Saturday, December 29, 2018

Not Those In opposition to What

they themselves advocated and 54 Democrat US Senators voted for in 2013 - namely BORDER SECURITY. The records reveal that the overwhelming 2013 vote was FOR a $46 BILLION wall and security "fix".
As of 2017, Democrats are in OPPOSITION to the very measures they ardently wanted in 2013 - WHY?, because the VOTERS back home ARE NOT ANGRY ENOUGH. It seems that guys like FLAKE are DISAPPROVED "back home". And FLAKE is supposed to be a Republican.
The guy is so anti-Trump that a screaming woman on an elivator can "
DISUADE" him out of all his '
do right senses" and vote against Kavanaugh.

But MORE "head-in-the-mud" antics expose the fact that the GOVERNMENT has PAID for anti-noise WALLS that help keep suburban life quieter from traffic noise.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Not These Guys, That's For Sure!

A favourite talking point of the Obama supporters is that he never got himself involved in a scandal during his eight years in the White House.

Truth be told, his following of "friends close, enemies closer" got him involved with Hillary Clinton who is an automatic scandal and that "gaffe machine" is some "iceing for the cake" no doubt.

Hillary Clinton must have heard that old joke about the son, the money, the Bible and whatever for quotes like these:

“The Bible was and remains the biggest influence on my thinking. I was raised reading it, memorizing passages from it and being guided by it. I still find it a source of wisdom, comfort and encouragement.”

People who write books about her "disgusting shamelessness" say something to the effect that if the Bible guides Mrs.Clinton's thinking, then she has obviously misunderstood the scriptures about marriage, homosexuality, murder and lying. A Bible scholar could find more but this is a short blog.

Indeed, her leadership has been in gay activism, she has brought about the degradation of the American family and the perversion of the Biblical definition of marriage. G_d in the Bible clearly instructs that marriage is a covenant between a man, a woman and G_d Himself. It is a supernatural union created by G_d to teach humanity about our Creator and to exemplify the truths of who G_d is.

Hillary Clinton also advocates abortion which has killed millions of innocent babies and is still funded in part by the US government's to the tune of about half a billion annually for Planned Parenthood. Allies do not weaked the family units and future of a nation.

Mrs. Clinton's “Faith Voters for Hillary” is seldom mentioned in the Democrats' fawning media since

the Democrat Party abandoned “faith” years ago so that in 2012 the Democratic National Convention BOOED God many perceived when the Israel matter came up in Philadelphia. Almost totally excluding G_d but not exactly, but one can readily see why millions thought so. At their DNC Convention in 2012, conservative media outlets were dutifully reporting that the party had removed any mention of G_d from the party platform. This flatulence and the removal of a plank supporting Jerusalem as Israel's capital, created a political dust-up. Then the Democrats re-considered the matter and decided they would just put things back the way they were. The only mention of G_d in the whole Democrat platform was a small mention of "G_d-given potential." A different "faith" section was added to address religion. So the Democrats thought they had "parsed" away G_d by minimizing all but one small mention. Any vibrations felt in Philly that day COULD have been the Founding Fathers preverbially "spinning in their graves"not far away.

In December 2018, it was reported that more Clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence of the corruption.  Perhaps, it's time to recall the words of former Central Intelligence Agency agent Kevin Shipp when he said that Hillary is "involved in the biggest treason in history."

Shipp adds, “Hillary Clinton used this to launder money in foreign banks so it wasn’t subject to U.S. laws, congressional subpoenas or FOIA demands for the evidence. This was done to launder this money globally into the Clinton Foundation so the U.S. government could not examine it at all.”

Shipp also bludgeoned Robert Mueller who was FBI director at the time and was involved in the Uranium One coverup.

Shipp stated, “Mueller is either a complete moron, which he is not, or he overlooked the biggest counterterrorism cases in U.S. history. It involved Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, Uranium One and, of course, the destruction of all the emails and evidence and her secret server, and on and on and on it goes, and he (Mueller) ignored it all.”

Indeed, former CIA agent Kevin Shipp emphasized earlier in 2018 by explaining that what Hillary Clinton did with her charity and Uranium One during her Secretary of State tenure - was a crime of historical proportions. Kevin Shipp claims that "Hillary Clinton was and is still operating a global financial criminal syndicate."

Knowing that, it is small wonder that the Justice Department was sued over Obama DOJ’s efforts to close the Clinton Foundation investigation and "fergitabout" wrongdoing.

Immediately before that, a Clinton Foundation / Uranium One whistleblower's residence was raided by the FBI.

Authorities consider extradicting Huawei's CFO to the US for prosecution.  Huawei is a Chinese company with ties to the Clintons going back to the 1990s.

Also in late 2018 transpired a judicial ruling in favor of Judicial Watch to conduct a careful discovery into the Clinton email issue, with a substantial Hillary Clinton document dump at the FBI too.

But Hillary Clinton is not the only shameless Democrat by far.

On or about Feb. 2, 2018, Obama stated at MIT,“We didn’t have a scandal that embarrassed us. There were certainly blunders, but there wasn’t anything venal in eight years.”[The keyword here is "embarrassed", which does not happen to a person with no shame. In extreme cases, a sociopath sees himself/herself as always partly right at least, so did nothing wrong, made no mistake. It just did not come out the way they planned 100%."]

Of course, conservatives recall the Obama years differently, citing the Obamacare website, Lois Lerner, Fast and Furious scandal, Solyndra, the VA, the IRS scandal, wiretapping journalists, the terror attacks in Benghazi, delivering pallets of cash to Iran, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s illegal use of a private email server for government emails.

Although Obama’s speech at MIT was strictly off the record, Reason acquired the audio for transcripts.

Obama also insisted there was very little infighting or arguments either, due to his leadership and organization skills.

“Typically speaking, you didn’t hear about a whole lot of drama inside our White House, and that was also rare,” Obama stated.

Obama did not mention reports of his press secretary Robert Gibbs’s cursing at Valerie Jarrett and first lady Michelle Obama. Gibbs left the Obama administration about that time.

Obama admitted there were arguments among his “team of rivals” in the White House but said it was more about people trying to solve tough issues.

"I did have a strong bias towards people who just wanted to get things right, get things done, as opposed to people who were obsessed with ‘I want to be right. I want to prominent. I want to have my name in the headlines. And if you can create that culture, then you are more likely to be successful,” added Obama.

Although all major scandals deserve the spotlight of  examination and shining the light of truth - even though Obama long ago left the presidency, one scandal in particular constituted one of the largest fines in campaign finance violation history.

According to Politico, in 2013, Obama’s 2008 campaign was cited with a $375,000 fine for campaign reporting violations.

Maggie Haberman reported during her Politico time,“The major sticking point for the FEC appeared to be a series of missing 48-hour notices for nearly 1,300 contributions totaling more than $1.8 million — an issue that lawyers familiar with the commission’s work say the FEC takes seriously”.

“The notices must be filed on (campaign)contributions of $1,000 or more that are received within the 20-day window of Election Day.

“More than half of those contributions were transferred from the Obama Victory Fund, a joint committee between the campaign and the Democratic National Committee.”

Other campaign reporting violations included erroneous contribution dates and late returns on contributions which exceeded the legal limit which escalated the fine to the $375,000. So with all these infractions, the handlers COULD be said to have played "fast and loose" with the rules.
Late returns on substantial sums can garner interest if properly "banked". If not, a bank can use the money and charge a "management fee" leaving five cents or so in interest.

Making this newsworthy in 2018 is the media re-hash as to whether Trump’s non-disclosure agreement with Stormy Daniels, properly accomplished through then-lawyer Michael Cohen, may have violated campaign finance laws. It was already decided in the courts that no laws had been broken. Stormy Daniels was judge to pay Trump's court costs of $290,000. Now if the same thing happens to Sen. Flakes's son over packing 21 dogs into a small room where they accidentally heat prostrated to death - that will be another example of justice.

Rep. Jerry Nadler, the New York Democrat who will in January 2019 become the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, perceived this revelation during Cohen’s sentencing as essentially impeachment evidence to "get Trump" as far as he was concerned.

“They would be impeachable offenses. Whether they’re important enough to justify an impeachment is a different question,” Nadler mentioned on CNN Sunday

Certainly, they’re impeachable offenses, because, even though they were committed before the President became President, they were committed in the service of fraudulently obtaining the office.”

Whether or not an NDA payment needs to be reported as a contribution or whether directing the payment through an intermediary with your own money constitutes a crime is a sticky area of law, and it’s usually something that warrants a fine. It’s different because Donald Trump is directly involved as opposed to Barack Obama’s indirect involvement.

