵡⴰⴷ / Azawad Islamic State
دولة أزواد flag resourced on Wikipedia

As part of a land-grab war that has been raging since 2012 - during October–November, over 100 Mali soldiers were killed as the Islamic attacks increased because of resentment for the government's resistance to Sharia Law from the Islamic community. The attacks also increased discontent towards the French peacekeeping forces located in the central part of Mali who were truing to hold the land as a non-Islamic State in the world Caliphate Domination Theory. Because of the soldier killings, the military gave up isolated outposts in the north deemed indefensible.
Apparently Mali was a French colony and is seen by Islamics as weak enough to be another part to be added to their growing country-takeover list of 57 plus in their quest for world domination like the children's cartoon "Pinky and the Brain".

January 1

On Jan. 1, 2019, NASA's (USA) New Horizons spacecraft, an unmanned space probe, accomplished the first flyby of an object in the Kuiper Belt in the extreme outer solar system. The spacecraft, which already went by Pluto in 2015, will approach the Ultima Thule which is a mysterious object in space classified as 2014 MU69.

Brazillian Jair Bolsonaro, duely elected, began his four-year term as President of Brazil.
The Islamic State of Qatar withdrew from OPEC oil-producers-controllers -organization.
Same-sex marriage became legal in Austria to the chagrin of religionists worldwide and great joy of Zero Population Group (ZPG)enthusiasts.
Works published by authors who died in 1948 enter the public domain in many countries. In the United States, all works published in 1923 enter the public domain, the first entry of published works into the public domain since 1998. (Good Grief Omar Shereefe!)

January 3 – Chinese probe Chang'e 4 became the first human-made object to land on the far side of the Moon. There are rumours that the USA had secretly landed and explored "space objects" in "internet rumours".

January 5 – Bartholomew I of Constantinople issued a formal decree granting independence to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine from the Russian Orthodox Church.

January 6 – Muhammad V of Kelantan abdicated the federal throne as the 15th monarch of Malaysia, the first Malaysian monarch to do so.

January 7 – A faction of the Armed Forces of Gabon attempted a coup d'état with two killed and eight arrested.
 Source Wikipedia

January 10 – Venezuela experienced a presidential crisis as Juan Guaidó and the National Assembly declared incumbent President Nicolás Maduro improperly elected and thus "illegitimate". Persons ignorant of the Electorial College's long history of determining US Presidential elections in 2015 did the same thing to President Donald J. Trump and have refused to accept his many accomplishments to rollback the socialist agenda so forwarded by Barack Hussein Obama that the USA lost its credit status and went "double deficit" without a budget to pay off the national debt while the economy tanked with millions of American jobs going to Mexico, Canada and overseas.

January 18 – Fuel thieves ruptured a pipeline in MeTllilhuepan, xico, and a resultant explosion killed at least 137 people and injures dozens more.
Background of area:
Tlalpan” was a pre-Hispanic village trade center at the intersection of several roads linking Tenochtitlan (Mexico City) with villages in the south. Tlalpan was renamed Villa de San Agustín de las Cuevas in 1645, with the ending “de las Cuevas” referring to many of the area's small caves. During the colonial period, Tlalpan was a modest farming village, known for its fruit orchards. However, the woodlands of the area made it attractive to the elite of Mexico City who built country homes and haciendas in Tlalpan, as estate owners did in other areas south of Mexico City such as Chimalistac, San Ángel and Coyoacán .

January 23 – Venezuelan's "probable ignorance created" presidential crisis: Thousands of people protested for disputed interim President Juan Guaidó resulting in several people dead, and President Maduro severing diplomatic ties with the United States because he thinks the CIA instigated the crisis to overthrow him.

January 25 – A mine tailing dam cracked and broke in the Brazilian city of Brumadinho, in the state of Minas Gerais. Some 248 people were killed, and 22 were missing.

January 28 – The U.S. Justice Department charges Chinese tech firm Huawei with multiple counts of fraud, raising U.S.–China tensions.

February 1 – U.S. President Donald Trump confirms that the U.S. will depart from the (unfortunately unilateral) Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty of 1987, crediting the Russians with typical non-compliance. Trump believes in "trust by verify" but others seem to have the trust and be beguiled methodology. The day after the US pulled out, Russia follows suit with suspension of its obligations to the treaty it had already been not observing. What a surprise. Bowl a me or a cat over with a Hum Vee and paint a lane stripe down my/his belly.

February 3 – Pope Francis arrived in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, becoming the first pope to ever visit the Arabian Peninsula.

February 6 – The Freedom House organization officially stated that Hungary is no longer a free country, thus giving it a label as the first country in the European Union to be called "partly free". The Freedom House organization also boldly stated that Hungary's bordering neighbor Serbia is also no longer a free country. It did not elaborate on what caused these changes.

February 7 – 2019 Haitian protests: Anti-government protests demanding the resignation of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse began in several larger cities of Haiti.
This another attempt with the first being July 7, 2018. Again this was obviously a co-ordinated effort to oust Moïse. One should always follow the money behind these happenings. The money behind the Steele so-called expose was that of Hillary Rodham Clinton and was said to be $175,000.

  Source: Wikipedia
At least no one is being burned by the tyres in this picture or the tyres were removed. This ringing and setting tyres abaize is called "necklacing" and they do not mean "finger necklacing as oft threatened by fictional Star Trek engineer "Scotty" in one or more episodes of the sci fi classic. The removing of the orginal Star Trek is seen ny multiplied millions as one of the most brain cell not working decisions in filmology history. No one has ever taken credit for this epic blunder."

February 12 – The Republic of Macedonia took the opportunity to rename itself the Republic of North Macedonia. This deed officially ended a decades-old dispute with Greece and will pave yje Republic of Macedonia's joining of NATO and/or the European Union which was only predicted to have 10 members.

February 21 – SpaceIL launched the Beresheet probe,  which is the world's first privately financed Lunar mission.

February 23 – Venezuelan presidential crisis: President Maduro severs diplomatic ties with Colombia as humanitarian aid had attempted to and possibly did - enter Venezuela across the border.

February 26–27 – The Indian Air Force launched airstrikes on purported militant camps in Balakot, Pakistan. This pre-emoted strike preceded several events that lead up to the 2019 India–Pakistan standoff.

February 27–28 – The 2019 North Korea–United States summit held in Hanoi, Vietnam became the second summit between United States President Donald J. Trump and the North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un.


Last ISIS holdout was over-run by forces at the Battle of Baghuz Fawqani AKA قوات سوريا الديمقراطية. The The SDF launches series of assaults in accordance with civilian evacuations
ISIL's "tent city", the heart of the ISIL enclave, is captured by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on March 19.
ISIL territory was almost completely eradicated from Syria on March 23, which began an insurgency phase.
  Source Wikipedia

March 3 – An unmanned demonstration flight of the new crew capable version of the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft, intended to carry American astronauts into space, achieves successful autonomous docking with the International Space Station.

March 5 – A second case of sustained remission from HIV was reported, ten years after the Berlin (Anonymous) Patient who was treated with Long-Term Control of HIV-1 by CCR5 Delta32/Delta32 Stem-Cell Transplantation. According to thr New England Journal of Medicine report, the stem cells were from a donor with an ultra-rare gene mutation that confers resistance to HIV-1. In 2019, doctors theorized that the same benefit of the stem cells was transferred to their patient. Did it require 10 years to grow stem cells in the lab or was the wait required for the Berlin Patient to develop the same immunity in his own stem cells?

March 6 – Venezuelan presidential crisis: Venezuela expelled German ambassador Daniel Kriener for Kriener's alleged interference with Venezuela's internal affairs.

March 10 – Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302, a Boeing 737 MAX 8 bound for Nairobi, crashed very shortly after takeoff from Addis Ababa killing all 157 passengers and crew. All Boeing 737 MAX aircraft were then grounded worldwide pending intensive investigations.

March 13 – March 2019 North American winter snow storm: A Southern Rocky Mountain blizzard intensified after the day it began into a virtual "bomb cyclone" setting off severe blizzard conditions across a large area of the Southwestern and Central United States.

March 15
The Cyclone Idai landfall on Mozambique caused some 1,073 fatalities, mass flooding and power outages in southern Africa.

Some 51 people were killed and 50 injured in terrorist attacks on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. This was the deadliest mass shooting and terrorist attack in New Zealand's history. Christchurch is well known for being the starting point for several Antarctica expeditions.

March 19
Nursultan Nazarbayev resigned as President of Kazakhstan after 29 years in office choosing Kassym-Jomart Tokayev as acting president. Astana was renamed Nur-Sultan the following day in his honor.
Karen Uhlenbeck was the first woman to win the Abel Prize for outstanding contributions to the science of mathematics.

March 20 – Europe's antitrust regulators fined Google 1.49 billion euros ($1.7 billion) for freezing out Google's rivals in the online advertising business. From 2017-2019, the European Union ruling's fines totaled between $9.5 Billion and $10 billion against Google. Facebook, Amazon and Apple also faced investigations in several European countries.

March 21 – A major explosion at a chemical plant in Xiangshui, Jiangsu, China, killed at least 78 people with over 600 injured. The powerful impact registered itself on the Richter Magnitude Scale as an artificial earthquake.

March 23 – The final territory of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, situated in Al-Baghuz Fawqani, Syria, was liberated.

March 26 – The European Parliament vote 348 to 278 in favour of the European Union Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, expanding legal liability for websites and including the controversial Article 13.

March 31 – Taiwan rapidly deployed or scrambled its fighter aircraft after two Chinese jets crossed a maritime border between the two sovereign nations. The prior day , Japan had similarly scrambled its jets when the Chinese violated airspace  between two Japanese islands, Miyako and Okinawa.

April 15 (Holy Week)

Fire destroyed spire and roof of Notre Dame de Paris Church. COMMENT: Christmas Eve Mass is a special part of the holiday season in Paris.  Even those Parisians who normally enter a church only for weddings and funerals may attend a traditional Christmas Eve service.  For many visitors, it's an unforgettable experience.

If your visit to Paris extends through Christmas Eve, you may want to consider this too.   Whether you choose a Midnight Mass or an earlier service, you'll get to see the city's magnificent historic churches come to life with glowing candlelight, soaring organ music, and crowds of people.

The city's largest and most famous churches - Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral, Madeleine Church, the Basilica of Sacré Coeur, Saint Sulpice Church, Saint Eustache Church, and others - celebrate the occasion with sensational music, famous musicians, and superb choirs.

First image of a black hole (M87*) was captured by the Event Horizon Telescope.

April 2 – Abdelaziz Bouteflika resigned as President of Algeria amid widespread protests, after almost two decades in office.
He was not "Arab SPRUNG".

April 4 – Second Libyan Civil War: The Libyan National Army (LNA) launched a surprise offensive in western Libya, moving units towards the Government of National Accord-held capital Tripoli and capturing Gharyan. In addition to : Arab: مجلس النواب‎, romanized: Majlis al-Nuwaab, lit. 'Council of Deputies') is the unicameral parliament of Libya. Islamists were defeated at the 2014 Libyan parliamentary election and rejected the results, having only an 18% turnout. In late 2014, following the occupation of Tripoli by armed Islamist groups during the Libyan Civil War, the House of Representatives relocated to Tobruk in the far east of the country. As of 2019, during the Libyan Civil War, it is generally called the "Tobruk government". Islamist Shura Council of Benghazi Revolutionaries, led by Ansar al-Sharia, which had the support of the (General National [Islamic] Congress (GNC) and was defeated in Benghazi in 2017; the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant's (ISIL's) Libyan provinces; the Shura (Islamic) Council of Mujahideen in Derna which ousted (Islamic Taliban?) ISIL from Derna in July 2015 and was later itself defeated in Derna by the Tobruk government in 2018. There are other armed groups and militias whose allegiances often change from time to time. There is an entity that LOVES violence between religious factions but settles for strife when bloodshed is not the case.

