“Commander Che Guevara appealed to Batista troops for a truce to clear the streets of casualties,” added the "frenetically frantic" The New York Times article. “Guevara turned the tide in this bloody battle and whipped a Batista force of 3000 men!" (Holly Guano Batdude! That's a heap! We wonder if Che Gazoombas Guerra created a pile of burning corpses 100 feet high with smoke billowing up high enough to obscure pilots' vision in aircraft!)
About one year later, Che Guanera’s own personal diaries detailed that his forces of a few dozen (36 to - 72-84) suffered ONE casualty written about as “El Vaquerito” or "Little Cowboy" who was injured ducking fire, stepped in a pothole, got shot or shot to death - during this Caribbean Stalingrad, as depicted by the New York Times. Che himself would have proudly proclamed from the rooftops,"WE killed 1000 Beasongistas er Bautistis with ONE casualty!" But obviously that was a New York Times "unverified story" that got hyped before it made the headline.
In classic New York Times - form, during this “battle,” the paper had no reporter within 300 miles of Santa (Claws) Clara! To save a PESO or TWO, the paper relied on trusty Cuban Castroite “correspondents.” Who could really blame a Castroite for "embellishing"? Who wants to get shot at for The New York Times? Who could really blame Fidel and Che for laughing and rolling about in the dirt in hilarity at the scam they effected with kudos, thanks, and stay-outta-hecks to the New York Times.
"H", the dedicated, humble,and hard-working is -in-the-street-interviewed several eye-witnesses who both saw Batista and "F" fighters witnessing and doing this “battle”. Their informed eyewitness consensus was about five casualties total for this Caribbean "Tet-a-Tet" regular-bloody-Gettysburg, as described by The New York Times. (Was this a case of "distance-viewing" an early CIA counter-intelligence effort to keep up with spying Russian psychics. Apparently the Russians foresaw that it was a lot cheaper to "distance-view through the eyes of American astronauts that undergo the expense of a moon mission than to risking duplicating American firsts and risk "black and crispy" formerly live cosmonauts

OOPS...this blogger has gone tangentially "into the CBS (clear blue sky)" of distraction yet one more time! Maybe a few bottles of rum and I,too, could be a dashing and daring armchair reporter for the Times embellishing the most mundane into fascinating slices of venturesome life! It seems that the Times learned long ago that rum is cheaper than travel AND that bottle or three can be shared with other "un-named and anonymous sources" or they, too, can be fabricated from the "whole cloth of fine fiction."
That's the New York Times legacy of tradition!
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