RELATED: Comey Demands Americans ‘Use Every Breath’ To End Trump

On the other hand, Obama’s was indeed a huge fine — “It may one of their (the Federal Election Commission) top five- or 10-largest fines,” Republican election lawyer Jason Torchinsky said at the time.

But no, we’re mostly inclined to go along with the “squeaky-clean” narrative when it comes to the sainted one, inasmuch as it confirms the media’s biases toward him. As we’re talking about campaign finance violations, however, we might want to indicate that controversies in this department aren’t necessarily germane to the current president, and they’ve been done on a much larger scale. Dare I say that qualifies as “venal?”


Monday, December 10, 2018

Can't Democrats "Get" Anything Right?

What’s with the Democrats? First they wanted to get rid of FBI Director James Comey and called President Trump every name in the book to get rid of and FIRE James B. Comey, millionaire lawyer.

Democrats including Hillary Clinton herself - also blamed Comey, and said he "cost" Democrats the 2016 election. President Trump gets rid of Comey and seemingly "out of the clear blue sky"They said Comey was unfit to serve as FBI director. Then - the Democrats call President Trump lots of colourful, mostly BLUE - names.

Besides bigot, racist, xenophobe, and white  supremacist, they’ve called Trump “Nixon” and claimed there is some kind of huge “constitutional crisis.” Sometimes guys like Andre Perry notice that Trump's policies promote things like school choice that caused Louisiana  Superintendent John White to offer "boilerplate language" after the news broke of Betsy DeVos - school choice advocate’s nomination for Secretary of Education because she and some Democrats agree in education reform. As for the rest, why favor illegals, people working for peanuts and/or on welfare and/or doing criminal deeds, drugs, etc etc. - what the hell is wrong with all those Democrats? The Party For the Workers is now the Party of Trump because Democrats want cheap poolboys, gardeners, unskilled labour and maids?

The FiveThirtyEight website and several others, agree about Comey ruining Hillary's chance and even give credence to Hillary Clinton's "blame claim" — but two political science professors - Costas Panagopoulos and Aaron Weinschenk disagree,“We don’t think so.”   wrote up their study for the Monkey Cage, a name suggested by M.L. Mensken since Will Roger's names and others - did not reflect enough political science jocularity. Did these two factor in Hillary Clinton's previous "jobs" resume, since obviously older than most voters, her campaign trail "lack of vigor, energy, and vote pull" and see that people power wanted someone different, someone who for instance - makes promises and KEEPS them?

This oxymoron concept of "danged if Trump does and danged if he doesn't" COULD on the surface appear to be a big counterpoint to a popular load of emerging conventional "wisdom" on the left. In reality, it's just Democrat "doublespeak" and using any sort of an item to whack Trump over the head is not really all that contradictory. Their conclusions vary in in tone, but their research largely confirms that Comey may have indeed "thumbed" the scales with his key parsing phrase of “may have.” Many voters realized that a person who deletes 30,000 emails MAY have something to hide behind that smile.

Likewise Comey has all sorts of negative suggestions implying that Trump in a 235 page transcript of his Congressional "behind-closed-doors" Hillary Clinton style "hearing".

Former FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers he "did not remember" 245 times but said he would bet his life that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing investigation into possible Russian ties to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign is being conducted “the right way.” The words, "I don't recall" were used only 8 times, "I don't remember"71 times and "I don't remember 166 times  indicating Comey's glib simulated Alzheimer's creativity. he has now painted himself unbelievable.

Apparently Comey is reflecting badly on Mueller since Mueller has continued to pursue "possible Russian ties" for almost two years now with no evidence linking Trump to ANYTHING. Wrangling and "working" witnesses to "hang them out to dry" has revealed Mueller to be a ruthless life-ruining person who has no problem mistreating people to get what he wants despite lack of evidence. The sheer glee of Democrats like Senator Schumer gives them away as Muellerites who are just as intent on blocking Trump's school choice, border wall, crime prevention, drug.crime prevention, tax cuts and anything else beneficial for America and Americans - because a Republican is president. Democrats HAD common ground on immigration, then became invulnerable to getting unelected and SENT HOME so out the window went those ideas. Many video clips reveal Democrats' immigration stances on a par with Mr. Trump's JUST A FEW YEARS AGO before the Democrat Party went leftward.  

“There are not many things I would bet my life on,” Comey stated to the twenty-four lawmakers from two congressional panels, in private. “I would bet my life that Bob Mueller will do things the right way, the way we would all want, whether we’re Republicans or Democrats, the way Americans should want.”
Why don't we believe you, Mr. Comey? The answer is that you've lost ALL of your credibility.
You told us that Hillary Clinton while US Secretary of State...did not know she was exposing US State Department secrets by having multiple electronic devices and a private server NOT protected
by the US government. Most of us know that other people with much smaller "mistakes" of judgement - were FIRED and WENT TO PRISON. But not Hillary Clinton.
Back in early July of 2013, James Comey, nominated as the FBI director - was to receive a $3.07 million payoff from hedge fund Bridgewater Associates if he was confirmed by the U.S. Senate according to Newsmax. We now know that he was confirmer therefore he added that money to his $172,100 annual FBI Director salary. Rumour has it that Comey is "worth" over $8 million.

Comey, after leaving Bridgewater as their general counsel in January of 2013 would receive the cash as a “full payout” of his interests in the company’s profit-sharing plan, according to a June 26 questionnaire signed by Comey that was filed with the Senate Judiciary Committee. 

Speaking of million$, Facebook - on or about May 3, 2018, - hired another top Democrat staffer, Chris Randle, as a government affairs specialist. This happened during a year in which Facebook, the social media giant, has already spent $3.8 million on lobbying.
Chris Randle joined Facebook from Capitol Hill, where he worked as legislative director to Democratic congressman Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY). Randle previously worked for other Democrat politicians including Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA).

Former Democrat operatives are rather common in Silicon Valley, and Facebook is typical. Breitbart News reported before Randle that Facebook has hired at least 45 former staffers to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  This compares to just ten Facebook employees who worked for Mitt Romney, John McCain, or George W. Bush who were Republican "moderates" with decidedly Democrat leanings.

Mark Zuckerberg has readily admitted to Silicon Valley being an “extremely left-leaning place”, and that this does harm to PR perceptions of tech companies among conservatives. Similarly inclined as to the issue of speech restrictions - Zuckerberg's company still appears to be making the problem worse as in exacerbating the difficulty, Twitter style.

In a Sunday mid-November, 2018 tweet, President Donald Trump described Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California as "little Adam Schitt" in a public tweet. Trump was criticizing the likely incoming House Intelligence Committee chairman for his comments about acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker earlier in the day.

Apparently, Schiff had heard that modification to his name before and it re-opened "old wounds" from an earlier time of "getting re-named", "So funny to see little Adam Schitt (D-CA) talking about the fact that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker was not approved by the Senate, but not mentioning the fact that Bob Mueller (who is highly conflicted) was not approved by the Senate!" Trump tweeted.

The news media has frequently given attention to the wide-eyed Schiff who publically airs his "hot-hate" for Trump which the also "offended" media - LOVES. One would think that Schiff would possess a "thicker skin" by now since being called THAT is probably "old hat." 

In angry schoolboy fashion, Schiff was so pleased with the attention that he responded within an hour, writing, "Wow, Mr. President, that's a good one."

"Was that like your answers to Mr. Mueller’s questions, or did you write this one yourself?" he added, with a reference to reporting that Trump would soon submit his written answers to special counsel Robert Mueller's questions and indeed did so.

Trump appointed Matthew Whitaker, the resigned Sessions' chief of staff prior to his appointment, over to serve as acting attorney general by utilizing the Federal Vacancies Reform Act. This is  a statute that allows presidents to fill a temporary empty post until a permanent replacement is named. Some Democrat-influenced legal experts have stated that the law only allows for the president to appoint a Senate-confirmed official, which Whitaker was not.

Later in November of 2018, when Trump was interviewed by Fox News anchor Chris Wallace, Trump stated that he "did not know" Whitaker "took views on the Mueller investigation," but those views didn't have "any effect" on the appointment. Nevertheless, Trump said, Matthew Whitiker's views on the investigation are "right."

Trump stated on "Fox News Sunday", "What do you do when a person’s right? There is no collusion. He happened to be right. I mean, he said it. So if he said there is collusion, I’m supposed to be taking somebody that says there is? Because then I wouldn’t take him for two reasons, but the number one reason is the fact that he would have been wrong. If he said that there’s no collusion, he’s right."

As to Trump's written answers to Mueller's questions, which Schiff referenced in his tweet, Trump said his legal team was "writing what I tell them to write."

