Sometimes 100 or so get captured climbing over. They might as well be wearing little blue "FUST" CAPS for "Fool US Taxpayers" since they will be "processed, and given 50 pounds of pinto beans, a cook pot, a pound of salt , some spoons, and take to one of the Alaska Aleutian Islands to populate these places and learn how to fish for a living. NOT
Perhaps a few will be dumped on an American city or town for no apparent reason. Will some be QUARANTINED FOR Tuberculosis, measles, diphtheria, or other diseases? Will some be carrying VD for unsuspecting other illegals and US citizens? Will some find husbands and wives AND THEN be discovered to have "SOMETHING".? THAT is a possibility. These illegals do not have checkups and health exams BEFORE they enter the US. Many are robustly HEALTHY, VIBRANT AND YOUNG...but what about those who crawled through sewers or swampy water?
It is not really America's or ANYBODY'S "friend" who would encourage people with MONEY or leave HONDURAS OR OTHER COUNTRIES, trek 100s of miles, hitch-hike with STRANGERS, ride railroad cars, swim unknown waters, and MANY WILL DIE...for what?
Many will salvage scrap metal or shovel snow or throw newspapers and mow lawns and clean toilets for a living competing with the youngsters of citizens who try to earn college money like their parents did.
Of course, Democrats want $15 burger flipper jobs and a $15 minimum wage for starters. How many illegals will not have health certificates to handle food, or even raw vegetables? 25 MILLION illegals already in the USA create a conundrum and a cornucopia of PROBLEMS that require lots of money from taxpayers. There is a talk show PhD who espouses "borders, language and culture." He is the son of immigrants who can to the USA legally. As a college educated welfare worker he saw people
with things the poor were not supposed to be able to afford, indeed, his humble apartment had little furniture YET welfare recipients were "entitled" to sofa, chairs, tables, and all sorts of things the welfare checker could not afford so he gave that up in disgust. People really blame the backwoodsman for having 12 children and a welfare LEXUS and living in a shack. Or the city equivalent that may not even include a father of 12...but still has a fancy car... Illegals send $2 BILLION to Mexico ANNUALLY or did...could be THREE billion by now...
An unknown number will be VICTIMS OF CRIMINALS passing through upper South America, Central Americans countries, Guatemala, other countries and finally Mexico. All their ANCESTORS were in the "OLD COUNTRY" surviving as farmers, peasants, ranch help, carpenters,etc etc but they get ENCOURAGED to evade Salvadoran gangs who have infiltrated their caravans and groups. Of, the MS-13 will have lots of tattoos! MAYBE...MAYBE not. Y Federals quierre MORDIDA!
Many people TREKKED 100s of miles across AFRICA to get to the Union of South Africa!
Many trek 1000s of miles, but the hardship is RISKY when a Billionaire like George Soros could SPONSOR THEM LEGALLY. Instead of illegally through his 527 charitable organizations.
As for WALLS, there are 800 miles of walls - IN EUROPE. The Israelis FINALLY walled in tiny ISRAEL to protect themselves and their own Arabs...from the others.Ironic.
The USA needs to FINISH the protect the USA from....anyone who can wander to Mexico these days...from Red Cubans, to Palestinians, to Iraqis, to Iranians, to whomever of OVER 200 COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD.speaking over 300 languages with many many customs and religions.
Why did Democrats fight Obama and Trump's 7 nation ban? Trump listed the EXACT SAME NATIONS...SO WHAT WAS THE DIFFERENCE? Sophisticated identification documentation equipment as well as plentiful fake IDs and many similar names make it as hard to ID visitors from Iraq, Iran,and the other it was to identify the 9/11 hijacker crew.
So checking people out takes LONGER if it can be done or SHOULD be done --at all - when so much danger is coming to the USA.
G_d Bless the USA!
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Many Media Support Democrats I.E. NYTimes
A headline for the New York Times of January 4, 1959 read,“One Thousand Killed in 5 days of Fierce Street Fighting!” The erstwhile fake news headline "reported" the fabricated “battle” of Santa (Claus) Clara in central Cuba where Ernesto P. “Che” Guevara earned a great deal of his enduring, everlasting, fragrant and fancifully fake- martial he-man fighter/scratcher/biter - fame.
“Commander Che Guevara appealed to Batista troops for a truce to clear the streets of casualties,” added the "frenetically frantic" The New York Times article. “Guevara turned the tide in this bloody battle and whipped a Batista force of 3000 men!" (Holly Guano Batdude! That's a heap! We wonder if Che Gazoombas Guerra created a pile of burning corpses 100 feet high with smoke billowing up high enough to obscure pilots' vision in aircraft!)
About one year later, Che Guanera’s own personal diaries detailed that his forces of a few dozen (36 to - 72-84) suffered ONE casualty written about as “El Vaquerito” or "Little Cowboy" who was injured ducking fire, stepped in a pothole, got shot or shot to death - during this Caribbean Stalingrad, as depicted by the New York Times. Che himself would have proudly proclamed from the rooftops,"WE killed 1000 Beasongistas er Bautistis with ONE casualty!" But obviously that was a New York Times "unverified story" that got hyped before it made the headline.
In classic New York Times - form, during this “battle,” the paper had no reporter within 300 miles of Santa (Claws) Clara! To save a PESO or TWO, the paper relied on trusty Cuban Castroite “correspondents.” Who could really blame a Castroite for "embellishing"? Who wants to get shot at for The New York Times? Who could really blame Fidel and Che for laughing and rolling about in the dirt in hilarity at the scam they effected with kudos, thanks, and stay-outta-hecks to the New York Times.
"H", the dedicated, humble,and hard-working is -in-the-street-interviewed several eye-witnesses who both saw Batista and "F" fighters witnessing and doing this “battle”. Their informed eyewitness consensus was about five casualties total for this Caribbean "Tet-a-Tet" regular-bloody-Gettysburg, as described by The New York Times. (Was this a case of "distance-viewing" an early CIA counter-intelligence effort to keep up with spying Russian psychics. Apparently the Russians foresaw that it was a lot cheaper to "distance-view through the eyes of American astronauts that undergo the expense of a moon mission than to risking duplicating American firsts and risk "black and crispy" formerly live cosmonauts

OOPS...this blogger has gone tangentially "into the CBS (clear blue sky)" of distraction yet one more time! Maybe a few bottles of rum and I,too, could be a dashing and daring armchair reporter for the Times embellishing the most mundane into fascinating slices of venturesome life! It seems that the Times learned long ago that rum is cheaper than travel AND that bottle or three can be shared with other "un-named and anonymous sources" or they, too, can be fabricated from the "whole cloth of fine fiction."
That's the New York Times legacy of tradition!
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