April 10
Scientists from the Event Horizon Telescope project announce the first ever image of a black hole, located in the centre of the M87 galaxy.
Fossil fragments found in the Callao Cave in the Philippines reveal the existence of the Homo luzonensis species of humans which may even be older than those of "Lucy of Africa". The species is named after the island where it was discovered, Luzon.

April 11
Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange was arrested after seven years in Ecuador's embassy in London. The (common law)partner of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange revealed (in June 2020) that she had two children with Assange while he was living inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

Stella Moris, 37, a South African-born lawyer, issued a plea for the Assange who is the father of her two young sons, Gabriel, three, and Max, one, to be released from prison and said there were genuine fears of alpha-numeric c-word virus for Assange’s health.

Assange was forcibly dragged out of the embassy and arrested in April of 2019, after Ecuador revoked his political asylum. Metropolitan police officers were invited inside Ecuador's Knightsbridge premises where Assange had been living at the embassy for almost seven years.

Amid mass protests, Omar al-Bashir was deposed as President of Sudan in a coup d'état, after almost 30 years in office. (He was also NOT Arab SPRUNG for some unknown reason.)

See above Cathedral fire note RE: April 15.

April 16 – The Howse Peak avalanche killed three noted mountaineers: Austrians Hansjِrg Auer and David Lama, and Canadian Jess Roskelley.

April 18 – NepaliSat-1 was launched as tiny Nepal's first ever research satellite to be sent into space.

April 21
Eight locations suffer bomb attacks in Sri Lanka, including three churches, four hotels and one housing complex in Colombo, on Easter Sunday, leaving 259 people dead and over 500 injured. It is the first major terrorist attack in the country since the Sri Lankan Civil War ended in 2009.  Tamil-speaking Muslims in Sri Lanka are classified as Moors (remember how they over-ran Europe to be ousted by Charlemagne's army? The Frankish Realm or occasionally Frankland, the territory inhabited and ruled by the Franks from the 3rd to the 10th century. With the nearly continuous campaigns of Charles Martel, Pepin the Short, and Charlemagne—father, son, grandson eventually succeeded in ousting Moors with some Moorish allies in 9th century as history can be complicated by allies fighting caliphs they do not believe in.

April 25 – North Korean leader Kim Jong-un visited Russia for a series of summits with Russian leaders, including President Vladimir Putin.

April 26 – Avengers: Endgame is released in theaters, breaking many box-office records, including becoming the highest grossing movie of all time - beating "Titanic" and "Gone With the Wind".

April 28 – Victor Vescovo (in a special pressure-proof diving bell) achieved the deepest dive of human history, as he reached Challenger Deep within the Mariana Trench, at a depth of 10,928 metres or 35,853 feet.

April 29 – Elusive Islamic State leader (recently promoted rascal) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi appeared in (typically) undated footage (like Bin Laden) released by the group, his first appearance on video since 2014.

April 30
Emperor Akihito of Japan abdicated his throne, the first abdication by a Japanese monarch in almost two centuries. The abdication terminated the Heisei era of Japan ushering in the Reiwa era with new emperor Naruhito ascending the throne as Emperor of Japan on May 1.

Venezuelan presidential crisis: Venezuelan opposition leader and disputed interim President Juan Guaidَ lead a failed coup against President Nicolلs Maduro. (As did Hillary Rodham Clinton, shadow leader of Democratic Party USA from 2016-2019)

King Vajiralongkorn of Thailand married his personal bodyguard Suthida Tidjai who is a commoner – in a surprise wedding ceremony of undetermined size, making her queen consort of Thailand. (A modern day "King and I" romance?)

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed into law a controversial "sovereign internet" bill that allows Russian authorities to better monitor internet routing and to steer Russian internet traffic away from foreign servers promoting government censorship like Red China. (Photos of Maria and Katrina who are Putin's secret daughters, were released in 2020)

May 3 – The number of deaths from the Kivu Ebola outbreak exceeds 1,000 - becoming the second deadliest Ebola outbreak in history, only surpassed by the Western African Ebola virus epidemic of 2013–2016.

May 3–6 – May 2019 Gaza–Israel clashes: The Gaza–Israel conflict escalated after the Israeli military launched airstrikes into Gaza killing more than 20 Palestinians including a pregnant woman and a toddler following the injury of two soldiers from Gazan sniper fire and probably a few hundred rocket attacks. Peace was forced on IDF as Isralis were winning again.

May 4–6 – Vajiralongkorn of Thailand was coronated as King with personal bodyguard Suthida Tidjai, who is his commoner queen consort.

May 5 – Aeroflot Flight 1492 crash-landed and exploded into flames at Sheremetyevo International Airport, Moscow, killing 41 of the 78 people on board the flight.

May 6
The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) warned that biodiversity loss is "accelerating", with over a million species now threatened with extinction; the decline of the natural living world is "unprecedented" and largely a result of human actions, according to the report. It was their first since 2005.

Syrian Civil War: The Syrian Army launched a major ground offensive against one of the last rebel Islamic strongholds in Syria.

May 8 – A British teenager, Isabelle Holdaway, 17, was reported to be the first patient ever to receive a genetically modified phage therapy to treat a drug-resistant infection.

May 10 – Amid ongoing negotiations, the United States' 25 percent tariff hike on $200 billion worth of Chinese imports takes effect, escalating tensions between the two nations in the ongoing China–United States trade war.

May 12 – May 2019 Gulf of Oman incident: Four commercial ships, including two Saudi Aramco oil tankers, are damaged near the port of Fujairah in the Gulf of Oman. The United Arab Emirates asserted that the incident was a "sabotage attack", while an early United States assessment reportedly blamed Iran for the attack. The incident occurred during a time of regional tensions between the U.S. and Iran, with the U.S. in weeks prior deploying strategic bombers, a carrier strike group and other military assets to the Persian Gulf following intelligence reports of an alleged plot by Iran to attack U.S. forces in the region.
May 13 – Prosecutors in Sweden reopen the rape allegation investigation against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Swedish prosecutors mention their intent to seek extradition of Assange from the United Kingdom after he has served his 50-week prison sentence for skipping bail.

May 14–18 – The Euro-vision Song Contest 2019 takes place in Tel Aviv, Israel, and is won by Dutch entrant Duncan Laurence with the song "Arcade".

May 17 – Taiwan's parliament becomes the first in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.
Obviously an anonymous vote - not a roll call.

May 19
Eleven people were killed in a shooting fracas at a bar in Belém, Brazil.
China–United States trade war: Google yanked Android update support for Huawei phones, and the Google Play Store and Gmail apps, after the Chinese technology company was blacklisted by the United States for devious software deeds (SDDs).

May 20 – The redefinition of the SI system of measurement adopted by the majority of countries in the world takes effect.

May 23 – 2019 India general election: Narendra Modi achieved a landslide win, with his party BJP alone gaining 303 of the 543 seats in parliament, and his political alliance winning 353 seats of the 543.

The 2019 India general election was held in seven phases from April 11 to May 19, 2019 to re-order/re-populate - the 17th Lok Sabha. The votes were counted and the result declared on May 23. The vote tallied roughly 911 million eligible people voters, voter turnout at more than 67 per cent – the highest ever recorded, AND the highest ever woman voter participation noted.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won 303 seats, increasing its substantial majority and the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) won 353 seats. The BJP won 37.36% of votes, while the NDA's combined vote was 45% of the 60.37 core polled votes. The Indian National Congress (INC) won just 52 seats, with the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance winning 91. Other parties and their alliances won 98 seats. After taking full responsibility for his India National Party's (INP) defeat in the election, Rahul Gandhi, President of the India National Congress, resigned on July 3, 2019.

May 24

British Prime Minister Theresa May announced her resignation as Conservative leader and it became effective June 7, 2019.
Also on May 24, a Acarigua, Venezuela prison riot resulted in the deaths of 29 prisoners with 19 guards injured.

May 26–27 – Alleged Amazonas prison massacres happened with over 50 prisoners killed in a several riots at four different prisons in Amazonas, Brazil. As reporting of guards injured or killed was not mentioned, the word massacre was used. This was similarly reported when riots occurred in Libya under "strong man" Muammar Gaddifi. Gaddafi had become the de facto leader of Libya on September 1,1969 after he lead a group of young Libyan military officers against King Idris I in a coupe taking over the country. A later Libyian Civil War broke out to be called the February 15, 2011 Revolution. Gaddifi or Qaddafi re-united the country and put down the uprising.

As for the United States, the Nativist Period from 1824 to 1859 resulted in havoc for entire groups of new settlers from other countries, such as Ireland.

1824: Providence, Rhode Island Hard Scrabble Riots occurred on October 18, 1824 when a white mob attacked black homes in Hard Scrabble. This incited the white protesters after a black man refused to get off the sidewalk when approached by some whites. Though the protesters/mob claimed to be targeting places of ill-repute, it began to destroy buildings that were known to have goor repute i.e. wreck/burn buildings indiscriminately. About 20 black homes were destroyed by hundreds of whites but only four people were tried in court for rioting, with ONE found guilty.

After the Hard Scrabble riot had destroyed apparently uninsured homes, the Snow Town neighborhood "built back" in roughly the same area. It was yet another interracial neighborhood where free blacks and poor whites lived among crime and some not-so-prosperous businesses. In 1831 still more riots occurred in Snow Town. One riot was fueled because a white sailor was shot to death. His name was probably not George Floyd but the true name has apparently been "lost to history". Again, the protester group/mob destroyed many homes, blaming and targeting black homes even though the people residing in them had no apparent ties to the shooting fracas. The violence spilled over into nearby Olney Street. This time, the militia was called out, and the militia as a group - killed four white protester/rioters.

The Hardscrabble Riot engendered little media sympathy for its victims, but by the time of the Snow Town riot, leading citizens and journalists saw the problem as very serious. And so after the Snow Town riot, written opinion in newspapers actually approved of suppressing rioters to maintain the peace and order. Providence. Rhode Island voters actually voted for and approved -- a charter for a city government containing strong police powers.

As the exact location of the Hard Scrabble and Snow Town neighborhoods within northwestern Providence has been disputed, this complicated efforts to place a memorial for Hard Scrabble. On the other hand, difficulty in finding the memorial MIGHT prevent "knuckleheads" from defacing or destroying it.

Cincinnati riots of 1829

1829: Charlestown (Boston suburb) Massachusetts Anti-Catholic Riots


Charlestown, AKA Charleston, the oldest neighborhood within the boundaries of the city of Boston, Massachusetts, United States —  originally was a Massachusett tribe village called Mishiwam. Charleston is situated on a peninsula north of the Charles River, across from downtown Boston, and adjoins the Mystic River and Boston Harbor waterways.