Guys like Adam Schiff agree that Trump should be indicted if only for eating and breathing - since there is no evidence to suggest Trump did any sort of crime except a Democrat-bought-and-paid for "free" Russian propaganda "dossier" with notes from Christopher Steele, former British agent.
With all the talk that British speakers are more believable by a gullible American public, Hillary was certain that an ounce or two of former British MI6 Steele "spy-touch" would help the unverifiable 35 page "docu-ganda be more credible. Even the erstwhile Senator McCain obligingly passed along the Russian Dossier to Comey in a 10-minute meeting on December 9, 2016. This fact was published in the UK Guardian on January 10, 2017 and mentioned in the business insider.
McCain used details of this to promote his and Mark Salter's book,"The Restless Wave" which has yet to make it to "Evolved From Inflation 5 and 10 Cent Store" shelves after its release in 2017.


Recall the miraculous and almost believable kudos and praise and Hosannas for America's recently departed former President George H.W. Bush. Ah, but a "left handed complement" sometimes whiffs through the fragrant smoke blown by Republican-hating Democrat-loving media types. They just can't help it. Withholding a "dance on the grave", they "slip in" a few words about the man's DOG and someone else regresses to Trump Derangement Syndrome ever so fleetingly and briefly.

The Sun called H.W. Bush the "last gentlemen president" in their by-line title and caption for the picture, By paragraph/line four, the Sun said Trump arrived unannounced then "The billionaire businessman is planning to attend Bush's state funeral Wednesday at Washington National Cathedral."

Trump is not expected to speak at the service and has a "fractured relationship" with the Bush family, according to the Sun although none of the other presidents except H.W.'s son W spoke at the funeral AND unlike the McCain "bad blood", Trump was welcomed with Jeb Bush saying Trump gave much comfort to him and the family.

Trump has praised H.W. Bush since his passing as "just a high-quality man who truly loved his family" and a "terrific guy" who will be missed."

Another mentioned Bush's fiery "Democrat Moment" when H.W. resigned his lifetime NRA membership in 1996.

Politico questioned if "history was being too kind" and calling him "over rated".

The New York Times called him out for his “uncommon grace.”

The Washington Post called him a “giant of a man".

The most kind and considerate person I’ve ever known.”

“The most beautiful creature I had ever laid eyes on.” - may seem a bit "over the top" but not that surprising. The Latin aphorism "de mortuis nil nisi bonum" which means "speak nothing but good of the dead" applies even to a politician’s legacy unless he has been a total "snake". His or her family, friends and associates deserve some solace in their grief not to say they were faultless but being human, they made mistakes we may privately recall not air out in public.
Obviously these comments were not the typical remembrances of jaded politicos spoken about mere mortals. This is especially true if that mortal just so happens to be a Republican politician.

From wince were all these lofty accolades when Mr. H.W. Bush was alive and kicking with his colourful socks? Where was all this love love love crazy LOVE - when he was president? Where was this amazingly high regard for Bush -the man when he was losing his re-election campaign in 1992?

can all that lofty praise be from one fact: The press lies. Yes and since there is no better time to lie about someone once they are dead and since they no longer pose any sort threat - why not give the guy a break and speak well of him after trashing him WHILE he was running, after he won and being in such a habit of it - poor mouthing Bush -the daddy - Pappy Bush for years afterward.

Those who will recall and were aware a the time noticed that when President Bush was alive and still a threat in politics, he was plenty scorned and public ally airwaves-and-print-media-ridiculed by the press.
To the Democrat-loving media Bush was a aged physically and mentally impaired, out-of-touch, buffoon who, when much younger - failed to excuse himself and "threw up" near the Japanese prime minister during a state dinner.

Why, in 1989, Bush had authorized a raid on a drug-lord in Panama which caused international consternation and higher prices for some Democrats' "commodities".

In later years, long after Mr. Bush no longer posed any real threat, the press had its ridiculous stories accusing Mr. Bush of being a womanizer. Indeed, the same man that the media sided against in 1992 in order to help elect Bill Clinton, a proven and unmitigated - womanizer. 

That happened to be the same Bill Clinton credibly accused of rape by numerous respectable and reliable women. The guy who settled out-of-court for $850,000 with Paula Jones to avoid even more bad publicity and higher penalties. Clinton was even dis-barred for a time.

Certainly tons of fawning praise for George H.W. Bush certainly rang hollow by any standards but then it suddenly all clicks and begins to make sense again.

At least ONE, David Greenburg on December 1, 2018, sorta, kinda - whipped out his "long knife" to "beat a dead dog" so to speak - no meanness intended, of course - just "kicking a man while he's "crossed over"- no, just "critical dissent" after the guy is TOO DEAD to defend himself.

And speaking of dogs, H.W. Bush's DOG Sully even drew criticism for lying near the casket when taken to a casket viewing. 

Greenberg: "But when it comes to presidents and historical actors of consequence, we also need critical dissent...sober, serious historians like David Halberstam and Garry Wills stood up to provide corrective reminders. (Of Nixon, whom the hated with a purple passion - more or less.) Had they not done so, future readers might have believed that Nixon’s attempted comeback had succeeded when in fact it did not. Respect for the dead must coexist with respect for the historical record."

(Out of all due respect, Mr Greenberg...NOBODY...remotely aware of Nixon's "press" - would have believed Nixon's "attempted comebeck" had succeeded 100% - NOBODY with any sort of memory of all that bad press, including ruthless people "going after" President Gerald Ford - who had to know that "the press" would never understand "giving Nixon a pardon" - for ANY reason or rationale, let alone, "having suffered enough" and the like. No...the "death of 1000 cuts" and honey-dipped-upon-an-anthill" and a "legacy of scorn and contempt" was Nixon's due and any other Republican worth a grain of salt.)

Greenberg mused - this is not about George H.W. Bush. This is all about the current occupant of the White House, President Trump.

For years now, it has been abundantly clear how much the press hates Donald Trump, at least now that he is president. They truly and absolutely despise him — and even his supporters — so deeply that by comparison, this makes George H.W. Bush a man of “uncommon grace.”

Giant of a man. Most kind and considerate. Most beautiful creature. They came to the very verge and the extreme edge of saying,"Hellova Nice Guy".

Known for these many years as ridiculously partisan and myopically and unmitigated political “Saturday Night Live” paid its tribute to Mr. Bush. Immediately, of course, they "took off their masks of piety" and reverted to their true selves by an old video of Alec Baldwin angrily doing his unfunny skit of President Trump with "almost persimmon-ly puckered" - lips.

The Washington Post, "Rubicon-ed" the line with its editorial in which the WaPo somehow manages to “mourn George H.W. Bush” — “and the presidency’s loss of dignity.”

The idea here is that just as they are sorry to see George H.W. Bush depart the land of the living - they just hate President Trump, presumably with that "purple passion."

Max Boot, an artless and unprincipled writer was "used" to "get in a dig" so to speak and not be meek. He described George H.W. Bush as "the Anti-Trump".

Hey, there it is. Just as Rush Limbaugh so succinctly put it - all the praise and accolades voiced in this hatred-deleted-white-wash with George H.W. Bush. Just another way to "take another swing" with hatred for President Donald J. Trump.

It is certainly and obviously true that Mr. Trump is a very different person than Mr. Bush. Trump is a multi-talented individual from a different family, background, development, etc - than Bush.

The fact remains that however different Mr. Trump is, by doing as he PROMISED, cutting tazes, creating jobs, bringing factories back to American soil, even ones making foreign nam cars, he will be re-elected president. As in 2016, lip-reading will not be necessary - raw disappointment and more fear and loathing - will fuel and exacerbate - still more and deeper - Trump Derangement Syndrome. 

Some Good Guideline Rules From NCIS TV Show That MIGHT Apply To Real Life

Rule 1: "Never let suspects stay together". - revealed in the Season 1 premiere episode, Yankee White (episode).

Rule 1: "Never screw over your partner". - revealed in the Season 4 episode, Blowback (episode). McGee also stated this rule to Ned Dorneget in Need to Know (episode). McGee also mentioned to Abigail Borin in Ships in the Night (episode) that rule number one has been taken twice, revealing that he knows that there are two number one rules.

Rule 2: "Always wear gloves at a crime scene". - revealed in "Yankee White".

Rule 3: "Don't believe what you're told. Double check".- again revealed in "Yankee White".

Rule 3: "Never be unreachable", - revealed in the Season 3 episode, Deception (episode) although Gibbs has been known to be intentionally unreachable but normally when going undercover on a whim to maintain cover. The rule was shown in Rule Fifty-One (episode) in the background when Gibbs opens the box.

