Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Not These Guys, That's For Sure!

A favourite talking point of the Obama supporters is that he never got himself involved in a scandal during his eight years in the White House.

Truth be told, his following of "friends close, enemies closer" got him involved with Hillary Clinton who is an automatic scandal and that "gaffe machine" is some "iceing for the cake" no doubt.

Hillary Clinton must have heard that old joke about the son, the money, the Bible and whatever for quotes like these:

“The Bible was and remains the biggest influence on my thinking. I was raised reading it, memorizing passages from it and being guided by it. I still find it a source of wisdom, comfort and encouragement.”

People who write books about her "disgusting shamelessness" say something to the effect that if the Bible guides Mrs.Clinton's thinking, then she has obviously misunderstood the scriptures about marriage, homosexuality, murder and lying. A Bible scholar could find more but this is a short blog.

Indeed, her leadership has been in gay activism, she has brought about the degradation of the American family and the perversion of the Biblical definition of marriage. G_d in the Bible clearly instructs that marriage is a covenant between a man, a woman and G_d Himself. It is a supernatural union created by G_d to teach humanity about our Creator and to exemplify the truths of who G_d is.

Hillary Clinton also advocates abortion which has killed millions of innocent babies and is still funded in part by the US government's to the tune of about half a billion annually for Planned Parenthood. Allies do not weaked the family units and future of a nation.

Mrs. Clinton's “Faith Voters for Hillary” is seldom mentioned in the Democrats' fawning media since

the Democrat Party abandoned “faith” years ago so that in 2012 the Democratic National Convention BOOED God many perceived when the Israel matter came up in Philadelphia. Almost totally excluding G_d but not exactly, but one can readily see why millions thought so. At their DNC Convention in 2012, conservative media outlets were dutifully reporting that the party had removed any mention of G_d from the party platform. This flatulence and the removal of a plank supporting Jerusalem as Israel's capital, created a political dust-up. Then the Democrats re-considered the matter and decided they would just put things back the way they were. The only mention of G_d in the whole Democrat platform was a small mention of "G_d-given potential." A different "faith" section was added to address religion. So the Democrats thought they had "parsed" away G_d by minimizing all but one small mention. Any vibrations felt in Philly that day COULD have been the Founding Fathers preverbially "spinning in their graves"not far away.

In December 2018, it was reported that more Clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence of the corruption.  Perhaps, it's time to recall the words of former Central Intelligence Agency agent Kevin Shipp when he said that Hillary is "involved in the biggest treason in history."

Shipp adds, “Hillary Clinton used this to launder money in foreign banks so it wasn’t subject to U.S. laws, congressional subpoenas or FOIA demands for the evidence. This was done to launder this money globally into the Clinton Foundation so the U.S. government could not examine it at all.”

Shipp also bludgeoned Robert Mueller who was FBI director at the time and was involved in the Uranium One coverup.

Shipp stated, “Mueller is either a complete moron, which he is not, or he overlooked the biggest counterterrorism cases in U.S. history. It involved Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, Uranium One and, of course, the destruction of all the emails and evidence and her secret server, and on and on and on it goes, and he (Mueller) ignored it all.”

Indeed, former CIA agent Kevin Shipp emphasized earlier in 2018 by explaining that what Hillary Clinton did with her charity and Uranium One during her Secretary of State tenure - was a crime of historical proportions. Kevin Shipp claims that "Hillary Clinton was and is still operating a global financial criminal syndicate."

Knowing that, it is small wonder that the Justice Department was sued over Obama DOJ’s efforts to close the Clinton Foundation investigation and "fergitabout" wrongdoing.

Immediately before that, a Clinton Foundation / Uranium One whistleblower's residence was raided by the FBI.

Authorities consider extradicting Huawei's CFO to the US for prosecution.  Huawei is a Chinese company with ties to the Clintons going back to the 1990s.

Also in late 2018 transpired a judicial ruling in favor of Judicial Watch to conduct a careful discovery into the Clinton email issue, with a substantial Hillary Clinton document dump at the FBI too.

But Hillary Clinton is not the only shameless Democrat by far.