Anti-Catholic riots are a phenomenon, that happened particularly in the English speaking world where Catholics, Jews, and Protestants co-existed. The riots often tended to accompany the lifting of legal sanctions against the Catholic minority in English-speaking countries.

Roman Catholic Church History notes:
Catholics in the Revolutionary War. — Religious Equality *47 CHAP. XVIII.— The Prefecture Apostolic— Franklin and Carroll.— John Carroll.— Carroll Prefect Apostolic.— Difficulties of the Position. — Trusteeism. — Petition for a Bishop. — Address to Washington *59 BOOK II. THE ORGANIZED CHURCH. PART I. THE GROWTH OF THE CHURCH FROM THE BEGINNING of the hierarchy to the first provincial council of Baltimore (1790-1829). CHAP. XIX.— The Episcopate of Carroll (1790-1814).— Visit to Boston. — Trusteeism. — Restororation of The Province of Baltimore (1815-29).— Richmond made a Bishopric. — Marechal and the Jesuits. — Death of Marechal. — John England. — Cheverus, Bishop of Boston. — Fenwick, Bishop of Boston. — Father Kohlman in New York. — Bishop Dubois. — Bishop Conwell. — The Hogan Schism. — Trusteeism Condemned by Rome.— Mistake of Bishop Con well 299 CHAP. XXI. — The Northwest and the Southwest (1808-29). — The Diocese of Bardstown.— Erection of Cincinnati. — The Diocese of New Orleans. — Resignation of Bishop Do Bourg. — Bishop Rosati.— Catholicity in Florida.— First Provincial Council of Baldmore. — A Coming Danger 324 PART II. THE GROWTH OF THE CHURCH FROM THE FIRST PROVINCIAL COUNCIL OF BALTIMORE TO THE FIRST PLENARY COUNCIL* ( 1820-52). CHAP. XXII. — Baltimore and its Suffragans (1829-52). — Growth of the West- Provincial Councils. — Increase of Bishoprics.— New Provinces. — Last Years of Bishop England.— Charleston and Savannah. — End of Trusteeism in Philadelphia. — Philadelphia and Pittsburg. — Native American Riots.— Prudence of Bishop Kenrick.— The Rt. Rev. Michael O'Connor 340 CHAP. XXIII.— New York and its Suffragans ( 1820-52).— Maria Monk.— Bishop Hughes and Trusteeism.- The School Question in New York.— Bishop Hughes and the School Question.— A School Compromise. — Knownothingism in New York.— New York an Archbishopric. — The Diocese of Buffalo. — Burning of the Charlestown Convent. — Riotous Condition of Boston.— The Church in New England

1831: Providence, Rhode Island

  The website actually encouraged picture-taking but neglected to advise that disclosing the memorial's location might lead to "knuckleheads" AKA protesters/mobs defacing or destroying the memorial.

1834: Massachusetts Roman Catholic Convent Burning AKA the two separate
Ursuline Convent riots happened on August 11 and 12 of 1834, in Charlestown, Massachusetts, near Boston (present day [Boston-baked] Beantown). This site later became present-day Somerville, Massachusetts. During the riot, the Roman Catholic Ursuline nuns' convent or living quarters -- was burned down by a Protestant protester/mob. The event was "powder-kegged" by the reported abuse of a nun who was a member of the Ursuline order, and was precipitated/fomented by the rebirth of extreme anti-Catholic sentiment in pre-War Between the States New England.

The first riot resulted in the Boston Mayor calling a meeting with discussion of city ordinances and possible paying of indemnities or tax funds to the diocese of Boston for the loss of property, which was not covered by insurance. Bishop Fenwick, representing the Catholic authorities -- urged peace and being Christian and not seeking revenge. Bishop Fenwick also sent priests to intercept and pacify angry Irish Catholic working people from Lowell, Massachusetts and some other communities who were reported to be coming by train to Boston to take revenge.

Following the resolutions adopted in the August 11 meeting at Faneuil Hall, an independent militia company was called to gather. The militia members were placed around Faneuil Hall, and at the city arsenal, the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, the Catholic church in Charlestown (as present day Charleston) , and the house of Edward Cutter. But as the convent was already ruined by fire, no troops were stationed around the ruins of the convent.

At approximately 10:00 P.M. on Wednesday, August 12, a protester/mob/unruly crowd gathered outside the Boston arsenal but discovering the arsenal to be guarded, they moved first to the cathedral, then to the city hall, and finally to the unguarded convent ruins. protester/mob/unruly crowd reentered the convent grounds, destroyed the gardens and orchards, set bonfires, and pulled down fences. The protester/mob/unruly crowd  then left the grounds and went to the local pub or home or places unknown -- a few hours later.

Although Rev. Lyman Beecher was a prominent Presbyterian minister and president of the Lane Theological Seminary, AND was preaching in the Boston area during the summer of 1834 --

several historian/authors disagree as whether Rev. Lyman Beecher's three anti-catholic speeches can be blamed for the ignited mob sentiments that caused the property loss/arson. Ira Leonard, author of American Nativism, 1830-1860, wrote that the three anti-catholic speeches "by (Rev.)Lyman Beecher" ultimately and devastatingly -- "ignited the spark". This statement implies that several of the protester/mob/unruly crowd members involved in the convent burning/related willful vandalism -- attended one or more of Rev. Beecher's three sermons. But historian/author Ray Billington sees the two events as coincidental more or less. Billington notes that, although the convent burned the exact same evening as Beecher's sermons, the group of protester/mob/unruly crowd of working-class men who organized the burning met on three separate occasions, two of which were BEFORE Beecher's sermons. Not only that... but, Beecher's sermons were given at upper-class churches which the protester/mob/unruly crowd of workers would not have attended since the Presbyterian services were considered "uppity" and "high toned" and not to be attended. Thus in conclusion,  "In all probability, the [convent] would have been attacked whether or not these sermons were delivered."

1834: Philadelphia pro-slavery riots opposed by abolitionists

1834: New York City pro-slavery riots opposed by abolitionists — July 7, 1834, New York City's (NYC) huge anti abolitionist riot AKA Farren Riot or Tappan Riot  that lasted for almost a week until it was put down by military force. "At times the rioters controlled whole sections of the city while they attacked the homes, businesses, and churches of abolitionist (anti-slavery) leaders and ransacked (looted) black neighborhoods."

COMMENT: (background)

During May and June of 1834, the silk merchants/ardent abolitionists Arthur Tappan and his brother Lewis agitated and spoke/wrote vigorously for the abolition (cancelling) of slavery by underwriting (cash and promotion) the formation of a female anti-slavery society in New York City (NYC). Arthur Tappan drew particular attention by sitting in his pew (at Samuel Cox's Laight Street Church) with Samuel Cornish, a mixed-race clergyman of his acquaintance. By June, lurid ("juicy") rumors were being circulated by the champion of the American Colonization Society's James Watson Webb, using his newspaper "Courier and Enquirer": abolitionists had advised their daughters to marry blacks, black dandies (well-dressed black ladies' men) were riding horseback on Broadway in search of white wives, and Arthur Tappan had divorced his wife and married a black woman.

1835: Boston pro-slavery riots opposed by abolitionists. Something called "the Boston Gentleman's Riot For Slavery" resulted when a meeting of four dozen women and a British abolitionist inspired thousands who considered themselves gentlemen to riot. They also dragged a magazine publisher through the streets of Boston.

COMMENTS - Background:

In 1835, a mere 147 riots broke out in U.S. major cities, with the most frequent violence happening in Boston, Philadelphia and New York. Upper-class pro-slavery Boston men who called themselves gentlemen marched in the streets to protest abolitionists. New England’s very profitable textile industry and textile manufacturing was linked to cotton farming, and businessmen fretted and worried that the anti-slavery movement threatened their lucrative mercantile relationships with the cotton plantations of the South. Female abolitionist ladies also competed with wealthy gentlemen and threatened male social dominance.

In 1833, Maria Chapman, a wealthy, well-educated socialite, founded the interracial Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society. The group continually circulated petitions, raised funding, wrote and edited abolitionist publications and corresponded and met personally with each other frequently.

On Oct. 21, 1835. British abolitionist George Thompson arrived to speak to a meeting of 45 abolitionists at the office of William Lloyd Garrison’s anti-slavery publication,"The Liberator".

The ‘gentlemen,’ who had held a pro-slavery rally at Faneuil Hall the previous month, met and gathered again on Washington Street.  The Boston Commercial Gazette described them as ‘an assemblage of fifteen hundred or two thousand highly respectable gentlemen’ in its estimation of crowd size.

Mayor Theodore Lyman — for a height advantage —  climbed up and stood on a chair urging the threatening protester/mob/uncivil persons to disperse — but they persisted.  They marched to the Liberator’s office, but could not locate George Thompson. Then they angrily pulled apart and destroyed the wooden sign that announced the meeting.

Mayor Lyman urged the women present to leave for their safety. Maria Chapman refused stating, “If this is the last bulwark of freedom, we may as well die here as anywhere”.

Maria Chapman, despite her (personal)refusal, all the women were escorted through the crowd to safety.  The rioters, though, got grabbed William Lloyd Garrison, who had tried to slip away via the back door. They unceremoniously tied Garrison up, roughed him up a bit and began to drag him through the street. Two working-class brothers grabbed Garrison after the "draggers" had tired a bit and were less inclined to put up a fight, rescued Garrison and turned him over to the mayor and several constables.

Garrison was taken to the Old State House, but a crowd gathered around it. Authorities brought a coach to the door along with 30 or 40 large, strong watchmen called by the mayor — to protect Garrison. As they attempted to insert Garrison in the horse-drawn coach, a protester/mob of excited young men described as merchants’ clerks attacked the bodyguards. Garrison struggled and jumped into the coach and the coachman cracked the whip as the merchants’ clerks tried to cut the harness. With the horses racing through the large crowd the coach and coachman took Garrison to the Leverett Street Jail for his safety.

William Lloyd Garrison, while incarcerated for his own safety -- wrote this graffiti on the wall of the jail:

"William Lloyd Garrison was put into this cell on Wednesday afternoon, October 21, 1835, to save him from the violence of a “respectable and influential” mob, who sought to destroy him for preaching the abominable and dangerous doctrine that “all men are created equal” and that all oppression is odious in the sight of God.

British abolitionist George Thompson stated in his "wall scrawling",“Such a mob–30 ladies routed and a 6X2 board demolished by 4,000 men”.

Maria Chapman decided in the midst of the crisis that the Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society should hold annual fairs. She and her sisters and/or sister-abolitionists would operate annual fairs for years as a major source of funds for the abolitionist cause.

1835 Aurora, Ohio RIOTS

The small and quiet village of Aurora, Ohio was the site of one of the nation’s first conflicts between slavery and antislavery forces. In the antebellum decades leading up to the 1861-1865 War Between the States -- growing tensions mounted between the groups that advocated the abolition of slavery and those that felt that the institution was an economic necessity, indeed, a "peculiar institution" or that it was so absolutely crucial to the very fabric of American society.