Rule 4: "The best way to keep a secret? Keep it to yourself. Second best? Tell one other person - if you must. There is no third best." - revealed in the Season 4 episode, Blowback (episode)

Rule 5: "You don't waste good." - revealed in the Season 8 episode, Baltimore (episode).

Rule 6: "Never say you're sorry. It's a sign of weakness." - This rule has been mentioned throughout the series, but it wasn't given a specific number until Flesh and Blood (episode). The rule is also a direct reference to John Wayne's catch phrase in She Wore A Yellow Ribbon (John Ford, Director). Wayne said: "Never apologize, mister, it's a sign of weakness." to subordinates in a military situation. DiNozzo notes the connection in Hiatus Part 1 (episode). Mark Harmon's career has paralleled John Wayne's. They both were quarterback of their southern California college football team, both went into acting. (Harmon's father, Tom Harmon, was a Heisman Trophy winner and actor & announcer as well.) Note: This is continuously told to Tony, Ziva and Tim through a smack to the back of their heads.

Rule 7: "Always be specific when you lie." - revealed in the Season 1 finale episode, Reveille (episode).

Rule 8: "Never take anything for granted." - revealed in the Season 3 episode, Probie (episode) although Gibbs also quotes it as being "Never assume" during the Season 9 episode, Rekindled (episode).

Rule 9: "Never go anywhere without a knife." - revealed in the Season 1 episode, One Shot, One Kill (episode) although it's sometimes quoted as "Never leave home without a knife" or "Always carry a knife."

Rule 10: "Never get personally involved in a case." - revealed in the Season 7 episode, Obsession (episode) and again referenced by the new SECNAV Clayton Jarvis in the Season 9 premiere episode, Nature of the Beast (episode) as the number one rule in Washington politics.

Rule 11: "When the job is done, walk away." - revealed in the Season 6 episode, Semper Fidelis (episode).

Rule 12: "Never date a co-worker." - revealed in the Season 1 episode, Enigma (episode).

Rule 13: "Never, ever involve lawyers." - revealed in "Collateral Damage". Rule 51 is written on the back of the card containing Rule 13 in "Rule Fifty-One".

Rule 14: "Bend the line, don't break it." - revealed in Anonymous was a Woman (episode).

Rule 15: "Always work as a team." - revealed in Leap of Faith (episode).

Rule 16: "If someone thinks they have the upper hand, break it." - revealed in the Season 8 finale episode, Pyramid (episode).

Rule 17: "Never, ever interrupt Gibbs during an interrogation." - revealed in the Season 14 episode, Privileged Information (episode).

Rule 18: "It's better to seek forgiveness than ask permission." - revealed in Silver War (episode).

Rule 20: "Always look under." - revealed in The Artful Dodger (episode)

Rule 22: "Never ever bother Gibbs in interrogation." - revealed in Smoked (episode).

Rule 23: "Never mess with a Marine's coffee... if you want to live."- revealed during "Forced Entry".

Rule 27: "There are two ways to follow someone. First way, they never notice you. Second way, they only notice you." - Jack-Knife (episode) and "Rule Fifty-One".

Rule 28: "When you need help, ask." - revealed during Blood Brothers (episode).

Rule 35: "Always watch the watchers." - revealed in "Baltimore".

Rule 36: "If you feel like you are being played, you probably are" - revealed in Nature of the Beast (episode).

Rule 38: "Your case, your lead." - revealed in Bounce (episode) placing Tony as temporarily in charge of the team, and also in Phoenix (episode) with Ducky as leader.

Rule 39: "There is no such thing as coincidence." - revealed in Obsession (episode) although DiNozzo states that Rule 39A is "There is no such thing as a small world" during Canary (episode).

Rule 40: "If it seems like someone is out to get you, they are." - revealed in Borderland (episode).

Rule 42: "Never accept an apology from someone who just sucker punched you." - revealed in Psych Out (episode).

Rule 44: "First things first, hide the women and children." - This rule number was mentioned in Patriot Down (episode) but was not stated until Rule Fifty-One (episode).

Rule 45: "Clean up the mess that you make." - revealed in "Rule Fifty-One" although it's also stated as "Never leave behind loose ends" in Hiatus Part 2 (episode).

Rule 51: "Sometimes you're wrong." - Created by Gibbs in "Rule Fifty-One" by writing it on the back of the card containing Rule 13. It is unknown if his coworkers are aware of this rule. Gibbs also refers to this rule in Keep Your Enemies Closer (episode) just before talking with Leon Vance.

Rule 62: "Always give people space when they get off an elevator." -- revealed in Double Back (episode)

Rule 69: "Never trust a woman who doesn't trust her man." - revealed in Devil's Triangle (episode).

Rule 73: "Never meet your heroes." - Revealed in A Thousand Words (episode)

Unnumbered Rules
"Never date a woman that eats more than you do." - as said by Tony in Singled Out (episode).
In my country, on my team, working my cases, my people don't bypass the chain of command"- revealed by Gibbs during a talk with Ziva in Switch (episode).
The Unspoken Rule-as revealed by Franks: You do what you have to do for family - revealed in Spider and the Fly (episode).
Don't work the system when you can work the people -revealed in Hung Out to Dry (episode).
Don't stop checking and rechecking evidence until you are satisfied.
If you want to find something, you follow it. (Said by Gibbs to Mike Franks in Deliverance (episode) with Gibbs adding that he learned that one from Mike).
Besides Rule 13, Gibbs has 6 other rules involving lawyers, but, according to DiNozzo, "You only need to know number 13; it's the umbrella one."
Never second guess yourself in a relationship and life.
Other Rules
Abigail Borin, Gibbs' counterpart at CGIS, also has a set of rules. The only one currently known is her Rule #1: Never make excuses.
McGee has formed his own set of rules. Only 2 are known:
Rule #1: Never lie to Gibbs.
Rule #70: Keep digging till you hit bottom. The San Dominick (episode)
When DiNozzo was in charge, he made a set of rules.
Rule #1: Don't sit on the sidelines while your people are in trouble.
Rule #3: Never underestimate your opponent- revealed in Hiatus Part 2 (episode).
Abby also has her own rules.
Rule #1: Do not lie to Abby - revealed during Toxic (episode).
Rule #9: Always keep a spare - revealed during Jeopardy (episode).
Jimmy Palmer once had a rule.
Jimmy's Rule #1: Pipettes can never be too clean. (revealed in Restless (episode))

Word on the street is that Democrats staging "Ingest Feces and Expire Banquet" with tickets for $20 each. The choice will be T Bone Steaks or fine Porterhouse to be served. The side order will be instant potatoes with a crow feather garnishment symbolizing Democrats strict adherance to "Jim Crow" and Poll Tax Laws. Dessert is Senator Murkinski special Chocolate and Feces with a Jonestown Koolaid lemonaid chaser of finest cyanide, arsenic and Socrates favorite - hemlock.
Have a car waiting and "Men In Black" to take your to your final destination. Special arrangements consist of a $20,000 flight over "Mel's Hole" where a parachute-less drop will be filmed for your loved ones. Book this one early as spaces are limited to the first 30 seeking this coffin/cremation-less "send-off". Free transportation to the "drop-off plane" at the Ellensburg, Washington field which will film your pale face and your final descent into the fabled bottomless oriface. Be the first in the Democratic Party to choose this most memorable and not all that expensive - final destination. Many Democrats "are ready to go" since Judge Bret Kavanaugh has been confirmed and the end of liberal Leftism is at hand. In the words of the humble gamer from Gabber - "Resistence is futile. All your bases are belong to us."

Remember Democrats only $20 will get you a "Ticket To Ride" in that long black limo but $20,000 will make you remembered FOREVER.  