On or about Feb. 2, 2018, Obama stated at MIT,“We didn’t have a scandal that embarrassed us. There were certainly blunders, but there wasn’t anything venal in eight years.”[The keyword here is "embarrassed", which does not happen to a person with no shame. In extreme cases, a sociopath sees himself/herself as always partly right at least, so did nothing wrong, made no mistake. It just did not come out the way they planned 100%."]

Of course, conservatives recall the Obama years differently, citing the Obamacare website, Lois Lerner, Fast and Furious scandal, Solyndra, the VA, the IRS scandal, wiretapping journalists, the terror attacks in Benghazi, delivering pallets of cash to Iran, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s illegal use of a private email server for government emails.

Although Obama’s speech at MIT was strictly off the record, Reason acquired the audio for transcripts.

Obama also insisted there was very little infighting or arguments either, due to his leadership and organization skills.

“Typically speaking, you didn’t hear about a whole lot of drama inside our White House, and that was also rare,” Obama stated.

Obama did not mention reports of his press secretary Robert Gibbs’s cursing at Valerie Jarrett and first lady Michelle Obama. Gibbs left the Obama administration about that time.

Obama admitted there were arguments among his “team of rivals” in the White House but said it was more about people trying to solve tough issues.

"I did have a strong bias towards people who just wanted to get things right, get things done, as opposed to people who were obsessed with ‘I want to be right. I want to prominent. I want to have my name in the headlines. And if you can create that culture, then you are more likely to be successful,” added Obama.

Although all major scandals deserve the spotlight of  examination and shining the light of truth - even though Obama long ago left the presidency, one scandal in particular constituted one of the largest fines in campaign finance violation history.

According to Politico, in 2013, Obama’s 2008 campaign was cited with a $375,000 fine for campaign reporting violations.

Maggie Haberman reported during her Politico time,“The major sticking point for the FEC appeared to be a series of missing 48-hour notices for nearly 1,300 contributions totaling more than $1.8 million — an issue that lawyers familiar with the commission’s work say the FEC takes seriously”.

“The notices must be filed on (campaign)contributions of $1,000 or more that are received within the 20-day window of Election Day.

“More than half of those contributions were transferred from the Obama Victory Fund, a joint committee between the campaign and the Democratic National Committee.”

Other campaign reporting violations included erroneous contribution dates and late returns on contributions which exceeded the legal limit which escalated the fine to the $375,000. So with all these infractions, the handlers COULD be said to have played "fast and loose" with the rules.
Late returns on substantial sums can garner interest if properly "banked". If not, a bank can use the money and charge a "management fee" leaving five cents or so in interest.

Making this newsworthy in 2018 is the media re-hash as to whether Trump’s non-disclosure agreement with Stormy Daniels, properly accomplished through then-lawyer Michael Cohen, may have violated campaign finance laws. It was already decided in the courts that no laws had been broken. Stormy Daniels was judge to pay Trump's court costs of $290,000. Now if the same thing happens to Sen. Flakes's son over packing 21 dogs into a small room where they accidentally heat prostrated to death - that will be another example of justice.

Rep. Jerry Nadler, the New York Democrat who will in January 2019 become the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, perceived this revelation during Cohen’s sentencing as essentially impeachment evidence to "get Trump" as far as he was concerned.

“They would be impeachable offenses. Whether they’re important enough to justify an impeachment is a different question,” Nadler mentioned on CNN Sunday

Certainly, they’re impeachable offenses, because, even though they were committed before the President became President, they were committed in the service of fraudulently obtaining the office.”

Whether or not an NDA payment needs to be reported as a contribution or whether directing the payment through an intermediary with your own money constitutes a crime is a sticky area of law, and it’s usually something that warrants a fine. It’s different because Donald Trump is directly involved as opposed to Barack Obama’s indirect involvement.

RELATED: Comey Demands Americans ‘Use Every Breath’ To End Trump

On the other hand, Obama’s was indeed a huge fine — “It may one of their (the Federal Election Commission) top five- or 10-largest fines,” Republican election lawyer Jason Torchinsky said at the time.

But no, we’re mostly inclined to go along with the “squeaky-clean” narrative when it comes to the sainted one, inasmuch as it confirms the media’s biases toward him. As we’re talking about campaign finance violations, however, we might want to indicate that controversies in this department aren’t necessarily germane to the current president, and they’ve been done on a much larger scale. Dare I say that qualifies as “venal?”


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