A myriad of distinct and varied opinions formed the arguments that supported the varying viewpoints. Nowadays, if slavery didn't exist in only four countries of over 200 in the world, a U.S. debate topic would be something akin to : Should slaves (of the four remaining slave countries be emancipated immediately without compensation to their owners? Should slaves be “colonized” by purchasing their freedom and sending them back to Africa? It must also be noted that while nowadays most Americans have no inkling or idea that slavery exists AT ALL -- they (a few) also believe like pre-Civil War Americans -- that while slavery was an immoral institution, they do not believe in racial equality but (RANT WARNING DIGRESSION FROM TOPIC) Marxism for all - equal suffering and misery leveling the playing field for all the non-elites not running the Communist Party. Consequently, all the Communist Party elites would lord over the parasitic "general population" and control every facet of their very existence. Where they go to school, if it is decided that they are "good enough" AND exactly how they will live day to day. And they will VOTE for the Party line or else making the vote 100% or "suffer the consequences" of being "an outlaw" against communism. In China, all the offspring MUST be punished if their ancestor was against communism ala Chiang Kai-shek who lived between October 31,1887 - April 5,1975 and led his forces in a retreat to Taiwan AKA Formosa off the Chinese mainland. Chiang Kai-shek, AKA Chiang Chung-cheng and romanized via Mandarin as Chiang Chieh-shih and Jiang Jiesh (Cease Rant Warning)

The citizens of Aurora, like many in communities throughout Northeast Ohio, were divided over the issue which would tear asunder the United States in 1861.

The Hudson, Ohio college called Western Reserve College, established in 1821,soon had its own student led anti-slavery society. This soon overshadowed the work of the colonization society with the students’ efforts to take up the cause of abolition were encouraged by several faculty members (just as nowadays professors and associate professors advocate "cancelling Western society" and "the wonders of communism and all that equality it beings to its slaves, and "Being Warriors For Social Justice" in an America that has so suppressed Oprah Winfrey that she is worth over a BILLION DOLLARS up from that measly $600,000,000 and look at all those wretched sports players who "pull down" those poverty wages of MILLION$ of enslaved they are! How wretched their very existence...oh woe is me how I long to help them in their wretched poverty! Me with my $50,000 to measly $70,000 annually as a deprived by Capitalism educator!! If the Feds hadn't forced me into teaching, I'd be a millionaire lawyer by now! What unclean dogs they be!) which included Elizur Wright, professor of mathematics and natural philosophy, Beriah Green, professor of theology and sacred religion, as well as The Rev. Charles Backus Storrs, esteemed president of the Western Reserve College.

Professors Wright and Green had been advocating students of the college to visit area churches in "the Reserve" and preach “immediate abolition.” One such young student was Isaac J. Bigelow.

Bigelow, invited by The Rev. John Seward to preach at the church in Aurora was intended by Seward to educate the congregation about the social and moral degradation slavery produced. Seward underestimated ardent and ferocious zeal with which Bigelow would make his points about the inherent unmitigated evils of slavery. Seward also underestimated the extreme outrage that the conservative community would have when they heard the word that fired up student Bigelow the abolitionist - would be preaching. Seward certainly was "stunned and amazed" by what transgressed on July 4, 1835.

Before Bigelow's July 4 presentation, word did indeed spread like wildfire of Bigelow’s upcoming sermon among the members of the community and surrounding area, so that people on opposite sides of the issue of abolition were "steaming mad" almost "ballistic" on one side or the other!

Many believed fervently that young Bigelow, although a Caucasian from non-slaver ancestry -- was a “firebrand” for ablution of slavery. It also "got around" that Bigelow was warned that if he preached in Aurora he would literally be tarred and feathered. And then there were church elders who believed fervently that the “sacred edifice” or "Christian Pulpit" should never be used to advocate such a controversial message as the ablution of slavery. They considered ablution as far too controversial and off-topic and a "hot potato" and NOBODY should "go there".

Needless to say on Sunday July 4, individuals and entire families coming from “all quarters in wagons, on horseback and afoot” began to "fill up" the church. Many were curious spectators expecting a circus or the atmosphere of a Hell and Brim-Stone" sort of "camp meeting" or "Fired up revival" type of preaching. Thus by "Meeting Time" the public square held a congregation written up in the newspaper as a "motley throng, full of talk and laughter, but ready to break forward into disorder if led on and encouraged."

Due to the pent up expectations and word-of-mouth universal promotion -- the crowd outside on the town square was twice the size of congregation that had "standing room only" because the church had opened its doors early by "popular demand". Thus by "sermon time"-- the anti-Bigelow voices had grown considerably louder from the anxiously and expectant gathered multitudes.

Reverend Seward stared off the service with a prayer and while he was not in total sympathy with abolition, Steward believed that those who supported the anti-slavery movement should have a fair and equal opportunity to air their oppositional views to the pro-slavery movement and that right to free speech certainly needed to be protected as the First Amendment to the US Constitution says.

Nevertheless, as soon as Bigelow began his sermon on abolition the yelling and jeering inside and outside the church was too much for anyone but "lip readers" and a "mute" or two to hear much less - understand a word of. Bigelow continued his sermon relentlessly despite all the noise. Rev. Seward, as preacher hosting a visitor speaker - did all he could to help Bigelow be heard but the noise was too much.

As forewarned is forearmed - the opposition to Bigelow's anti-slavery rhetoric was well prepared. In addition to those standing inside and outside the church, forty to 50 men on horseback had gathered near the church. Immediately when the church service started the riders began to circle the church “yelling, blowing horns, ringing bells, firing guns and horse pistols.” (WARNING DIGRESSION) "HORSE PISTOLS?" Oh, probably blank "22 calibre starter pistols" used to start horse races and outside events of that nature such as the settling of Oklahoma after it taken from the Indians and was deemed a "first come, first staking a claim for land" horse/wagon race of sorts - land-grab. Part of this land was from the Louisiana Purchase" so considered "Federal Land" by definition and much of it not belonging to Indian Tribes per se. Presently like several other states, there is designated Indian Reservation/Casino land. As President of Texas, Sam Houston had advocated land near Livingston as "X-Number of acres given by The Nation of Texas" as a soverign nation from 1836-1845 -- to the Indians who presently operate a casino and live there.

Bigelow's persistence kept him "keeping on" but he was constantly drowned out by constant loud shouts and gales of laughter. Even a small old cannon was loaded for noise-making in the public square and fired several times. The noise and vibration shook the ground and blew out some of the church's windows.

Rev. Seward and his wife was so scared that young "Bigelows" might be harmed that they 'walked" him from the church to their home while continually being hit with rotten eggs and over-ripe tomatoes.

As the besieged trio tried to get away, protester group on the public square grew. Soon a loose pile of stones formed a monument around a wooden board with the crudely inscribed warning that all “Bigelows” and “abolitionism” were hereby banned and barred from Aurora, Ohio.

The crowd even made an effigy out of an old suit of clothes stuffed with straw so that Bigelow was hung in effigy from a rapidly- built-makeshift "gallows". The wooden board had disappeared mysteriously by the following evening, but was quickly found by the pro-slavery advocates. The plank was replaced in the stone pile "monument" with the assured threat of violence to anyone daring to remove it again. The monument remained a witness to pro-slavery in the public square for some awhile.

Then one nightfall “when the sun went down the “plank” vanished and “not a splinter of it was ever to be seen again.

Alas Bigelow’s scary escape from Aurora was not to be his last. Bigelow became determined to continue his anti-slavery lectures with accompanying daredevil escapes. He later went was to to work directly with William Lloyd Garrison in Boston. Bigelow continued to advocate cancelling slavery and his commitment to its abolition and that he would die for his principles. A bit more than a decade after the “Bigelow Riot” - the views and convictions of the Aurora community had changed as the church itself and all of its followers began to back completely the abolition of slavery in America. No doubt many who would not change their viewpoints just moved away from the "abolitionist town" to a "pro-slavery" town especially after new territories like Missouri.

1835: Five Points Riot


Five Points AKA The Five Points — was an 1800s neighborhood in Lower Manhattan, New York City. Five Points was partly built on Collect Pond Freshwater (filled land) and generally considered to be bounded by Centre Street to the west, the Bowery to the east, Canal Street to the north, and Park Row to the south. The Five Points became  internationally notorious as a heavily-populated-disease-ridden-crime-infested slum that existed for more than 70 years.

1835: Snow Riot, Washington, D.C.

The Snow Riot was a riot/lynch mob attack in Washington, D.C. in 1835 by whites. The Snow Riot brought chaos and havoc and destruction on anything affiliated with (legally) free blacks for several days. It destroyed or damaged many black-owned establishments. The name of the riot is derived from one of the first mob-attacked destinations, the Beverly Snow Epicurean Eating House restaurant which was owned by a free black man. After attacking the restaurant, the mob destroyed the school Arthur Bowen attended due to the  suspicion that he was being taught about the abolition of slavery in his school. The source of the attackers' animosity on the school was the white working-class men's frustration/aggravation over free blacks' facilitated and apparently easy ability to find work, and the whites' resentment of black competition for jobs.

The NYC Snow Riots' obvious result was the unleashing of white terror against blacks. The riot began on August 12 of 1835 and lasted for days in the Washington DC, and it was not stopped until President Andrew Jackson intervened with NYC police/military force.

Cincinnati riots of 1836 were several against
abolitionist people opposing slavery to the point of advocating "mixing" of the races. The riots were part of a pattern of violence that had occurred in 1829, led by ethnic Irish, and yet another riot against blacks that broke out in 1841. As as result of the 1829 Cincinnati riot — many African Americans lost their homes and property. Increasingly, a group of white former students, some known as the "Lane rebels" who had withdrawn from the Cincinnati Lane Theological Seminary en masse in 1834, over the issue of abolition became sympathetic to blacks' plight. These white students were disgruntled and disaffected (somewhat "Justice Warrior-ly) so these youths rose in opposition to the anti-abolitionist rioters of 1836. The anti-abolitionists worried about their jobs if they had to compete with still more blacks (legally free and runaways) and thus attacked both the blacks and white supporters. This from a May 2020 "fresh" Wikipedia source.

1841: Cincinnati, Ohio White Irish-descendant and Irish immigrant dock workers rioted against Black dock workers.

1844: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Nativist Riots of 1844

By 1844, Philadelphia had 13 Catholic churches. When Bishop Kenrick arrived in 1830, the city had only four, so he was inspired to build nine more by 1844 which alarmed non-Irish Catholics and Protestants alike.

In May and July of 1844, Philadelphia was the site of the bloodiest rioting of the pre-War Between the States period or "Antebellum period", as anti-immigrant mobs attacked Irish-Americans' homes and Roman Catholic churches prior to being "pacified" by the militia. The violence was part of a wave of riots that broke out in American cities beginning in the 1830s. Even with all of this chaos and , they stand out for their duration, itself a product of nativist determination to use xenophobia for political gain. In the aftermath of the riots, shocked Philadelphians began debating new methods of maintaining order, a discussion that contributed to the consolidation of Philadelphia County in 1854.