Americans do not do pillow fights because these so easily escallate into brawls and even knife fights and shootings.
No power tools making NOISE on SUNDAY in America especially in downtown crowds because people disturbing the peace will be shot/slashed/beaten - for this. Opinionated persons with unapproved signs are subject to immediate punishment for this. Fortunately hospitals are open 24/7.
Discussions about World War II can lead to fights and mayheim and violence - antifa is sensitive and feels your pain - euthanasia cure often applied.
Roll over Ian Fleming - chiminey sweeps are required by law to check all domiciles for carbon monoxide and clean chimineys so people do not die like 300 Belgians annually - it's the LAW and TAXES cover it for FREE.
Even if somebody tells you "DO" don't do's an American bad joke promoted by Antifa Clubs of America. Stay away from jolly people with bruised and or bleeding knuckles. They probably fist fought someone and you could be next. Say you need a rest room "I gotta PEE! "and leave quietly and quickly.
Whatever you do or whereever you are - IF you sing the "O Say Can You See" National Anthem - Antifa Club members could beat you up, etc.
Don't make your gas tank EMPTY speeding on freeways or desert highways since stranded cars/drivers are easy prey for gangs foreign and domestic.
Never walk in bicucle paths especially in California because the gangs of bollards will get you especially close to boulevards and other streets.
Never be late for appointments with groups of people. Some arriving on time or altogether too late have been known to be thrown from windows or tossed down stairs - for being tardy. Breaches of conduct and insults will not be tolerated. 
Leave shoes, and other footwear at the entrance since tracking in dirt is frowned upon. Offenders have been slapped, buffed, and even kicked and given indoor slippers. In an antifa member's home - many have a gas or electric chain saw especially for offenders and a washable cloth "garage "closet" for easy cleanup.
Never have a DRINK of anything without offering a toast. This is so offensive that beer and whiskey bottles have been broken. ALL of above plus IRS agencies AND "Never Thought I'd See the Day" blog. FUNNY.  PLUS COMMENTS

Ocrah Wonfree shattered the "Glass Ceiling" by becoming a "Thousand-aire", then a millionaire - then a billionaire - because she's a woman and America is racist and rigged so people fail.She turned her film roles into "gigs with legs" and got "deals" the everything "snowballed" because America is such a guilt-ridden racist Capitalist hellhole.

Now look under your chair and if you have the picture of a car under there - YOU win a car!!! RIDE that is...a free trip to our sponsors' place!!! Jes (sica) Keeding

Heralaya Aldene
Madagin Halfbrite 
Simoniz Askewnoquest
Marty Barrall
Patriciaz Bathesphere
Elizabethian Blackburnt
Ursulagot Burnsalot
Candida Cainet
Hilllarious Rodim Clintone
Imalean Vodca Collins
Kellyanne Conway Twiggy
Dominique initaly Crennetine
Stacey Keechy Cunninghamil
Moinerda Davistein
Ellena Dun DeGenerez
Gabby Hays Douglasfir
Rital Dover
Anne Gotte Dunwordy
Avan DuVernait
Sylviaz Mothered Earlegreytea
Agetha Franstein
Melindaz Atha Gates
Saltina Gomerez
Damyaferthat U. Gupta
Nikki Halez Commet
Carlita Haysdent
Maziet Hironomona
Maetzy Jamesonic
Youngz Jeans Kinglear Leep
Maya Playa Lincoln
Loretta Lynnie Lynchburger
Rachelz Madnow
Rita West Morenot
Rachel T. Morrisonica
Jennifern Yakov Nelsonia
Ilhanie Omart Shariff
Danicin Patrickini
Nancy Palositano
Michelle Phanitene
Issat Raeg Ornot
Shondana Rhimesometimes
Loriy Robins
Danican Roemista
Sheryln Sandbarge
Katharine Jefferts Schori
Cindy Shermanville
Kathryn Smithonian
Kathryne Sullidagin
Lindsey Van Dang
Lenacan Waithear
Brabara Walterson
Alicen Watershire
Geisha Girl Williamson
Sereno William
Ocrah Wonfree
Janet Benita Yelling
Alilie Elklodge
And several million more who got famous, got olde died young or rode off into the sunset on a Harley to California or Lewiston Maine or Lewiston, Washington or even leavin', lovin' and livin' for Kokomo in the Keys.

Disclaimer: The namz were changt to pertect the innerscent. Lagal Eagalez maid meet do it Ackshully we stand behind the womens' movement..We gaze evert upward toward the goal wherever it is moved ans we fell yore pine. Not to worry as resilence is fertile and all your basses are belong to us.Even the one that sings,"Take me to the river -drop me in the waaaater." Have a flippant And a doris day -come what mae.

The notion that women might menstruate in orbit drove the whole place up the wall.’
Kathryn Sullivan (At least in the femininist anti-male ideology since sge forgot that all humans share the body waste functions so WHY would the fact that - from the Rollong Stones" "Only women bleed" which is not completely true since men "leak" as well from no-clotting blood inheritances to accidents to violence."

So much for the Kat Sully contribution. When that lady astronaut teacher was sent on a space mission - she probably had to remember to "bring her own lids".

No douby Limbaugh's "syncronized menstrual periods for Amazon women worriors" really dented "The Kat's armour".

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

"Allies" Would "Rule Out" One of These Due to "Political Bias".and/0r Differences

Although most historians ranking POTUS list Lincoln as #1, and Washington at #2, their liberal bias from getting liberal college educations and some teaching in these, usually ranks
on 10 qualities of presidential leadership: public persuasion, crisis leadership, economic management, moral authority, international relations, administrative skills, relations with Congress, vision, pursued equal justice for all, and performance within the context of his times.

Trump had it tough with opposition from the GOP itself just a Reagan did since the GOP Establishment, learning from blocking Reagan tried fast-tracked opposition, an over-funded "favorite son" who had no chance and likewise double-funded Jeb (Jib Jab) Bush and his "Common Core - warts and all. They even held an island plot/seminar in a desperation situation to lose in order to keep Trump from winning. Still, the voters KNEW a winner when they saw one and despite early-closing of polls to favor Hillary Rodham Clinton, Trump only lost the popular vote by 2-3 million,winning with a huge Electoral College 300 plus. 

Something called the 2018 Presidents and Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey was done online via Qualtronics between December 22, 2017 and January 16, 2018. The "partakers" or respondents were present and recent members of the Presidents and Executive Politics Section or Department of the American Political Science Association (A.P.S.A.). This "polysci" organization of social science experts in presidential politics is considered the "best" judges despite their "swamp creature production propensity since they are for all practical purposes - "NEVER-TRUMP-ers.. Of 320 respondents invited to participate, More than likely, $1 cash was sent with each survey which renders it a "legal" deal and 170 usable survey responses were received which is a 53.1% response rate. As academia is considered "infested" with liberal professors, some 57% Democrats were in the survey with 17% Republicans and 27% who declared themselves "independents" and 3% apparently left this portion blank for "lack of tenure" - to "be safe" - "just in case." The survey time allowed a bit more than a year of evaluation for President Trump which was more than enough time to "blow their socks off" with his efficiency rating even though Republicans were outnumbered about 3 to one - no one really expects someone who reminds people of Aerosmith's "Jaded" to evaluate all that fairly so the year of "POSITIVE AWESOMENESS" did not skew the survey for Trump.

The aformentioned survey greatly influenced this blog but personal observation of awesomeness definitely served to place #1 where he is. Certainly another POTUS had the stamina to stump for his party before mid-term elections, but many more just settled into the "Easy Chair" rested on their laurels and "let the chips fall". NOT President Trump. Faced with "playing favorites" or "playing it safe" with sure fire winners...Trump has "gone the extra mile"and not on golf outings and Martha's Vineyard vacations. As blogging this on Nov 6, election eve...the outcomes will no doubt favor this man who has put it all on the line...and scored the best that he knows how. As they say in sports,"You can't win 'em all!" That does not dissuade Trump from TRYING TO WIN THEM ALL! In so doing, he has covered all the (major) bases. That is ALL a WINNER can do.

There Are RINOs but Never DINOs.  The RINO is an interesting political phenomenon and relatively new.  It stands for Republican in Name Only, meaning that although the office-holder is a registered Republican, his voting record and public statements are too often aligned with liberal causes. [...] This kind of politician seems to exist only on the Republican side of the fence.  Only Republicans have to scramble to make sure all their members are on board for crucial congressional votes.  When a Senate vote looms on a controversial measure, only Republicans have to be certain that all their members are on the same page.  John McCain was famous for deviating from Republican orthodoxy, earning him the positive-intentioned nickname from the liberal mainstream media of "Maverick of the Senate."  There are many Republican politicians who are famous for their voting or public speaking "undependability," such as Lisa (Murky) Murkowski (Alaska), Jeff (Flakey) Flake (Ariz.), Rand (Randy) Paul (Ky.), Lindsey (Gramnasty) Graham (S.C.), and Susan (Demlover)Collins (Maine), [Graham and Collins seem to have "WISED-UP" considerably since both actually voted WITH her party on the Supreme Court justices to the VAST relief of MILLIONS] and, before her, Olympia (Gonzo-'cus-I-was-A-no-good-Demlover) Snowe (Maine)(TGSG - since "SNOWY voted "PUP-LIKE" too many times and got herself eliminated. She managed to IRK so many millions that her name will FOREVER be tainted with infamy which is probably what she wanted in the first place. Some people lack the willpower to be GREAT so choose the opposite tack and achieve everlasting INFAMY. She and Obama remind MILLIONS of that old Blood Sweat and Tears song "And When I Die" - since that is probably HOW she and Obama feel about it.).  With the Senate as closely divided between the parties as it's been in recent years, a few perfidious AKA "No-Good-Jerk" Republican senators are all it takes to defeat all the hard work that goes into a conservative initiative so Democrats win with their "unity or enetwnews orks ."lse" agenda. Republicans don't have anyone to make them wonder what "or else might be." Wherein the problem lies. Trump ALWAYS knows what "or else" might be. Trump tries to have "helpful" assistants rather than "unhelpful" assistants. Speaking of "unhelpful" for no apparent reason, Wallenchinsky seems to have been too long at "alphabet news."

If RINOs were "that way" because of the GOP Establishment...this is their chance to FIGHT with a VICTOR instead of...well you the "My Pillow" fellow says. Historically, it's like choosing Chaka Khan or Magsaysay or Winston Churchill or Ike Eisenhower who were all the best for their time.All of these people inspired their followers and every one had people who were detractors, who said they "could not succeed".

Reformers/Polarizing/"Trying Times"Presidents The wonderful pictures got "entrenched" so that these will have to do...

1) President Donald J. Trump, businessman/actor/author/reformer of "untoward situations", as of January 20, 2017 is the #1 "bugaboo" according to "fake news". Trump frequently denounces CNN and others that get their early morning say-this "talking points" for their "less than accurate fabrications/stories/truth-tinged news items which consistently find fault with Trump even when he does the same things Obama did, although the "mainstream media" consistently had high praise and kudos for Obama, who could do no wrong, giving the entire world a 24/7/365 Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Daa-Day. Media now "eats its collective heart out" because President Trump often "tweets" the real news before the media even knows it is news. ES&D to paraphrase an old college comeback.

In sharp contrast, conservative news sources like One America News (OAN) , Conservative News Service (CNS) and Fox about half the time when not "running" Chris (Wallace) Wall-eye-chinsky, "Fowl Play" Fowler and Juan "Long John" Williams to be "fair and balanced". Their "Me-(NOT-A)gyn is long gone the way of the other "perky" one - to "ride off into the sunset" for no apparent reason - with million$ of mega-
bucks. They succeeded! Even the greatest athlete of all time (pick your favorite) had flaws. Some won every competition YET was at life's FINISH LINE broke because of mismanaged funds, mistakes in judgement, etc etc.
A few of Trump's enemies will turn from their erroneous and onerous judgments because of Trump's many, many successes...others will never admit, even to themselves...that they were wrong. Others will dash themselves on the rocks of hatred after a headlong plunge into Trump Derangement Syndrome. A few will parlay hatred into big career breaks and gain huge contracts with enough money to do or become whatsoever they choose BUT they will know it was reactionary response and not talent, that attributed to their skyrocketing assent.
Even a POTUS or two got to the finish line of life...and missed the mark...sometimes due to health, wealth, or mistakes in judgement. We all make mistakes, but the REAL WINNERS learn from their mistakes. Sometimes they learn to turn enemies into allies when their enemies see that the WINNER is not in it for wealth or glory. A real NATIONALIST does not seek for his country to rule the world but for his country to be great and in so as a "Shining City Upon a Hill". 
In actuality, the GOP does not OWN tax cuts but Democrats usually react by calling them tax cuts for the wealthy even if it is obvious that $40, $50 and $60 K earners have a "RAISE". Sometimes the Republican "plays the Democrats like a Stradivarius and later wants a tax cut for the middle class.which causes Democrats to go BONKERS since the middle class already benefited and Democrats cannot say the tax cut is for the "WEALTHY" in 2018 just before the midterm elections Trump announced ANOTHER tax cut in the offing which made Democrats so "LOCO" that a CNN reporter at a news conference tried to hold onto the microphone until an intern was dispatched to take it from him and pass it to another reporter. The CNN reporter named Jim Acosta got himself BANNED. 
In a press conference prior to Trump flying to France for the 100th Anniversary of the end of World War I, Trump was expressing his condolences about the Thousand Oaks shooting in California when another CNN reporter, Abby Philip asked President Trump, “Do you expect acting AG Matt Whitaker to be involved in the Russia probe?” Since this was "off topic and even "off-the-wall- stupid - President Trump admitted that this was a STUPID question since he had been discussing the Borderline Bar and Grill shooting.
Seriously, if reporters get a bonus for dragging up this old Mueller Russia probe related to Russian propaganda - it SHOULD BE thousands of dollars by now. If the Godfather had been annoyed with the same question ad nausium...SOMEONE would have been dealt with harshly. This is taking advantage of Trump's "good nature". 

President Andrew Jackson, frontier lawyer, American soldier, military hero, statesman, populist As a new POTUS, Jackson had his enemies "quaking in their boots"- that he would muddy up the White House floors with his "dirty ol' black boots" and embarrass These United States by being unpresidential , or even slovenly in his attire and mannerisms. 
Jackson was the seventh President from 1829-1837 after gaining fame as a US Army General defeating the Creek Indians who surrendered most of what nowadays is Alabama and Georgia. Later, he won the First Seminole War which led to the annexation of Florida from Spain. Having the wisdom to marshal local patriotic pirates and other New Orleans patriots, he defeated the British and became a national hero. Like Davy Crockett, he served Tennessee as a Representative. (Crockett, himself, resigned because of "at least one tax money giveaway" then fought for Texas, to die at the Alamo in 1836.) then Jackson became a US Senator before becoming a Tennessee Supreme Court justice.
But in 1824, Jackson lacked an absolute majority and without an absolute majority in the Electoral College, the 12th Amendment to the US Constitution required that the Presidential election be referred to the US House of Representatives. The Speaker of the House, Henry Clay, supported  John Quincy Adams to WIN POTUS #6. It looked very "fishy" when Adams choose Henry Clay as Adams' Secretary of State. So many Jackson supporters were offended that they founded the Democratic Party in 1824 in opposition which has caused all sorts of turmoil, tribulation, and damnation since the party has devolved so much.
As for Andrew Jackson from 1827-1837 - Jackson stood up to the threat of secession by the southern state of South Carolina over what Jackson's opponents termed the "Tariff of Abominations." The secession crisis was avoided when the tariff was re-written, and Jackson promised US military force if South Carolina attempted to secede from the Union. Since Jackson said it, they knew that it was a promise and not just an idle threat.
In Congress, that erstwhile rascal Henry Clay promoted  legislation to reauthorize the Second bank of the United States. Andrew Jackson, who saw the Bank as a thoroughly corrupt institution, vetoed the renewal of its charter. After a lengthy and prolonged dispute, Jackson and his allies thoroughly dismantled the Bank. In 1835, Jackson became the only president in US history to completely pay off the national debt, fulfilling a longtime goal. In stark, jolting contrast, President Donald J. Trump would face a formidable juggernaut tsunami of national debt since Barack Obama ran up MORE national debt than all 43 US presidents who preceded him who ran up debts from the US Civil War, a Great Depression, recessions, and two World Wars.So Andrew Jackson's elimination of the US national debt was a REALLY BIG DEAL most likely never to happen again since US is continually in debt to the Federal Reserve Bank which doesn't seem to have a charter but is permanently leaching money off the United States.
3) President George W. Bush, who signature looks like Gzn 13 "loop L", made being POTUS look so easy that Hillary Rodham Clinton thinks she can do it without 4 naps during the day and 4 hours of night time sleep. As additional qualification, she "dodged" two Prada shoes or just two cheap, unwanted shoes while giving a speech at a recycling Las Vegas. Her body language looked as if she had just drawn a $5000 winning poker hand.
George W. Bush's popularity soared after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks happened eight months after his initial inauguration. Bush's response is called the Bush Doctrine which launched a "Global War on Terror". This was an international military campaign that included the war in Afghanistan or Operation Enduring Freedom in 2001 and the Iraq War in 2003. Bush signed a broad tax cuts bill into law which always has the effect ignored by Democrats  - of being good for the US economy which Democrats like to avoid because they THINK Republicans OWN tax cuts. The Patriot Act, the No Child Left Behind, the Partial-Birth Abortion ban, Medicare  prescription drug benefits for seniors, and funding for the AIDSrelief program known as PEPFAR. In the 2004 presidential campaign, Bush defeated Democratic Senator John Kerry in another somewhat close election . After his re-election, Bush received scathing and firey criticism from all sides of the political belief systems for his management of the Iraq War, Hurricane Katrina,[and other challenges. With this wielded as a substantial and unabated club by a lapdog Democrat media - this criticism, enabled the Democratic Party to regain control of Congress in the midterm 2006 elections. In December 2007, the United States entered its longest post-World War II recession, often referred to as the "Great Recession", prompting the Bush administration to have congress pass multiple economic programs intended to preserve the country's financial system. The term "too big to fail" was used. 