  This well-preserved lithograph reflects key elements of just one of the riots of 1844. The lithograph is a portrait of the fight in the Southwark neighborhood on July 7, 1844. (Historical Society of Pennsylvania)

1851: Hoboken Anti-German Riot
1855: Louisville Anti-German Riots
Civil War Period
The New York City draft riots  of July 13–16, 1863 - AKA the Manhattan draft riots were the public outcry against unfair Union Army drafting to feed the "War Machine".People of that time in history called the violent disturbances -"Draft Week". Lower Manhattan was a "poor area" in the 1860s. Also at the time, the riots were seen as white working-class anger against 1863s new laws passed by Congress that drafted men to fight who could not afford to hire a replacement surrogate for "major money" in the ongoing American Civil War. Historians still call the riots the largest civil and most racially-charged urban disturbances in American history even though very few non-whites participated. The official death count was 119 or 120 which certainly was even higher due to several of the 2000 or so people dying from wounds albeit later since medical science although not as well-developed as that of twenty-first century or even that of the twentieth century did manage to treat most back to able-body condition. Then they were again subject to the draft they could ill afford to avoid not having the modern day equivalent of about $6200 that the $300 "Replacement or Swap Out Fee" represented.Of course, the $300 served as a "stimulus" of sorts to many families that took up offers from wealthy individuals.
U.S. President  Abraham Lincoln was forced to call up several regiments of militia and volunteer troops to maintain peace and order in New York City after the Battle of Gettysburg.. The rioters were almost 100% white working-class men who "had the fear" that free black people competing for work would take their livelihoods away but mostly they were deeply resentful that wealthier men, who could afford to pay a $300 "SWAP FEE" or commutation fee to hire a substitute, were allowed to continue their lives without the prospect of army enlistment possibly resulting in death or loss of legs and or arms.

May 27 – U.S. President Donald J. Trump, during an official state visit to Japan, was the first foreign leader to meet with Japanese emperor Naruhito.

May 30 – July 14 – The 2019 Cricket World Cup was held in England and Wales, and won by England. Many former British colonies sent a cricket team to compete, including India which has maintained a long tradition of "cricket love".


June 2

Nearly five years after abdication, King Juan Carlos I of Spain retired from public life.

2019 San Marino held a referendum: Sammarinese voters voted to end discrimination based on sexual orientation. The vote also included one to initiate a popular legislative initiative for the reform of the electoral system. Despite Democrat opposition, the United States chose to eliminate the "faithless elector" option that would allow Democrats to somehow intimidate electors into "faithlessness" and voting against their own states' majority. This would allow more populous areas to dictate politics to smaller less populated ones giving the "popular vote" an undeserved "Electoral College" victory despite many more "Red States" with Democrat "machine-run" cities. Scandals like "Tammany Hall" and the "Chicago "Daily Dynasty" have proven the wisdom of the "Founding Fathers" time and time again. And those losers who disparage the Electoral College keep whining and whine unceasingly while trying to unseat the duly and very successfully elected POTUS who is apparently a "Top 10 Contender of POTUS of the Last Three Centuries". And that keeps his detractors hating him and trying gambit and trick after trick and gambit - to get rid of him.

June 3 – Khartoum massacre: More than 100 people are killed when Sudanese troops and Janjaweed militiamen stormed and opened fire on a protest camp outside of a military headquarters in Khartoum, Sudan. A "true" massacre is when almost nobody shoots back or wields a machete back in self-defense - as in a "slaver" nation.

June 3–5 – U.S. President Donald Trump made a state visit to the United Kingdom, meeting with Queen Elizabeth II and outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May or may not. It was the first official state visit to the U.K. by a sitting U.S. president since 2011 when "the other guy" was inventing protocol. Trump also attended D-Day commemorative ceremonies of that heroic and bravely sacrificial - June 6, 1944 landing that was to help liberate Europe from the Nazis.

June 5–8 – Chinese President Xi Jinping made a state visit to Russia, where he also paid a visit to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

June 6 – 2018–19 Sudanese protests: The African Union suspended Sudan's membership "with immediate effect" after the Khartoum massacre of many persons.

June 7 – British Prime Minister Theresa May did resign her job as leader of the Conservative Party.

June 7 – July 7 – The 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup was held in France and was handily won by the United States of America.

June 9
2019–20 Hong Kong protests: Over 1 million people in Hong Kong protested against proposed legislation regarding willful and tyrannical extradition to China which is wrongly based on family ties. It was the largest protest in Hong Kong since the 1997 handover of Hong Kong by Britain to the Red Chinese.

A large explosive eruption of Mount Sinabung in Indonesia sennt a 7,000-meter (Over 21,200 foot) ash column, that produced a pyroclastic flow 3–3.5 kilometers (Over 5.5 miles) long toward the south and southeast of the mountain.

June 11 – Botswana decriminalized homosexuality reminescent of the American Psyciatric Association's delisting of the condition as a diagnosis in the 1980s which was often correct.

June 12
The Supreme Court of Ecuador rules in favor of same-sex marriage, making it legal throughout the country.

June 12, 2019 Hong Kong protest: The Hong Kong government and police controversially declared that the protest has "turned into a riot". That depends on who is a rioter and who is getting "policed".

June 13 – June 2019 Gulf of Oman incident: Two oil tankers were attacked near the Strait of Hormuz while passing through the Gulf of Oman amid heightened tension between Iran and the United States, with the latter blaming the former for the incident.

June 15 – 2019–20 Hong Kong protests: Hong Kong announced it will indefinitely suspend the controversial extradition bill, but protests persistently continued, this time calling for the total withdrawal of the controversial bill "convicting family members for what other relatives and ancestors did" and the resignation of Chief Executive Carrie (the) Lam.

June 16 – A large-scale power outage walloped Argentina, Uruguay and parts of Paraguay, affecting nearly 50 million people.

June 17 – A triple suicide blast killed 30 and injured more than 40 in Borno, Nigeria, at a hall where people were watching a football match that could have been "kickball".

June 18 – The U.S. sent an additional 1,000 troops to the Middle East as tensions escallated with Iran.

June 19 – Four men were charged with murdering the 298 passengers and crew of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, the airliner shot down while flying over Ukraine in July 2014.

June 20–21 – Chinese President Xi Jinping made a state visit to North Korea. It was his first visit to the country as president and the first visit to North Korea by a Chinese leader since Hu Jintao's visit 14 years prior.

June 20 – June 2019 Iranian shoot-down of American drone: Iran viciously and maliciously shot down a United States RQ-4 Global Hawk surveillance drone over the Strait of Hormuz after claiming it had violated their airspace. The U.S. claimed it was shot down in international airspace in an "unprovoked attack" on the unmanned but expensive bit of hardware.

June 22 – 2019 Amhara Region coup d'état attempt: In the Amhara Region of Ethiopia, regional president Ambachew Mekonnen and national-military chief of staff Se'are Mekonnen were assassinated but the coup failed somehow.

June 30 – During a trilateral gathering at the Panmunjom Truce Village between South Korean President Moon Jae-in, North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un and United States President Donald Trump, Trump became the first sitting U.S. president to cross the Korean Demilitarized Zone and enter North Korea. Trump and Kim also agreed to rebegin the stalled denuclearization negotiations.


CRISPR gene editing was first used in July to experimentally treat a patient with a genetic disorder.

July – The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports, on August 15, that July 2019 was the hottest month on record globally, at 0.95 °C (1.71 °F) above the 20th-century average.
July 1 but that was a normal occurrence and did not indicate that carbon credits needed to rake in million$ for "splurging wastefully" on whatever makes people "happy".

Japan resumed its commercial whaling after a 30-year moratorium, following its withdrawal from the International Whaling Commission. They want that blubber and they don't want it only AFTER whales die of natural causes.

Japan announced tightening high-tech exports to South Korea, thus beginning the trade dispute between the two countries.

The International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed that Iran has breached the limit on its stockpile of enriched uranium which was no great surprise since they paid little attention to the bought and paid for - treaty that Trump "set aside" - typically anchoring his legacy and chiselling it in granite as usual.

2019–20 Hong Kong protests: During the annual July 1 protests that marked the anniversary of the British handover of the city to China, a group of a few hundred protesters stormed the Legislative Council of Hong Kong, defacing various portraits and destroying furniture before being dispersed by police using tear gas like US rioters for RIP long after the funeral for no apparent reason except Marxism.

A fire on the Russian deep-diving atomic-powered submarine Losharik killed 14 crew members. Submarine commander Denis Dolonsky was among those killed and could not escape due to the extreme depth.

July 2 – A total solar eclipse occurred over South America. It wa the 58th solar eclipse from Saros cycle 127.

July 3 – 2019 Tajoura migrant center airstrike: An airstrike by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar's Libyan National Army clobbered the Tajoura Detention Center outside Tripoli, Libya, while hundreds of people remained inside the facility, killing at least 53 of them and injuring 130 others.

July 10 – The last Volkswagen Beetle rolled off the assembly line in Puebla, Mexico. The last of 5,961 "Special Edition" cars was exhibited in a museum. Not to worry, the US is inundated with "economically priced" Dodges from Mexican factories that have lower wages than Detroit or Berlin for that matter.

July 12 – Asasey Hotel attack: A car bomb and a firearm attack killed at least 26 people, including two prominent journalists and nine foreigners, in Kismayo, Somalia. Islamist group al-Shabaab claims responsibility.

July 13 – Hurricane Barry struck the Gulf Coast, killing one and causing over $500 million (2019 USD) in damages.

July 16 – The European Parliament electsed Ursula von der Leyen as the new President of the European Commission. S;postID=8661862654518203213;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=0;src=linkucceeding Jean-Claude Juncker, she was sworn (and at) in on December 1, 2019. She was the first female to be elected to this office in EU history.

July 17
Joaquيn "El Chapo" Guzmلn, former head of the Sinaloa Cartel, which became the biggest supplier of drugs to the U.S., was sentenced to life in prison plus 30 years never to be caved out again to freedom. Overly intelligent civic-minded folk MIGHT have exploited these cave diggers for free sewer excavations had El Chapo been strategically moved about so that the "diggers" would modify would-be escape tunnels.

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Kivu Ebola epidemic to be a public health emergency of international concern. Trump was later to "flush" WHO for "willful mischief" in alpha-numeric "c" word panic-mongering.

July 18 – 36 people were killed and more than 30 others were injured after an arson attack at an animation company in Kyoto, Japan. It was one of the deadliest massacres in the country's history since the end of World War II and the deadliest building fire in the country in 18 years, since the Myojo 56 building fire in 2001.

July 19 – The Iranian Navy of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps captured British tanker Stena Impero and temporarily seized British-operated and Liberian-flagged tanker Mesdar in the Persian Gulf. The British Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, warned of "serious consequences" if Iran did not release the tanker it had "grabbed".

July 21 – A mob of over 100 suspected triad members dressed in white and armed with batons attacked commuters indiscriminately at MTR Yuen Long station in Hong Kong, injuring 45, including a pro-democracy legislator and a pregnant woman. Hong Kong police were accused of allowing the violence to happen due to their delayed response and hot pursuit of Chinese donuts and coffee and their decision to limit emergency services in the area. ( as reported by The Guardian) (Scamp or SCMP)

July 24 – Boris Johnson became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom after defeating Jeremy Hunt in a leadership contest, succeeding Theresa May.

July 26 – August 11 – The 2019 Pan American Games of ? were held in Lima, Peru.
July 30 – India banned the triple talaq - whatever that is.


A Hong Kong anti-extradition law was protested in June 2019.

August 1 – Danish polar research institution Polar Portal reported a large spike in Greenland ice loss, with 11 billion tons melted in one day and 197 gigatonnes during the month of July.

August 2
The United States officially withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty established with Russia in 1987 that Russia has ignored for years.

2019–2020 Japan–South Korea trade dispute: Japan announces the removal of South Korea from its list of most trusted trading partners, effective on August 28.

August 3 – A mass shooting at a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas, United States, left 23 people dead and 23 others injured.