Ronald Wilson Reagan (pronounced ˈreɪɡən) who was born on
February 6, 1911 and died on June 5, 2004 - was an American politician/radio and speech personality/actor who served as the 40th President of the United States from 1981 to 1989. As an Hollywood actor from 1937 on later Screen Actors Guild (actors trade union president two terms) as well as two-term 33rd Governor of California from 1967 to 1975.

Ronald (Ronnie) Reagan, raised in a poor family in northern Illinois small towns, graduated from Eureka College in 1932. As a sports announcer on several regional radio stations in Illinois, he moved to Hollywood in 1937 to became an actor starring in several movies. As Screen Actors Guild president, he worked to clean up and oust Communist influence. In the 1950s, he hosted TVs "Death Valley Days", and held motivational speeches at General Electric factories. Reagan liked to say he had been a Democrat until 1962, when his party left him so he joined the Republican Party as a conservative. In 1964, Reagan's speech, "A Time for Choosing", Barry Goldwater's footshooting Juneteen "racist" presidential speech (GOP Establishment inspired/written)ruined his chances but Reagan supported him gaining national attention as a new conservative spokesman. Constructing an alliance network of friends and supporters, he was elected Governor of California in 1966. As governor, where he Reagan raised taxes as necessary to turned a Democrat-devastated state budget deficit into a budget surplus. Reagan met the challenge of University of California protesters, requested National Guard troops during 1969's protest movement incidents, and was re-elected in 1970. He was opposed successfully by the GOP Establishment in 1968 and 1976, persevered and four years later in 1980, won the Republican nomination after the GOP Establishment decided he was too old, he could lose it for them but at 69 years and 349 days of age, he became the oldest president-elect to take the oath of office. Donald Trump became the oldest POTUS in 2017. 

As president,Reagan implemented comprehensive new political and economic initiatives. Replacing economic policies that did not work, Reagan's supply-side economic policies, media named "Reaganomics", advocated tax rate reduction to boost economic growth, economic deregulation to unsqelch business, and reduction in government's wasteful spending. In his first term he survived an assassination attempt by a now released shooter who is "reformed", encouraged the War on Drugs, and opposed public sector labor's generosity to Democrats and strangulation of business. During his 1981-1989 his presidency, inflation was reduced from 12.5% to 4.4%, with an average annual growth of actual Gross Domestic Production (GDP) of 3.4%. Reagan got actual discretionary spending cuts, reduced the tax burden, and increased military spending which boosted the economy despite increased federal outlays overall, even after adjustment for inflation. In his second term, foreign affairs achievements included ending the Cold War with Russia's "bloodless" only three dead "revolution, bombed Quaddafi in Libya, noticed the Iran–Iraq War kept them both too busy to bother much of the remaining world, and the Iran–Contra Democrat-Let's-Get-Reagan-He'sToo-Good-Incident . In June of 1987, just four years after he publicly dubbed the Soviet Union "evil empire", Reagan gave a speech at the Brandenburg Gate that urged and challenged Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall!" Reagan transitioned Cold War policy from détente to rollback by escalating an arms race with the USSR while discussing policy with Gorbachev. The talks culminated in the INF Treaty, which shrank both countries' nuclear arsenals but with critical verification which was lacking in the disasterously, ill-conceived-one-sided Obama Iran Deal. Reagan's "Star Wars" Project, although media scorned, contributed greatly to the decline of the Soviet Union (USSR or CCCP), and the Berlin Wall was taken down ten months after his term's end. West Germany reunified with the "drained of resources and polluted East - the following year, and on December 26, 1991 which was almost three years after Reagan left office, the Soviet Union collapsed under Reagan's VP George Bush. Too bad Bush was spent from eight years of doing almost nothing and had little energy left to contribute except to hand over the presidency on a "silver platter" due to a carefully planned "Read my lips", oops - the Democrats lied again.

Upon leaving office in 1989, Reagan held an approval rating of 68 percent, similar to but eclipsing that of Franklin D. Roosevelt, and later Bill Clinton, as the highest ratings for departing presidents in the 20th Century. The first president since Dwight D. Eisenhower to serve two full terms, after five prior presidents in a row - did not. Reagan disclosed in November 1994 that he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease earlier in 1994 forcing informal public appearances to become more infrequent as the disease progressed. Reagan died at home on June 5, 2004. He was naturally revered by one or two Democrat American conservatives and disliked by progressives, the GOP Establishment, and Democrats. Thus he is top five and viewed favorably in historical rankings of U.S. presidents, and his tenure set the stage for a much needed realignment in 2017 toward conservative policies to uplift the United States. As on Thanksgiving Day, 2018, the USA is well on its way to becoming Reagan's "Bright Shining City on a H

HOW President Barack Hussein Obama manages to outrank William Henry Harrison who died about two months into office before he could accomplish anything (or do any damage). 

Seeing the "Great Recession" as a terrific way to "Get America Down Again" - Obama went to great lengths to both extend the recession and "spread the wealth" from haves to have nots, punishing the producers. Easing the rules increased food stamp usage and increased unemployment by driving businesses with regulations and complicated taxing to move over-seas and to Mexico and Canada. "No-budget-spending-sprees" also ran up the national debt to 21 TRILLION in an effort to ***Cloward-Piven the US into an Argentina has-been banana republic or bankrupt nation but Obama only succeeded in trashing the US's credit rating. Several credit rating agencies worldwide have downgraded their credit ratings of the U.S. federal government, including Moody's and Standard and Poor's (S&P) which reduced the America's rating from AAA (outstanding) to AA+ (excellent) on August 5, 2011.

***In 1966, the *Cloward–Piven strategy was devised by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. It involved overloading the U.S. public entitlement system in order to precipitate a socialism crisis that would lead to collapse and starting over with communism.

Many rank Obama next to Woodrow Wilson who "Kept America Out of the Great War" only to get America into the final year or so to get some American "Doughboys" killed and maimed and wounded and have an excuse to enact the first Federal Income Tax, This alone would seem to get Wilson a bottomed out rating. It appears that Obama, knowing the competition was so stiff for "Greatest" decided to see if he could manage worst for "infamy". problem...he is among the very worst at the bottom but it's not entirely his fault since he had a lot of help with his "bottom-most legacy". Also remember that he had very little management experience as a Chicago lawyer will-funds-distributor and "organizer", an Illinois politician, and a brief tenure as a US Senator. He was also greatly malfluenced by Bill Ayers, infamous 1960s Weatherman radical and Frank Marshall Davis, card-carrying US communist newspaper reporter. It is alleged that his grandmother started his "career" by fabricating his Hawaii birth record with notices of two Hawaii hospitals. Later, she "borrowed" the Social Security number of a deceased Connecticut-born man so Soetoro could work at an ice cream job, and a "unique draft card" with '80 instead of 1980. Despite his grandmother's machinations to make Obama appear to be Hawaii born, SS and draft registered, he attended a posh private school as an exchange student from Indonesia at a free or discounted rate. Later, he attended Occidental Junior College in California as "Barry Soertoro" foreign exchange student.
Obama tax cut was allegedly thwarted to blame GOP which Establishment faction was elated -  between  2009 and 2017.and the TARP and $700 billion stimulus was applied to reward big banks.

POTUS #32, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, longest-serving president, went against George Washington's 8 year traditional limit that had been followed for about 150 years, running an unprecedented THIRD and FOURTH time before he died in office in 1945.

First elected in 1932, FDR won all of his presidential elections in landslides.
With what came to be called the “New Deal coalition,” virtually unconnected groups such as Southern whites, Catholics, Jews, African-Americans, labor union members and small farmers voted him in with at least 53% of the popular vote and over 432 Electoral College votes to beat unpopular incumbent Herbert Hoover, Kansas Governor Alf Landon, businessman Wendell Willkie and lastly New York Governor Thomas Dewey in 1944. The New York Times famously GOOFED, printing a first edition "Dewey WINS!"
Roosevelt had to contend with history's "Great Depression"with what historians call the first of two parts of his "New Deal". By allowing weak banks to fail, freezing deposits from being "run upon", federally insured bank deposits, going off the gold standard, and many other measures that seem arbitrary, dictator-like, and "high-handed". He also took measures to end Prohibition, boost employment through large-scale public works projects (WPA), to institute agricultural subsidies and electrify rural areas. 