August 4
2019 Cairo bombing: A car crashes into three other cars causing an explosion outside the National Cancer Institute Egypt in Cairo, Egypt, killing at least 20 people and injuring 47 others.

2019 Dayton shooting: Ten people, including the perpetrator, are killed and 27 others injured in a mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio, United States, just 13 hours after the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas.
August 5
Revocation of the special status of Jammu and Kashmir: India revokes the part of its constitution that gives Indian-administered Kashmir special status in an unprecedented move.
2019–20 Hong Kong protests: Amid ongoing protests, Hong Kong was hit by the first general strikes of their kind since 1967.

August 7 – The Singapore Convention on Mediation, also known as the UN Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation, came into effect with 46 countries ratifying it. States that have ratified the treaty will have to ensure that international commercial settlement agreements are enforced by their courts.

August 8 – Nyonoksa radiation accident: Reports indicate that there may have been a nuclear explosion at the Nyonoksa weapons-testing site in Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia. At least five people were killed and three others injured in the blast, with radiation levels in Severodvinsk, 29 miles (47 km) away from the site, being 20 times above normal levels temporarily.

August 10
Morogoro tanker explosion: A fuel tanker truck exploded in Morogoro, Tanzania, killing at least 89 people and injuring dozens more.

At least 32 people were killed and 1,000,000 evacuated as Typhoon Lekima made landfall in Zhejiang, China. Earlier it had caused flooding in the Philippines.

August 10–25 – 2019 Canary Islands wildfires: A number of forest fires broke out in the Canary Islands of Gran Canaria, Tenerife and Lanzarote. The fires on the island of Gran Canaria were the most severe, resulting in the the burnout of large areas of the island's forests and causing the evacuation of thousands of residents from a number of towns and villages.

August 11 – 2019 Indian floods: At least 114 people, including 57 in Kerala, 30 in Karnataka and 27 in Maharashtra, were reported to have died from monsoon-related flooding in India. At least 227 died across India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

August 12
2019–20 Hong Kong protests: Hong Kong International Airport was closed due to protests.

2019–2020 Japan–South Korea trade dispute: South Korea announced the removal of Japan from its list of most trusted trading partners, effective on September 18. Japan thus became "mistrusted" by South Korea.

The Trump administration announced it will delay its proposal for 10 percent tariffs slated to take effect from September 1 on certain consumer goods from China while exempting other products — less than two weeks after Trump announced the new proposed tariffs.

August 13 – The main yield curve for U.S. Treasury bonds inverted, as the yield rate for 2-year bonds rose higher than the yield rate for 10-year bonds.

August 14 – The Dow Jones took a nosedive of more than 500 points, due to concerns over the yield curve inversion.

August 15 – The European Central Bank shut down PNB Banka after a ruling it had become insolvent; this bank, previously called Norvik Banka, was Latvia's sixth-largest lender, and was a critic of the Baltic country's financial authorities.

August 16 – Russian airstrike killed 20 civilians in the Hass refugee camp.

August 18 – 100 activists, officials, and other concerned citizens in Iceland held a funeral for Okjِkull glacier, which has completely melted after once covering six square miles (15.5 km2). There were NO pall bearers and NO crosses or grave-markers were erected.

August 19 – 2019 Papua protests erupted, mainly across Indonesian Papua, in response to an incident in Surabaya where a group of Papuan students were arrested for alleged disrespect of the Indonesian flag but actual disrespect details were left out. In Jayapura, Sorong, Fakfak, Timika and Manokwari, protests turned violent, with various private buildings and public facilities being damaged or burned. The protests and unrest were described by Reuters as "the most serious civil unrest in years over perceived racial and ethnic discrimination."

August 21
2019 Amazon rain forest wildfires: Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE) reported fires burning in the Amazon rain forest at a record rate, with over 36,000 in the year to date, while smoke reached Sمo Paulo more than 2,700 kilometres (1,700 mi) away. Was this later to be "explained away" by the media as Sahara Dust in 2020 to avoid mentioning it as an international emergency?

Giuseppe Conte offers his resignation as Prime Minister of Italy in order to avoid a no-confidence motion.

August 23 – German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron described the widespread Amazon fires as an international emergency, urging the matter to be discussed at the weekend's G7 summit. Loss of rain forest is perceived as a threat to the oxygenation of the "Big Blue Marble". It's a good thing that this has not been a "jungle" for decades due to "political correctness" and protest from wildlife in the area.

August 25 – 2019 Beirut drone crash: According to Lebanese officials, two Israeli drones viciously attacked Beirut, Lebanon. One crashed into the roof of the Hezbollah Media Center, about 45 minutes before the second exploded in the air and damaged the building. It was the first such incident between Israel and Lebanon since the 2006 Lebanon War.


Greta Thunberg became the youngest TIME person of the year and several awards for promoting "climate change" not related to the "Four Seasons" being winter, spring, summer and fall. Books about this have been,"The Long Hot Summer", "Springtime for Hitler", Winter Solstice Is What  Wiccans Prefer, and the widely-acclaimed and award-winning Hollywood film, "Legends of the Fall".

September 1 – Hurricane Dorian made landfall on The Bahamas as the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic basin outside the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, with sustained wind speeds of 185 mph. Some 43 deaths were reported.

September 2

Sinking of MV Conception: 34 people were killed after a fire and subsequent sinking of a dive boat near Santa Cruz Island, California, United States. It was the worst maritime disaster in California in over 150 years. FYI a dive boat is used by recreational "skin divers" or scuba divers to get to remote dive sites not accessible from the shore by diving. A few are wind-powered but most are motor driven boats.

Iranian woman Sahar Khodayari ignited herself with fire after being arrested for attending a soccer game in Iran. She died a week later from her self-inflicted burns.

September 4 – 2019–20 Hong Kong protests: Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam announced the official withdrawal of the controversial Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019, and setting up of an independent study to probe social and economic inequality within the territory.

September 6 – Chandrayaan-2, India's second lunar probe, was successful to put the orbit in lunar orbit, but the lander Vikram crashed into the surface of the moon. Russian early attempts involved "crashing" as well since a lunar landing is very complicated to accomplish.

September 7

Afghan peace process: U.S. President Donald Trump announced he "called off" planned peace talks with the Taliban at Camp David after they claimed responsibility for the September 2 and 5 bombings in Kabul which killed a U.S. soldier, among others. Apparently the Taliban "forgot" to remain peaceful and broke a cease-fire as usual.

Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov and 66 others were released in a prisoner exchange between Ukraine and Russia.

September 10 – The Parliament of the United Kingdom was prorogued (but not unduly frustrated) amid unprecedented protests from opposition MPs, who held up signs in the House of Commons (wishing they were COVID-19 masked absconding with bank funds perhaps) and refused to back the shutdown which they later would back as alphanumeric "c" word related in the not-too-distant future.

September 11 – Astronomers announced the detection of water in the atmosphere of exoplanet K2-18b, the first such discovery for an exoplanet in the habitable zone around a star.

September 14 – 2019 Abqaiq–Khurais attack: Two Saudi Aramco oil refineries in Abqaiq and Khurais, Saudi Arabia, were attacked by drones, resulting in fires. Houthi militants claimed responsibility, saying that they used ten drones for the attack obtained from "somewhere". Aramco's oil exports and production were disrupted by five million barrels a day, close to half of the entire Saudi Arabian oil exports.

September 16 – A gas explosion in Koltsovo, Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia ignited a fire in a bioweapons plant that houses viruses including smallpox, ebola ,anthrax but no COVID-19 since that project belongs to Red China and their vaccine promotions.

September 19 – 30 Afghan nut farmers were killed and 40 injured in an alleged U.S. drone attack in Nangarhar Province.

September 20 – An international strike and protest led by young people and adults was held three days before the September UN Climate Summit, to demand action be taken to address the climate crisis of winter, spring,summer and fall. . The event was one of the largest climate mobilizations in history of discussing the aftermath of winter, spring, summer and fall by those who like to exploit climate for profit.

September 20 – November 2 – The 2019 Rugby Union World Cup was held in Japan; the South Africa Springboks defeat the England national rugby union team 32–12.

September 21 – U.S. President Donald Trump approved deployment of several hundred troops and military equipment to Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates after the September 14 attack on Saudi oil refineries for charitable purposes. Both Saudi Arabia and Iran vowed to defend themselves.

September 22 – Nearly three weeks after Hurricane Dorian made landfall on The Bahamas, the official death toll was at 52 with 1,300 people reported as missing. Rescuers reported the widespread odor of rotting and rancid corpses in the hurricane rubble.

September 23

One of the largest and oldest travel firms, Thomas Cook, declared bankruptcy as last-minute rescue negotiations failed, stranding 600,000 tourists worldwide.

Russia formally adopted the Paris climate agreement but will spend zero funds on winter, spring, summer and fall expecting others to outspend them by millions of whatever currency the other countries want to spend frivolously.

September 24

The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom unanimously ruled that the September 2019 prorogation of Parliament was unlawful and void. Many felt that nobody deserved prorogation as they deemed it cruel and unusual punishment.

The Supreme Court of Spain unanimously rules in favour of the exhumation of the remains of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco from the Valle de los Whatevers. He was finally exhumed on October 24, being re-inhumed in a private crypt with his wife.

Generalissimo Francisco Franco was going places since Spain exhumed the murderous Spanish dictator's corpse from his grandiose mausoleum outside Madrid. The remains were flown by helicopter for reburial in a small family private crypt north of Madrid where his wife is buried.
The government-ordered, closed-door operation on satisfied a decades-old desire of many in Spain who considered the mausoleum that Franco built an insult to the many thousands who died in Spain’s Civil War. It was also deemed an affront to his regime as it was renewed by his successors. The dictator was seen as an insult to Spain’s standing as a modern democratic state.
The expensive coffin was extracted from under marble slabs and two tons of granite whereby a brief prayer as requested from Franco’s family before the coffin was taken to its new re-inhumed place about 35 miles away.
Spain’s interim socialist prime minister, Pedro Sánchez commented that the moving “puts an end to a moral affront that is the exaltation of dictator in a public place”. He stated that it was a necessity in order to begin the process of identifying the thousands of Franco victims who were also buried at the mausoleum.
U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced the start of a formal impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump for no apparent reason other than sheer spite since the M-guy's report had exonerated the POTUS from all expensively investigated charges that he was a Russian agent hellbent of making America great again with a booming economy that Democrats despised and were green with jealousy - over.

September 27 – 500,000 people march in a climate change protest led by activist Greta Thunberg and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Montreal, Canada. 4,000,000 allegedly go on strike around the world or see it as an excuse to take a holiday.

September 30 – The Republic of Ireland promised to plant 440 million trees in twenty years to combat climate change that they deem related to deforestation of the Emerald Isle.


Hong Kong protests turned into widespread riots and civil disobedience to the surprise of no one.

October 1

2019–20 Hong Kong protests: A protester was shot in the chest with a "real" bullet not a rubber one - and critically injured.

The Nanfang'ao Bridge, the only steel single-arch bridge in Taiwan, collapsed supposed of its own weight and perhaps lack of maintenance, killing six people and injuring over twenty others.

October 2 – 25 soldiers were killed and 60 missing following attacks on two army camps in Boulkessi and Mondoro, Mali.

October 3

Paris police headquarters stabbing: A man stabbed and jabbed five officers at the central police headquarters in Paris, France, killing four of them. The attacker, properly and promptly shot dead by other officers, was an unnecessary and therefore a useless administrative intelligence employee at the station.