As early as 1937, Roosevelt proposed "packing the Supreme Court" by increasing it to 15 which violated the separation of powers edict in the US Constitution. FDR wanted to appoint a new judge for every judge over 70 who would not retire since they struck down several measures FDR wanted. Although Democrats ruled both houses of Congress, this was disallowed. However, the more FDR appointed, the less opposition he had until he had appointed 7 of the 9 before he died.

"Part B" was known as the “Second New Deal.” To help pay for all the changes, Congress raised taxes on the wealthy, guaranteed labor unions the right to collectively bargain and approved unemployment and disability benefits, as well as Social Security for retirees. Despite all these efforts, Roosevelt could not drag America out of the Depression until war loomed large and the USA started mobilizing for World War II.

FDR had to contend with 8 saboteurs that landed in 1942. Although two defected and turned in the six others who were hanged, these two were pardoned by FDR from death, and given prison sentences. Eventually both were deported back to Germany. Perhaps in part due to Takeo Yoshikawa's five grid warship information and other Pearl Harbor spying, iFebruary 1942, FDR signed an executive order on “military areas … from which any or all persons may be excluded.” This granted the War Department powers so that about 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry, of whom two-thirds were American citizens, were forcibly loaded onto buses and other transportation and detained in internment camps. Their property was sold off at bargain-basement prices. German-Americans and Italian-Americans were mostly spared from this drastic measure. Decades later, the US Congress issued a formal apology and awarded $20,000 to each surviving detainee.

It is OBVIOUS TO SOME, that the only way a POTUS can "make his mark" on history is by being an outstandingly GOOD POTUS or like Nero of Rome - being so utterly BAD that nobody could possibly forget the wretched flop who left so much wreckage that it makes the Pacific seabed wreckage of World War II look like the bottom of that huge lake in Florida. The guy was a wrecking ball - for Islam - apparently - although he bragged about being something of a "killing machine" with mechanized, and weaponized drones and wanted to be known as the POTUS who "got" bin Laden. in actuality the short substitute AKA bin Laden. But only Farsi experts can read bin Laden's death announcement of 2001 and the replacement was strangely never photographed standing six feet five inches tall because he was shorter by only eleven inches or so. 

 Ronald Wilson Reagan who was born February 6, 1911 and died on June 5, 2004 - was an American politician/radio and speech personality/actor who served as the 40th President of the United States from 1981 to 1989. As an Hollywood actor from 1937 on later Screen Actors Guild (actors trade union president two terms) as well as two-term 33rd Governor of California from 1967 to 1975.

Reagan, raised in a poor family in northern Illinois small towns, graduated from Eureka College in 1932. As a sports announcer on several regional radio stations in Illinois, he moved to Hollywood in 1937 to became an actor starring in several movies. As Screen Actors Guild president, he worked to clean up and oust Communist influence. In the 1950s, he hosted TVs "Death Valley Days", and held motivational speeches at General Electric factories. Reagan left him so he joined the Republican Party as a consliked to say he had been a Democrat until 1962, when his party ervative. In 1964, Reagan's speech, "A Time for Choosing", Barry Goldwater's footshooting Juneteen "racist" presidential speech (GOP Establishment inspired/written)
ruined his chances but Reagan supported him gaining national attention as a new conservative spokesman. Constructing an alliance network of friends and supporters, he was elected Governor of California in 1966. As governor, where he Reagan raised taxes as necessary to turned a Democrat-
devastated state budget deficit into a budget surplus. Reagan met the challenge of University of California protesters, requested National Guard troops during 1969's protest movement incidents, and was re-elected in 1970. He was opposed successfully by the GOP Establishment in 1968 and 1976, persevered and four years later in 1980, won the 
Republican nomination after the GOP Establishment decided he was too old, he could lose it for them but at 69 years and 349 days of age, he became the oldest president-elect to take the oath of office. Donald Trump became the oldest POTUS in 2017. 
As president,Reagan implemented comprehensive new political and economic initiatives. Replacing economic policies that did not work, Reagan's supply-side economic policies, media named "Reaganomics", advocated tax rate reduction 

boosting economic growth, economic deregulation to unsqelch business, and reduction in government's wasteful spending. In his first term he survived an assassination attempt by a now released shooter who is "reformed", encouraged the War on Drugs, and opposed public sector labor's generosity to 

Democrats and strangulation of business. During his 1981-1989 his presidency, inflation was reduced from 12.5% to 4.4%, with an average annual growth of actual Gross Domestic Production (GDP) of 3.4%. Reagan got actual discretionary spending cuts, reduced the tax burden, and 
increased military spending which boosted the economy despite increased federal outlays overall, even after adjustment for inflation. In his second term, foreign affairs achievements included ending the Cold War with Russia's "bloodless" only three dead "revolution, bombed Quaddafi in Libya, noticed the Iran–Iraq War kept them both too busy to 
bother much of the remaining world, and the Iran–Contra Democrat-Let's-Get-Reagan-He'sToo-Good-Incident . In June of 1987, just four years after he publicly dubbed the Soviet Union "evil empire", Reagan gave a speech at the Brandenburg Gate that urged and challenged Soviet General 
Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall!" Reagan transitioned Cold War policy from detente to rollback by escalating an arms race with the USSR while discussing policy with Gorbachev. The talks culminated in the INF Treaty, which shrank both countries' nuclear arsenals but with critical . 
verification which was lacking in the disastrously, ill-conceived-one-sided Obama Iran Deal. Reagan's "Star Wars" Project, although media scorned, contributed greatly to the decline of the Soviet Union (USSR or CCCP), and the Berlin Wall was taken down ten months after his term's end
West Germany reunified with the "drained of resources and polluted East" - the following year, and on December 26, 1991 which was almost three years after Reagan left office, the Soviet Union collapsed under Reagan's VP George Bush. Too bad Bush, no doubt tired and worn out from "bench warming" as Reagan's VP was further exasperated from constant barrage of blatant media bias, poor-mouthing, sour graping, second-guessing, constant scathing criticism for every lackluster accomplishment Bush attempted
after eight boring years of doing almost nothing. To nobody's real surprise, Bush had little energy left to contribute except to hand over the presidency on a "silver platter" using his a carefully planned "Read my lips", oops - (paraphrasing) the Democrats lied again. I'm so SHOCKED! They PROMISED with MOVING LIPS to give a two dollar cut for every dollar of additional taxes but the tax HIKE BILL I signed instead of VETOING - said not a WORD about cutting spending - imagine THAT! So I let them raise taxes and make a liar out of me because like Molder and Scully, "I want to believe!" Nevermind the "middle word" of BELIEVE and a favorite of Democrats - is "LIE".
! Maybe I'm really as BAD as you media all say I am since I was a C.I.A. Director for too long. Now my son "W" cannot help but be a far better POTUS than I ever wanted to be since he is younger and actually does give a darn."END OF anti-give-up-GOP-rant."Sorry reader but the very thought of GOP Establishment jerks HELPING the IRKSOME to the MAX.
Here to WAX Poetical...
Breathes there the man, with soul so dead, 
Who never to himself hath said, 
    This is my own, my native land! 
Whose heart hath ne'er within him burn'd, 
As home his footsteps he hath turn'd, 
    From wandering on a foreign strand! 
If such there breathe, go, mark him well; 
For him no Minstrel raptures swell; 
High though his titles, proud his name, 
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim; 
Despite those titles, power, and pelf, 
The wretch, concentred all in self, 
Living, shall forfeit fair renown, 
And, doubly dying, shall go down 
To the vile dust, from whence he sprung, 
Unwept, unhonour'd, and unsung. ---Sir Walter Scott
Upon leaving office in 1989, Reagan held an approval rating of 68 percent, similar to but eclipsing that of Franklin D. Roosevelt, and later Bill Clinton, as the highest ratings for 
departing presidents in the 20th Century. The first president since Dwight D. Eisenhower to serve two full terms, after five prior presidents in a row - did not. Reagan disclosed in November 1994 that he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease earlier in 1994 forcing informal public appearances to become more infrequent as the disease progressed. Reagan died at home on June 5, 2004. Ronald Reagan was naturally revered by "Reaganites" and other conservatives and of course, by old school patriotic Democrat Zell Miller and
by one or two other Democrat American conservatives and disliked by progressives, the GOP Establishment, and Democrats. Thus he is top five and viewed favorably in historical rankings of U.S. presidents, and his tenure set the stage for a much needed realignment in 2017 toward conservative policies to uplift the United States. As on Thanksgiving Day, 2018, the USA is well on its way to becoming Reagan's "Bright Shining City on a Hill".

Reagan would not mind being last but not least since he, of all people, would know very well who ranks last.