The European Court of Justice ruled that Facebook must delete a post about Austrian politician Eva Glawischnig-Piesczek. The "rascally" post had originated in Ireland and the court ruled that the post defamed and insulted the politician and must be removed all over the world but awarded no monetary penalty for the irreparable damage to the lady's reputation.

European Commission spokesperson Daniel Rosario threatened retaliatory measures if the United States were to impose a US$7.5-billion (approximately €6.8-billion) tariff on products such as olives, single-malt whiskey, wine, cheese, yogurt, and airplanes. The tariffs are scheduled to take place on October 18.
already pricy single-malt whisky carries a heftier price tag thanks to 25% tariffs the U.S. began imposing on Oct. 18, 2019 because of a 15-year international fight involving Trump's defense of America's airplane industry. The tariffs were on $7.5 billion worth of European Union goods including Iriah whiskey a Scotch Whiskey Association spokes-person named Graeme Littlejohn stated, “This is a really serious situation for the industry, and particularly for our small and mid-size member companies, who predominantly deal in single malt.”

October 4 – 2019–20 Hong Kong protests: Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam and the Chief Executive in Council invokes the Emergency Regulations Ordinance and banning the face mask in public gatherings with immediate effect.

October 5 – 2019 Iraqi protests: 91 people are killed by police during a week of demonstrations in Iraq.

October 8

2019 Ecuadorian protests: The Government of Ecuador, headed by President Lenيn Moreno, relocated to Guayaquil as the Carondelet Palace in Quito was overtaken by protesters and chaos persists in Quito, the capital of Ecuador that MAY have stemmed from not protecting Assange anymore.

About 200 Extinction Rebellion activists block the gates of Leinster House (parliament) in the Republic of Ireland because of the wildcat being endangered we suppose. The promised reforestation of Ireland would greatly benefit all wildlife NOT getting drunk under or behind a tree.

October 9

2019 Turkish offensive into north-eastern Syria: President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey announced a military invasion of north-eastern Syria, aimed at the SDF and other Kurdish militias.

The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan and the U.N. Human Rights Office issued a report claiming that U.S. bombings in Nimroz and Farah Province, Afghanistan, that killed 39 civilians were rascally and downright unlawful. The U.S. explained that the attacks were against drug labs that fund the Taliban which is nothing new for people adhering to the faith.

October 12 – Typhoon Hagibis made landfall in Japan, the biggest storm to hit the region in decades, with over seven million people strongly urged to evacuate - as in leave the area.

October 14

Trial of Catalonia independence leaders: The Supreme Court of Spain sentenced nine Catalan independence movement leaders to 9 to 13 years of prison for sedition and misuse of public funds. Three others are disqualified for 1 year and 8 months for disobedience. Violent protests erupted across the Spanish state of Catalonia. It is sometimes assumed that the Catalan dialect or language differs from Castilian Spanish but this is not easily researched.

A New York Times investigation revealed that Russian planes have bombed at least 50 hospitals and clinics in opposition-held Idlib, Syria. It is very strange for the NYT to admit that Russia is "rascally" over anything at all.

October 17 – Shootouts erupted in Culiacon, Mexico, after the arrest of El Chapo's son, Ovidio Guzman Lَopez, on an arrest warrant for drug dealing in the United States. Eight people were killed and 56 convicts escaped from prison but 7 were recaptured by October 18. Guzman Lَopez was released in an effort to restore peace and to prevent more bloodshed. The release apparently worked decreasing bloodshed.

October 18

NASA astronauts Jessica Meir and Christina Koch conduct the first all-female spacewalk outside of the International Space Station.

Riots in Chilean capital city Santiago erupted as civil unrest escalated as a reaction to a series of economic measures and Government's declarations labeled as abuse by protesters. It is possible that the reduction of wages and or a devaluation of the currency was responsible for the unrest pero quien sabe?

October 19 – An estimated one million people marched through London in a protest organised by People's Vote, to demand a second referendum on Brexit. The increase in alpha-numeric "C" word positive tests is unknown and debatable due to the lack of "social distancing" involved in riots which are thought to prevent the spread via protection from Satan or something else.

October 23

The bodies of 39 people were found in a truck container in Essex, England. A 25-year-old man from Northern Ireland is arrested on suspicion of murder. She may have been smuggling people into Essex, England and "neglected her cargo." That MIGHT eliminate all suspicion...

Google announces that its 53-qubit "Sycamore" processor has achieved quantum supremacy. IBM disputed the claim as speed and accuracy are critical for quantum supremacy.

October 25 – Tourists visit the summit of Uluru AKA Ayers Rock for the last time, as a ban on climbing the famous rock in Australia's Northern Territory was effected effect to protect the "Rock" who as a former wrestler-turned-movie star formally lodged his protest. He even stated that the authorities could "Go to Witch Mountain" and FRY.

October 26 – The Amazon Catholic bishops synod proposed that married men be ordained as priests, which would reverse the Church's centuries-old discipline of celibacy. Did the legendary Amazons have anything to do with the decision centuries ago that Amazonian priests be celibate? It could be impossible to "entertain" an Amazon if one were a celibate priest. So many activities are forbidden to priests.

October 27

U.S. President Donald Trump announced that the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was killed in a U.S. special forces operation. As it was reported that al-Baghdadi had detonated a suicide vest after being chased into a tunnel - all Christians of the world have suspicions that al-Baghdadi's destination for "Eternity" will be "very warm".

October 30

Social media website Twitter banned all political advertising worldwide. TBTG

An earthquake of 6.6. Mw magnitude shook the Philippine island of Mindanao two days after an earthquake killed eight and left 12,000 people homeless. There actually were THREE earthquakes of note that occurred October 16 (6.3), 29 (6.6) and 30 (6.5) respectively. The epicentre was 22 km southeast of Tulunan, Cotabato

October 31

A fire destroyed much of the 500-year-old Japanese Shuri Castle, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
A train catches fire near Rahim Yar Khan in Pakistan. The blaze, sparked by gas used by passengers cooking on board, kills at least 74 people.

Heavy rain and flooding left 3 dead and 200,000 people homeless in Beledweyne, Somalia. Meanwhile, 29 were killed and 29,000 were made homeless due to flooding in nearby Kenya, the alleged birthplace of one of America's most notorious presidents thought to be more rascally than Trump who is said by his 100,000.000 plus "fans" as to have a "magnificent talent for making the USA great again despite Democratic Party opposition to just about everything he has accomplished and is likely to accomplish in the foreseeable future."Trump's opposition appears to be inviting an eternal stay at al-Baghdadi's perceived eternal resort destination by all apparent means that they can muster. Many Christians continue to pray that these persons will "get a transfer" to "the in-between place" if not the alleged 7th one. A very forgiving lot - those Christian folk! Many Christians continue to be provoked to "sign language" at their teleys at the very sight of Nancy Pelosi, Chucky Schumer, Ralph Gonader and others distracted by the alpha-numeric "c" word's devastation to the US economy which they heartily cheer for since investigation and impeachment failed miserably to deter Trump's Juggernaut progress.


Protesters were in Baghdad during the October Revolution.

November 4

LeBarَn and Langford families massacre: Nine Americans were killed when Mexican gang members irrasibly shot up their vehicles while driving to a Mormon wedding about 110 kilometres (70 mi) south of the Mexico–United States border. The bodies were subsequently burned inside the vehicles.

Amnesty International alleged that Bangladesh killed 466 people in 2018 under the guise of an anti-drugs campaign in what appeared to be a wave of extrajudicial executions.

The United States formally began the arduous process to get out of the Paris Agreement on climate change concerning unstoppable winder, spring summer and fall. True statistics reveal that the Earth's overall temperature has risen almost one tenth of a degree indicating that Al Gore's severe constipation affected numerous polar bear aficionados in a "mental" way.

November 5

11,000 scientists from around the world who had apparently been drinking something had a vicious battle to determine who would author a study to be published in the journal BioScience. The article allegedly written by all 11,000 was warning "clearly and unequivocally that planet Earth is facing a climate emergency". The "emergency" will endorse taxing the "blue blazes" out of those who have money and excusing those who have "mean" so that the USA and the West will pay while Europe, China, and the Palestinians pay almost nothing with the latter burning tyres whenever they want to protest "loudly".

Air pollution in parts of India rose to record levels. Air pollution in China has millions saying,"I can't breathe."

November 6 – 2019 Fada N'gourma (West Africa's Kenya) attack: At least 37 people were killed and 60 others injured when gunmen attacked a Semafo Canadian gold mining company convoy on a road in eastern Burkina Faso.

November 7 – Former Congolese rebel leader Bosco Ntaganda drew a 30 year prison sentence for war crimes and crimes against humanity. This was the longest sentence ever by the International Criminal Court for alleged war crimes.

November 9
The Supreme Court of India awarded a holy site in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh to Hindus, rejecting a spurious Muslim claim. The move was deemed likely to cause sectarian arguments leading to altercations and fights between peace-loving Hindus and violence-preferring Muslims who were awarded Pakistan in which to live apart from Hindus because peace was desired by Hindus "Chamberlain-ishly".

Cyclone Bulbul caused seven deaths in West Bengal, India and seven in Bangladesh. About 2,000,000 people were evacuated from the cyclone ravaged area.

November 11

A transit of Mercury the planet - occurred

2019–20 Hong Kong protests Update revealed that traffic police officer shot a young Chinese person in Sai Wan Ho during city-wide strike. Protesters poured something flammable on a man and set him on fire on the same day. As usual in the news, no names or rationale or reasoning was given for any occurrences.

November 13
Ridiculous and annoying public impeachment hearings against U.S. President Donald Trump began in the House of Representatives by Democrats in the majority who oppose the Republican conservative president's popularity and booming economy they seek to destroy one way or another. The media would later broadcast 2.1 Billion alpha-numeric "c" word warnings day by day, night by night 24/7/365 with eventual collapse of any belief in what the US media says, publishes, or opines about concerning an alleged "pandemic' that has "counters" counting any and all acquaintances, relatives, teachers, sales persons including all clergy as POSITIVE for the alpha-numeric "c" word thereby bringing the COUNT to millions affected by this "pandemic". The **only** thing REALLY affected is the determination of Trump's enemies to FOIST economic DOOM on the United States any which way the "opposition" can including all these lies about the alpha-numeric "c" word after NY Governor Cuomo did everything possible to spread the virus to every living person in New York state. The hapless residents APPEAR to like him even MORE after his "efforts" which included selling off ventilators that MIGHT have saved several people who had been stricken with "the virus" or something that would eventually kill them off enabling inflated numbers.
When Trump ordered two Navy ships to aid New Yorkers, AND tent facilities were set up - these went UNUSED for the most part as Cuomo and de Blagio disallowed their usage so that hospitals could concentrate sickness better to maximize casualties enabling more and longer "shutdowns".

A former contestant on The Voice" worked up a parody that went "viral" about "the virus" on Youtube!!! This is HILARIOUS about a media-induced "GRIM" subject.

Note: The lottery and LIQUOR stores are ESSENTIAL but bars and casinos are NOT!!! Neither are GROCERIES SELLING ready to eat BUT restaurants cannot open and buyers MUST pick up cold food at the curbside and take it home to the microwave and get that "rubbery cooked effect". Just put some butter in a skillet and warm the food for awhile to avoid RUBBERY BREAD, etc etc.

2019–20 Hong Kong protests: The Chinese University of Hong Kong officially announced a premature end to the semester as a result of large-scale protests and civil unrest. Besides CUHK, several Hong Kong universities switched to online learning and suspended on-campus classes so that profs could be with their wives when they get pregnant. The Education Bureau in Hong Kong officially announced to close all schools in Hong Kong due to the ongoing protests to allow teachers the opportunity to be with their wives when they get a zygote permeated by a single celled spermatozoa.

November 14 – Italy declared a state of emergency in Venice after record floods there.

November 17 – 2019–20 Hong Kong protests: Police used tear gas and water cannons against protesters against Red Chinese infringement of "Hong Kong Rights" not to be extradited for their distant relatives' crimes, etc. Protesters who attempted to break through barriers and several did enter enter The Hong Kong Polytechnic University at the epicenter of a week-long standoff between demonstrators and law enforcement. The protesters were convinced that they had to fight back with Molotov cocktails, arrows, and bricks. But no bows were seen in the "evening news" so arrows were apparently thrown like the other items mentioned. There were numerous arrests, and injuries to both police and protesters.

November 19 – Google launched its Stadia game into the video game market' By July 2020 Youtube had logged 279,000 comments about the game.

November 21 – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was indicted on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust then like Trump acquitted as there was spurious evidence in his case as well.

November 23
An independence referendum began in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea lead to voters choosing independence.

The last known Malaysian Sumatran rhinoceros of its kind died but cell specimens retained may enable a sort of "Jurassic Park" comeback.

November 24 – 2019 Busy Bee crash: A plane crashes shortly after takeoff in a densely populated area of Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, killing all 19 people on board and at least 10 more on the ground.
November 25
The World Meteorological Organization reports that levels of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have reached another new record high of 407.8 parts per million, with "no sign of a slowdown, let alone a decline."[264][265]
IPv4 address exhaustion: The RIPE NCC, which is the official regional Internet registry (RIR) for Europe, officially announces that it has run out of IPv4 addresses.[266]
November 26
2019 Albania earthquake: 51 people are killed and around 2,000 others injured in a 6.4-magnitude earthquake in northwestern Albania. The earthquake is the strongest to hit Albania in more than 40 years, and the world's deadliest earthquake in 2019.
2019 Chilean protests: Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International made reports on Chile's situation denouncing grave human rights violations, including excessive violence use and detention abuses by police forces. There are records of police brutally firing non-lethal ammunition into protesters' faces against  regulations, causing over 200 people to suffer severe eye trauma and over 50 needing glass prosthetic eyes.

November 27 – The U.S. Government passes the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act.

November 30 – 22 people including two civilians, four police officers and 16 drug dealers - were killed in a shootout in Villa Uniَn, Coahuila, Mexico. This was the largest crime of this nature in the history of Mexico.

November 30 – December 11 – The 2019 Southeast Asian Games were held in the Philippines.


Chilean protests.

December – The COVID-19 AKA Wuhan Weaponized Flu - pandemic began in Wuhan, Hubei, China. Mass deportations and vacations lead to a worldwide scurge
causing many deaths especially of the elderly and people already weakened by ailmants.

December 2 – Typhoon Kammuri weathered the Philippines, causing the withdrawal and flight of 200,000 people, but there were no reports of injuries or serious damage.

December 2–13 – The 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference occurred in Madrid, Spain, after Chilean President Sebastiلn Piٌera announced in October of 2019 that Chile could not host the conference because of political strife making it too dangerous for visitors. The committee decided that fall leads to leaves on trees changing colour, declining temperatures in the winter with possible snow which melts when spring warms up then gradually heats up for summer.

December 5
The 2019 Burundi landslide caused a reported 26 deaths.

Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi asks the House Judiciary Committee to begin drafting the articles of impeachment against U.S. President Donald Trump since this is a past-time for them instead of obstructing essential progress.
December 8 – A factory blaze in Delhi, India, killed 43 people and injured at some 50 others.

December 9

The World Anti-Doping Agency voted unanimously (100%) to ban Russia from international sport for four years due doping offences. This means tha Russia will be excluded from the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyom Japan, the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China and the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, in Northwest Africa. Doping is the non-drug administration of one's own blood prior to sports events for endurance and stamina due to increased oxygen-carrying cells by the pre-event addition which the person's body had time to replace. Like impeachment of a POTUS it only sounds like a terrible thing with disasterous consequences. Some people actually THINK doping MIGHT be FUN and RECREATIONAL and impeachment might involve peaches so that their own ignorance backfires on them revealing their public schooling induced lessening of educational development.

When a volcano erupted on White Island in New Zealand, it killed 20 people and injured at least 27 others.

2019 Chilean Air Force C-130 crash: A Chilean military transport aircraft crashes while en route to Base Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva in Antarctica, killing all 38 people on board. The crash site was located on December 12.

December 10

Sanna Marin, age 34, became the world's youngest serving prime minister after being chosened as Finland's Social Democratic Party leader.

Democrats in the United States House of Representatives announce formal charges against President Donald Trump, accusing him of abusing power and "obstructing Congress". he becomes the fourth U.S. president in history to face impeachment.

December 11 – The World Trade Organization was rendered impotent to intervene in trade disputes after the U.S. blocked the appointment of new panel members.

December 16 – Pope Francis abolished pontifical secrecy in sex abuse cases. This decision was due to the Vatican's Meeting on the Protection of Minors in the Church a few months ago. The Pope also elevated the definition of "child pornography" from 14 to 18 years old.

December 17 – Shandong, China's first completely Red China-built aircraft carrier, entered naval service.

December 18

The CHEOPS space telescope was  launched into orbit around the Earth. Its mission is the study of the formation of extrasolar planets and scientifically determining their precise radius, likely density and internal structure.

The U.S. House of Representatives approves two articles of impeachment against President Trump, making him the third president to be impeached in the nation's history. This sounds very serious but cooler heads prevail in the US Senate and contrived charges without evidence are backlask on those making frivilous charges  gain valuable infamy and notoriety which assures them of virtual lifetime Democrat careers.

December 19
Libya's Government of National Accord initiated a cooperation agrement with Turkey, allowing potential Turkish military intervention in the Second Libyan Civil War.

A locust plague devastates 173,000 acres (70,000 hectares) of crop and grazing land in Ethiopia and Somalia.

A Philippines court of law convicted Andal Ampatuan Jr., his brother Zaldy Ampatuan and 31 others including three members of the Ampatuan clan, of 57 counts of murder and sentenced them all to life imprisonment without parole for their involvement in the Maguindanao massacre of November 23, 2009. The killed included  Mangudadatu's family members, aides, lawyers, and supporters. This sort of event is called extrajudicial killings (i.e. unlawful or felonious killings)– and forced disappearances - in the Phillipines.

December 20
President Trump announced the founding of the United States Space Force, a branch of the United States Armed Forces dedicated to space warfare. General John W. (Ray)Raymond is the commander
States Space Force and serves as the Space Force's first Chief of Space Operations. He also concurrently serves as the commander of United States Space Command which was established in 1982.

The Dutch Supreme Court affirmed that the Dutch government is responsible for managing carbon dioxide emissions in Holland and also should protect human rights. The ruling from the Court of Appeals stated that "every country is responsible for its share" of emissions and there are over 200 worldwide.

December 23

Five men were sentenced to death and three others were given 24 year prison sentences for their involvement in the murder of dissident journalist and possible fragmentation of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi's corpse at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

A bus accident claimed the lives of 28 people killed outright with 13 others injured after a bus left the roadway crashing into a ravine on a torturous and winding road in South Sumatra.

House of Representatives votes to adopt the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump since the Democrats and RINO Republicans never recovered but suffered "Trump Derangement Syndrome" or (TDS) from Trump's Electoral College victory in 2016. There was much crying, cursing and gnashing of teeth and a spurious, fake "dossier was promoted by former Britsh spy Christopher Steele for an alleged $175,000 from Hillary Rodham Clinton. As respectable news sources refused to publish the "urine file", Buzzfeed allegedly led the pack with Britain's Guardian chiming in. ssier, also known as the Trump–Russia dossier and "THE FAKE FILE" being a first for Russian hearsay to be fetching a fantastic price for documents usually presented free "over the transom" and any way possible. It is a private intelligence report written from June to December 2016 alleging misconduct, conspiracy, and co-operation between Donald Trump's presidential campaign and the government of Russia during the 2016 election. The Guardian has described it as "one of the most explosive documents in modern political history" which sounds a great deal like they willfully did demolition of their copy. Infamous RINO Senator John McCain allegedly presented it to FBI Director Comey for "disimilation".

December 22 | ሰበር ዜና በአማራ ክልል መስጊዶች ተቃጠሉ

December 24 – Thousands of Muslims protested the December 20 burning of four mosques in the Amhara Region of Ethiopia.
Five people were arrested but mobs were celebrating after burning several mosques in Ethiopia Amhara region of Gondar & Gojam.

December 26 – An annular solar eclipse was seen from South Asia. The eclipse was a part of Saros 132.

December 27 – Corporate defaults on corporate bonds in Red China reached a new record.

December 28 – A truck bomb credited to al-Shabaab killed about 78 Somalis with 125 wounded in Mogadishu, Somalia.
December 29
Multi-Sector Epidemic Response Committee (CMRE) reported that 2,231 people died in the 2018–20 Kivu Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with more casualties possible.
The Taliban's ruling council agrees to a temporary cease-fire in Afghanistan, opening a door to a peace agreement with the United States.
December 30 – Chinese authorities announce that Scientist/Doctor He Jiankui, alleged creater of the world's first genetically "modified" human babies, was sentenced to three years in prison with a fine of 3 million yuan (US$430,000) for his genetic research efforts.
December 31
Iraqi militiamen and protesters breach the front gate checkpoint of the United States embassy in Baghdad following a U.S. military operation that targeted an Iraqi militia on December 29.[311]
China informs the World Health Organization (WHO?) of an outbreak of a novel coronavirus developed in a Wuhan Laboratory. The virus was blamed on a "wet market" where bats and other exotic animals are sold but people were deported to spread the virus with many welcomed in Italy which soon suffered many 1000s of Wuham Chinese Flu deaths. Soon due to widespread travel and American planes kept in China to shuttle people out for maximum spread of the disease, Covidians favouring death of older to enable Zero Population Growth, the soon named it COVID-19. Later Covidian journalists would swamp the US population with fear mongering story after story of deaths beginning in a Washington State nursing home. New York Governor Vuomo, seeing a chance for maximum casualitoes among the elderly quickly transferred Wuhan Flu patients to New York nursing home to increase the body count which lead to further media frenzy with state after state shutting down "non-essential businesses" but allowing liquor stores and lottery to continue unabatted. In one state people were arrested in their cars for attending church in a former drive-in movie location. Most churches went on Youtube with a few eventually allowing all masked barely intelligible sermons with church goers observing "social distancing of six to 9 feet."

Is this the blog of an old classmate who ran out of "blog" in 2016? Sporatic is better than "NO blogging at all"...who has the time/inspiration/patience for even a regular MONTHLY blog? Sometimes the possibility of someone linking with one to get 7000 hits is well neigh impossible but then again so is a lottery win - that is a REALLY big like lightening striking you while you golf on a cloudless day?

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